End Game at 80?

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


The reason most of it requires said gear is because if said gear wasent there most wouldent touch it because very very few people actually enjoy raiding and such. If you take said gear away and cant find a reason to do the content your doing it wrong. The gear should only be a perk not the sole reason your doing it. To many people now day’s fail to realize that though.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nesh.7234


I don’t understand why so many people playing this game are so quick to go after those of us who want to participate in end game PvE dungeons. Its an almost integral part of the MMO experience. As someone who wants to do both PVP and PVE this game is severely lacking in the latter area.

Integral part?! Maybe by your definition, OTOH I was on the side ones who made alts (where thats was remotely fun and sadly that is very low number of MMOs) — grinding same instance 100+ times to get gear to start grinding another one and another and another and another … is definitely not even remotely near my idea of fun.

As someone already said — GW2 is not raid/gear treadmill and it (should, knocks on the wood) never be.

EU / Aurora Glade

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AllAmerDB.2840


Then what is the point of having gear in this game unless its just for cosmetics? Are we getting better gear to complete the current content or we getting it look good for our characters?

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I don’t understand why so many people playing this game are so quick to go after those of us who want to participate in end game PvE dungeons. Its an almost integral part of the MMO experience. As someone who wants to do both PVP and PVE this game is severely lacking in the latter area.

Integral part?! Maybe by your definition, OTOH I was on the side ones who made alts (where thats was remotely fun and sadly that is very low number of MMOs) — grinding same instance 100+ times to get gear to start grinding another one and another and another and another … is definitely not even remotely near my idea of fun.

As someone already said — GW2 is not raid/gear treadmill and it (should, knocks on the wood) never be.

Agreed. Sadly these WoW end game nuts have failed hard to grasp what true end game is. You shouldent do end game expecting some uber item reward. The reward should be the fact you did the content. If you cant enjoy that content then it isent for you. And if there isent anything you can enjoy in the game then to be honest and blunt maybe you should move on to something that has what you want.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AllAmerDB.2840


GW2 is so a treadmill….42k karma for armor? 1400 tokens for armor from explore modes? Who are we kidding?

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wacko.7543


unlike other MMOs, if you’re hoping for more PvE in a PvP game.... sorry, this is not the game you’re looking for.

This game is about fighting each other, it’s not about finding moose poop in a dungeon.

I’m sure they’ll add stuff down the road for your carebearkitten but it’s less than a month old, you’re elite (haha) for leveling so fast, and momma didn’t leave enough pizza money on the counter. Yeah, I’m talking down to you.

It’s a fighting game, and the pot 0’ gold for dungeon humping isn’t here... seriously... you need to find a new game.

Nori Senbei (Black Cloak) Blackgate

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nesh.7234


The reason most of it requires said gear is because if said gear wasent there most wouldent touch it because very very few people actually enjoy raiding and such. If you take said gear away and cant find a reason to do the content your doing it wrong. The gear should only be a perk not the sole reason your doing it. To many people now day’s fail to realize that though.

WoW and clones made big I want to be uber/OP/faceroll crowd of spoiled … who now cant adapt to the fact that whatever one does in GW2, regardless to the uberness of the items equipped skill (as in playing skill not skill bar slots) (or lack off) will be main reason for winning or loosing … no gear/build will enable one to faceroll even standard zone not to mention dungeons … and thats GW2 way (and original GW too) so do not expect <insert random grinder mmo here> play-style here, if one wants that then go and play something like that and leave us playing game we want to play.

EU / Aurora Glade

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kana.6793


Then what is the point of having gear in this game unless its just for cosmetics? Are we getting better gear to complete the current content or we getting it look good for our characters?

Exotic gear from the source of your choice is to complete current dungeon content. Legendaries and exotic dungeon gear with different skins show what you’ve cleared and that you’ve spent a lot of time there, same as a WoW raid title or mount.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AllAmerDB.2840


I don’t understand why so many people playing this game are so quick to go after those of us who want to participate in end game PvE dungeons. Its an almost integral part of the MMO experience. As someone who wants to do both PVP and PVE this game is severely lacking in the latter area.

Integral part?! Maybe by your definition, OTOH I was on the side ones who made alts (where thats was remotely fun and sadly that is very low number of MMOs) — grinding same instance 100+ times to get gear to start grinding another one and another and another and another … is definitely not even remotely near my idea of fun.

As someone already said — GW2 is not raid/gear treadmill and it (should, knocks on the wood) never be.

Agreed. Sadly these WoW end game nuts have failed hard to grasp what true end game is. You shouldent do end game expecting some uber item reward. The reward should be the fact you did the content. If you cant enjoy that content then it isent for you. And if there isent anything you can enjoy in the game then to be honest and blunt maybe you should move on to something that has what you want.

So is this a MMO? Since when did MMO start having less end game content? You know Everquest 1 is coming out with its 19th expansion. Content. Thats what drives people.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


Then what is the point of having gear in this game unless its just for cosmetics? Are we getting better gear to complete the current content or we getting it look good for our characters?

Its cosmetic for the most part. While yes you do need some slight stats to be honest its not the end of the world. You could litterally go put on white armor and do just fine in an area if you set your self up to use it. Thats the point though. When you take gear out of the picture you can enjoy a lot more of a game. It gets rid of that very narrow view you all seem to have as to what end game is. Take off your blackout shades and actually take a look at the world around you. You will find theres more to do than you give credit to.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


unlike other MMOs, if you’re hoping for more PvE in a PvP game…. sorry, this is not the game you’re looking for.

This game is about fighting each other, it’s not about finding moose poop in a dungeon.

I’m sure they’ll add stuff down the road for your carebearkitten but it’s less than a month old, you’re elite (haha) for leveling so fast, and momma didn’t leave enough pizza money on the counter. Yeah, I’m talking down to you.

It’s a fighting game, and the pot 0’ gold for dungeon humping isn’t here… seriously… you need to find a new game.

Actually theres more pve than there is pvp… Just saying.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I don’t understand why so many people playing this game are so quick to go after those of us who want to participate in end game PvE dungeons. Its an almost integral part of the MMO experience. As someone who wants to do both PVP and PVE this game is severely lacking in the latter area.

Integral part?! Maybe by your definition, OTOH I was on the side ones who made alts (where thats was remotely fun and sadly that is very low number of MMOs) — grinding same instance 100+ times to get gear to start grinding another one and another and another and another … is definitely not even remotely near my idea of fun.

As someone already said — GW2 is not raid/gear treadmill and it (should, knocks on the wood) never be.

Agreed. Sadly these WoW end game nuts have failed hard to grasp what true end game is. You shouldent do end game expecting some uber item reward. The reward should be the fact you did the content. If you cant enjoy that content then it isent for you. And if there isent anything you can enjoy in the game then to be honest and blunt maybe you should move on to something that has what you want.

So is this a MMO? Since when did MMO start having less end game content? You know Everquest 1 is coming out with its 19th expansion. Content. Thats what drives people.

This game actually has more content than most. Till your 100% on all achievements you havent done everything this game has to offer.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deshiba.3704


TL;DR: Got nothing to do you say? No end game? Press H and navigate to the “Achievements” tab. Tell me you did it all

Funny how on one side there’s the people that say that dungeons (especially AC) are too hard. And on the other side there are people that claim to have done them all. One of these sides has to be wrong, or possibly both are?

To those that say they have nothing to do; “Pictures or it did not happen.” Prove it right here, right now. Low goal: Post a screen-shot with the character select screen showing 100% map completion, joined the Vigil, Durmand Priory, Order of whispers, Maxed PvP and WvW rank.

Mid goal: Post a screen-shot with all the Slayer achievements, all the jumping puzzle achievements, all the “Look at me my character is awesome” achievements.

High goal: Post a screen shot with all the different story mode achievements, all the different weapon mastery achievements, basically 100% achievements all round. And while we are at it, go stand over the end boss near the unopened chest of every dynamic event boss that spawns a chest.

Anyone, please prove me wrong and post right here, that you have absolutely NOTHING to do Have a good day

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AllAmerDB.2840


The pve system is amazing all the way up to 80. The point is, after 80 and you’ve completed all the zones and dungeons..there is nothing to do. There is one level 80 instance(legit). LOL

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nesh.7234


So is this a MMO? Since when did MMO start having less end game content? You know Everquest 1 is coming out with its 19th expansion. Content. Thats what drives people.

content is a key word here — depending on playstyle GW2 definitely have months worth of it. But if one defines content as get gear, raid, rinse and repeat then he has a big problem with it…

With my available time I’m 100% sure that before I manage to do all things I want to do in game I’ll have next expansion already on sale (regardless to the fact that I’ll preorder one at the moment is announced)

EU / Aurora Glade

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nesh.7234


Funny how on one side there’s the people that say that dungeons (especially AC) are too hard. And on the other side there are people that claim to have done them all. One of these sides has to be wrong, or possibly both are?

Even funnier that mostly same type people QQ about lack of the “endgame” .

Wha…. I can’t faceroll content … WT???? /ragequit (that will be nice tho, trolling forums is not)

EU / Aurora Glade

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kana.6793


The pve system is amazing all the way up to 80. The point is, after 80 and you’ve completed all the zones and dungeons..there is nothing to do. There is one level 80 instance(legit). LOL


Honor of the Waves Explorable – Level 80

Crucible of Eternity Explorable – Level 80

Arah Explorable – Level 80

Each with multiple paths.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AllAmerDB.2840


Thank you Kana. I will check those out tomorrow. I knew there were things I haven’t done.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kana.6793


You’re welcome.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


The pve system is amazing all the way up to 80. The point is, after 80 and you’ve completed all the zones and dungeons..there is nothing to do. There is one level 80 instance(legit). LOL


Honor of the Waves Explorable – Level 80

Crucible of Eternity Explorable – Level 80

Arah Explorable – Level 80

Each with multiple paths.

But there going to cry because theres no epic loots in it. My goal is to beat all the explorables without a single death. Once thats done ill aim for beating them all without anyone in my party dieing. Thats me personally though. Thats my current end game.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kana.6793


My goal is to beat all the explorables without a single death. Once thats done ill aim for beating them all without anyone in my party dieing. Thats me personally though. Thats my current end game.

Lol, that’ll keep you busy for a while! I want to complete all explorable paths, get all dungeon armour sets and get a set of legendaries.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


My goal is to beat all the explorables without a single death. Once thats done ill aim for beating them all without anyone in my party dieing. Thats me personally though. Thats my current end game.

Lol, that’ll keep you busy for a while! I want to complete all explorable paths, get all dungeon armour sets and get a set of legendaries.

And thats the point of setting your own endgame goals! Its ment to keep you busy. And should you become bored at any time you could always just ya know go do something else for a while like grind out those armor sets and legendaries.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Riyu.2103


I am bored.

It hit level 80 since one week.
I am full equipped in exotic orange armor.
I have 15g on my bank
I have 200k Karma
I did all dungeons.

Region of Orr endgame zone is too small! 100 players are standing day for day at the same spot grinding the same event every 15 minutes – there is nothing else to do.

Doing Dungeons in explorer mode is just UNREWARDING. You get only crap blue/yellow loot, nothing good to be happy about. I mean seriously, do I have to farm 200 tokens to buy one good item which is not any better than my crafted exotics? I fought mykitten off in a dungeon, fought over 1 hour a boss, wiped 10 times, had repair costs over 40s and do get crap yellow/blue items as a reward for it? Yes that is the reality, and it did not happen just once.

Explorer mode in dungeons is fun, they are challenging here and then, but for what? Why all of this if there is no reward?

Endgame in GW2 is plain boring. However PvP can be at certain times good.

(edited by Riyu.2103)

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nesh.7234


I am bored.

It hit level 80 since one week.
I am full equipped in exotic orange armor.
I have 15g on my bank
I have 200k Karma
I did all dungeons.

kthxbye — see you in the next “hot” game … GW2 is not for everyone

EU / Aurora Glade

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xeres.3724


I know little about what the endgame content contains. I know there’s dungeons and PvP and such. But I’m not really in a hurry to get there – I have 2 chars which are in their low 20s. I must have re-rolled the elementalist maybe 8 times.

Just as long as the end game somehow makes me feel that what I’m doing is helping my character to get “better” in some way then I’m fine with it. Gear, ability points, spells, etc. I like doing things with a bigger objective in mind – not to just do it for he sake of doing it.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xiphoideus.3149


A bit like ordering a meal in the best restaurant in town and then throwing it down your throat without chewing or tasting it properly and then go complain that it was not that good for the price.
If you are already level 80 you rushed things not necessarily by total playtime but how you spread it out. It is just not a race to get to level 80 asap. You ruined the game for yourself and I suggest finding another hobby away from the PC to keep you occupied. Try sports or art. If you play just 1-3 h per day on GW2 it will last much longer and the overall experience is better imho.
So if you are bored with the game already you can only blame yourself.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nubery.9346


Easy solution to all these issues. People who like gw2 LOVE what gw2 defines as end game. If you LOVE what wow defines as end game, then go play an EQ or wowesk game. Rift, swtor to name a few. You have plenty of those options, we don’t what what those games offer as their end game content. We want what gw2 offers. Gw2 is really one of the only fantasy mmos, that isn’t kitten, and doesn’t force you into grinding raids and battlegrounds. (sPvp = gw2 bgs and it’s completely different from wows in the way gear works and I love it.) Basically, we don’t want that content because if it existed it would become mandatory.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


My end game is running around and doing random stuff with my friends who either have or have not hit 80 yet.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


There’s no ‘End Game’ events or dungeons.

The fact behind that is when you enter an area, you are levelled down to the highest level possible for it. You still have your stat increases (or a percentage equivalent to it), so the monsters in that area (be they a level 80 or a level 17) can still be a challenge for you.

You are definitely not going to be the guy who singlehandedly defeats the level 30 Giant in the Dessia Plains. You are definitely not going to solo AC, CM, or any other place.

Because of this level control, you can go to an area and visit it with the same character you’ve levelled to 80 with the same challenge and threat of defeat that you visited when you were actually equivalent to that area.

End game events? Don’t really need them now. Go explore lands, go visit/revisit dungeons, and go challenge the huge world bosses with your buddies. The experience may be the same as before, but the challenge will also remain the same.

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ckenni.2497


Personally, I love this game because it has so much content that this is the only world where I feel like I would love to explore every nook and cranny. Not even Skyrim was able to make explore the world this way.

Regarding end-game gear grind, I’d take dynamic events, multiple personal story lines and a massive beautiful world than having to repeat the same dungeon and kill the same enemies over and over again just to get some gear (aka Diablo3/WOW grinding).

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Morgue.2593


I’ve read through a lot of this because i’m not level 80 yet and was wondering the same myself… All thought i’m usually a competitive PVP player (which isn’t for this game) I’ve enjoyed the PVE content for the most part surprisingly. I think it’s sad that some of you are having to create your own end game and I fear this game may be following in the footsteps of many other “Wow killer” MMOs.

End game should be something we spend a lot of time on that we can take pride in. We want that crazy looking gear that stands out from the crowd, we want others to know how good our progress has been, we want those drops that make you go “YES!” when you see them and makes all the trouble worth it, we want to stand out above the crowd to feel better than the people surrounding you, not just another level 80 with some dyed armor like the next level 80 who will be quickly bored and move on to another game. I’m not speaking for you casual players, i’m speaking for actual gamers who will grind that out, enjoy it, get that “YES!” factor and reach the limit and enjoy it so much that they make a different character to do it with.

But for free to play at least it’ll be entertainment for a little while gamers wait on bigger titles to drop and we’ll be able to come back and enjoy the game once more content is released and some things are fixed since we’re not feeling obligated to play it paying monthly.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I am bored.

It hit level 80 since one week.
I am full equipped in exotic orange armor.
I have 15g on my bank
I have 200k Karma
I did all dungeons.

Region of Orr endgame zone is too small! 100 players are standing day for day at the same spot grinding the same event every 15 minutes – there is nothing else to do.

Doing Dungeons in explorer mode is just UNREWARDING. You get only crap blue/yellow loot, nothing good to be happy about. I mean seriously, do I have to farm 200 tokens to buy one good item which is not any better than my crafted exotics? I fought mykitten off in a dungeon, fought over 1 hour a boss, wiped 10 times, had repair costs over 40s and do get crap yellow/blue items as a reward for it? Yes that is the reality, and it did not happen just once.

Explorer mode in dungeons is fun, they are challenging here and then, but for what? Why all of this if there is no reward?

Endgame in GW2 is plain boring. However PvP can be at certain times good.

Your looking for carrot on the stick gear progression. This game does not have it. Maybe you should rethink why your playing games because if its only for the loot you really missed the whole reason you should be playing. As for the Explorer mode dungeons its reward is the appearance armor, and the fact you completed the area. If you dont care about eather move on. That zone is not for you.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I know little about what the endgame content contains. I know there’s dungeons and PvP and such. But I’m not really in a hurry to get there – I have 2 chars which are in their low 20s. I must have re-rolled the elementalist maybe 8 times.

Just as long as the end game somehow makes me feel that what I’m doing is helping my character to get “better” in some way then I’m fine with it. Gear, ability points, spells, etc. I like doing things with a bigger objective in mind – not to just do it for he sake of doing it.

Endgame in gw2 is open your achievements and start filling them out. Theres a ton of them. Literally years worth of stuff i would say. But the people whining here want gear progression which gw2 doesent have to offer. The best gear in the game at max level is less than 25% better than the worse gear. (Talking about fine gear to exotic gear as i have yet to see legendary gear.) On average it was about 20% to 23% better. In the mmo world thats maybe one tear to the next. With a lot of top tear armor being more than literally double as in 100% better. And normally even more than that.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stryker.9632


I pre-ordered the game and hit 80 pretty fast, I didn’t rush max level. I simply played the parts of the game that I enjoyed.
It’s been 4 or 5 days now sense i hit level cap, every time I log in I literally sit in my chair, blink a few times and realize there isn’t a single thing I want to do in game anymore.
I’m a pure pve player, I’ve never cared about crafting, aesthetics, or pvp.
Sure WvW is fun sometimes (when I have a few friends on who want to group up), but what motivation do I have to play it? I already have exotic weapons and a few armor pieces and I hardly noticed a difference in my character performance.
I did the dungeon story lines, they’re without a doubt enjoyable. but I will never want to play them again, they offer me nothing but armor that looks different.

IDK, I have two friends in vent who will go on and on about how the looks are a big deal, but to me I need motivation for something end game I enjoy, that’s PVE with only my group of friends, and frankly this game falls short on that subject. A dev himself said in a similar forum topic that the game “doesn’t have a whole hell of a lot of endgame”
I should have researched the game more before dropping 60 bucks, the game was never going to be about end game pve, I made the mistake of hoping otherwise.

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


I don’t understand why this concept is mutually exclusive from the current game right now. It would be possible and perhaps necessary to implement high end PvE content. Most people playing this game instead of WoW are doing so for a reason. If GW2 had a similar PVE system to WoW, and kept what it has right now the game would appeal to everyone, and it would be phenomenal.

No, it wouldn’t. The biggest thing GW2 has going for it (for me) is no bullkitten gear grind. I have already put quite a bit of money into the cash shop, and plan to continue doing so … but nothing would make me drop it faster and never invest another cent.

There are SO MANY GAMES out there that implement Skinner Box gear treadmills. Let’s leave JUST ONE for those of us who are too old for that crap, and who don’t want our “playtime” to turn into a second job to be competitive/able to easily play with our friends who have more free time.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danicco.3568


I think it’s good that there isn’t “endgame” content.

This means grinding and wiping for progression and it’s just… not fun. I don’t want another job, thanks.
I’d rather see more content, more areas, more secrets, more equips to obtain, more adventures in general.

I find funny how the WoW mentality sticks to people… don’t anyone else remember Ultima Online? Now THAT was fun… and it was just a world full of explorable content and lots of magical stuff to get =p

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


End game in WoW is sitting in Stormwing/Org on your ICC Drake you got an expansion and 5 levels later thinking you are awesome at WoW cause you have 4 piece from LFR.

Also WoW has 1 raid currently and ZERO gear progression so please tell me how that is loads of end game?

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Overunity.4273


There is end game ,
There is gear to get at 80.
In this game the end game is based on what you have been practicing 1-80.
Orr is set up much like pvp is ,that is there are different temples with gods ,you need to defeat them and control/defend the temple for the karma vendor to sell you the lvl 80 end game gear .
You also complete the explorer modes get badges and their is about 10 different types of armour and weapons you can get ,I love the greatsword from the fire area badges.
The line of vendors that you buy the rewards from are located side by side in lions arch,their are different badges for the different areas which have their unique look.
At endgame you get karma ,skill points and badges that allow you to equip the armour set of your choice .
So the dungeons and the whole world of orr which you will need muliple lvl 80’s to complete the dynamic events ,explore and make progress and the dungeons there is about the same amount to do at 80 as their is going from 1-80.
Thats just PVE.
PVP is much the same except it involves different stuctures you need to capture and control for which you collect badges you also get your own pvp locker for storing your pvp stuff and the gear is totaly different and seperated from the PVE stuff .
PVP there is at least as much to do at 80 as there was 1-80,and if you like to be top of the tables and dominate then getting the gear is only the start of your career.

There is no rush to 80 but do not be fooled 1-80 is only preparation and teaching you how to approach the gameplay .

The end game is expanding on what you have learned and getting geared and skilled enough to dominate your chosen field .

We just want to have fun