Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Greiger.7092


So recently in WvW I was running over to rez a downed player and saw a small pvp fight happening a short distance away on a road guard spot. The fight was a 1v1 one defender, one invader, so I bypassed the defeated player to assist in the fight. I felt it was better to defend the objective and defeat the invader than spend 20 seconds rezzing somebody from 0%

Somebody else rezzed the defeated player during the fight and the defeated player Called me a kitten for not rezzing him, and set me to ignore before I could send a response.

So what’s the proper response to that situation? Rez the player even though it could mean the live player is defeated instead? Or rush past the defeated player to defeat the enemy and hold the point to rez the player after?

(edited by Greiger.7092)

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GrimShade.8091


Not that it matters because the dead player doesn’t care what the right thing to do it, he want you to rez him. Even though you may get killed because the invader finished off his target and moved to you.

Secure the area then rez.

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Conn.4169


I felt it was better to defend the objective and defeat the invader than spend 20 seconds rezzing somebody from 0%.

Agreed. This player is obviously only interested in what’s best for himself and not for the team. Otherwise he would have seen the sense in your decision.

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nkuvu.2570


In that particular scenario? I’d fight first, then resurrect.

In other scenarios I might do the reverse. Very situational — can I safely help up the character from the ground without becoming simply another casualty myself? Is the run back from the waypoint (or other resurrection location, not sure how PvP works) shorter than the time it would take me to resurrect? Is the character downed and fighting something small? (if so, it’s often faster to help kill what they’re fighting so they can rally). And so on.

Sometimes I make bad decisions. I tried picking up some defeated characters in Diessa Plateau, for the champion fight in… the town whose name escapes me. The champion simply came over and killed my character as well. But it shouldn’t ever be a source of name calling for choosing one way or another.

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dead Parrot.1973

Dead Parrot.1973

In a real life first aid class, one of the first points they made was “Don’t do something that causes you to become a victim that someone else now has to rescue.” Secure the area first, then rez.

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nysta.6713


i personally feel guilty when i get rezzed. especially if it’s happening during a fight. i always say thankyou, but i’m getting more surprised by how many don’t say thankyou. i mean, they’re dead while i’m rezzing them and can’t do anything else. it doesn’t hurt if they spend that time typing, “thanks, guy”.

it’s that old “entitlement” factor, i think. we’re all here to make their game better. and team always means “me”.

in that situation, i’d have done what you did. and if he was a pvp’er worth his salt, he’d have done the same. and, considering his reaction, i’ll bet he wouldn’t even have noticed you were downed in the first place.

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Beaster.4531


OP did the right thing

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Greiger.7092


Thanks folks, that’s about what I figured. But the strong response made me figure I’d better check in to be sure.

Maybe he thought 3v1 would be better than 2v1 and figured the defender on my side could hold long enough for me to rez. Or maybe he didn’t see the fighting happening a greatsword charge away, or maybe he was just trolling me. Who knows.

Thanks for putting my mind at ease, I guess I shouldn’t be bothered by that kind of stuff in the first place.

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChaosKirin.1328


There are some situations where I’d put rez as a priority. I try to keep people up in some dungeons while they’re still downed and not dead, for example.

But I just got yelled at today for not stopping to rez someone while fighting the fire elemental in Metrica Province. It was as if the guy didn’t understand that stopping for even one second would allow the fire elemental to one-shot me. So I stated in /map for the benefit of all that if the elemental killed you, release and run back, because there was no time to stop.

I think you did the right thing.

Some people don’t think.

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


If at all possible, I try to get downed players on their feet, because they will be able to help. But reviving in the middle of a fight is a fangerous task and therefore I’d rather first deal with the threat then get back to the fallen ones.

Of course, if there is already a big group on the fight and it is further away, I may seize the moment to rez the dead.

The Flame thing in Thaumanova is already legendary. It is hopeless to try to save anyone without falling yourself. It is a fight everyone should experience once for the laughs. Gets too expensive to do it many times as the armor seems to just melt away death by death.

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jhu.3965


As others have said, it depends on the situation. Sometimes a mid-combat rez, even of a defeated ally, can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Other times pausing to even attempt to rescue a downed player might take you out of the fight for too long and result in you and the downed player winding up dead. It’s something you’ll have to react to in the moment, and I think any player worth his salt would understand you not rezzing him if there was a desperate battle going on, and would maybe at most say something like, “You probably could have rezzed me there, we could’ve beaten them together!” but that’s it.

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


If they are DEAD aka DEFEATED, then fight over their corpse, beat off the onslaught, and then rez them once the area is secure. If they are DOWNED rez them without a single doubt!! the more people you can keep in the fight the better your odds!!

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarisa.4731


Agree with all the above.

Downed players are generally quick to raise, and you’re not putting yourself in much danger by doing so. They’ll get back on their feet, and be able to help in a decent amount of time.

Dead players it depends a lot on the situation, but generally I’ll wait until the area is secure before doing so. It usually takes too long to safely raise in combat.

Remember that you have much slower dodge response while raising someone, which can definitely be deadly to yourself in many situations.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ten.8421


When I first did some serious WvW (as opposed to just exploring the maps), I was shocked at how many defeated people were flodding the chat with “rez”, “rez pls”, “rez me” … even in the middle of intense battles.
For whatever reason, it seems to be something that People Do in WvW. (And sometimes these special people also show up in Champion fights.) You have to learn to ignore it.
The facts are: a fight is over quicker than a revive from defeat takes, a downed or defeated player cannot revive, and if someone’s being revived while under attack, chances are they go right back down even if they dodge like their backside is on fire, since they get back up with only a portion of their health.
Not to mention that if you help some other player win their fight, they can now help you revive, making it go twice as fast.
Only revive a defeated play with battle going on if you have reason to believe that no one’s going to pay attention to you for the next ten seconds. (Hiding behind a rock or something.)

And in case of doubt? A defeated player will not get any more defeated than they already are if they have wait. A player under attack will get more dead, a supply camp will get more taken, and a Dolyak with your team’s supplies will get more squished if they have to wait.

Gamut Gaming Group [GGG], an inclusive non-oppression, non-prejudice, non-normativity group.

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tolunart.2095


“Thanks folks, that’s about what I figured. But the strong response made me figure I’d better check in to be sure.”

In games like this, I’ve found that when another player takes the time to specifically call you a kitten in open chat or private, it’s a good indication that he is the kitten instead.

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tolunart.2095


When I first did some serious WvW (as opposed to just exploring the maps), I was shocked at how many defeated people were flodding the chat with “rez”, “rez pls”, “rez me” … even in the middle of intense battles.
For whatever reason, it seems to be something that People Do in WvW. (And sometimes these special people also show up in Champion fights.) You have to learn to ignore it.

The people doing this don’t care about team play. They don’t care whether the objective is lost, their comrades are defeated, or anything else. They are there to PvP and kill other players, and they can’t do it while staring at their unconscious body lying on the ground. The only thing they care about is getting back up so they can fight. Ignore them.

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mexay.4521


It’s simple:

Res the DOWNED, leave the DEFEATED.

It takes 5 seconds to res someone who is DOWNED but longer to res the defeated. Really simple

Mexay Lathyre – Level 80 Warrior Greatsword/Longbow

Still waiting on Customer Support. #121025-001252

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raedwulf.3712


Anyone asking for a ress goes right to the bottom of my priority list. Do you think I can’t see you’re down / defeated? Why do you think I’m not ressing you? Because I’m not in a position to do so for tactical reasons? So why are you kitten well asking?

There isn’t a clear cut answer. Sometimes, especially with PvE bosses, you want everyone on their feet, if you can ress without risk to yourself. At other times, it makes far more sense to kill first & help after. Either way, the ignore response to the OP sounds like a blessing in disguise!

Guild Leader, The White Company, Piken Square

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Always take out the hostile player first. You’re going to do no good ressing in combat, especially if he’s fully dead not just downed. Plus you’ll do no good if they kill you while you’re trying to res.

Even if he is downed, think of what you can do to protect them while they try to res, and kill the opposing player first. IE any defensive projectile reflecting bubbles/guardian SoA, shadow refuge, stuff like that. Give them a chance to revive themselves while you take out the enemy.

If you kill them before your ally dies, they rally. If you try to res, the other player will simply use a finishing move on them anyway, and probably interrupt you.

Even in PVE, kill hostiles in the area first, unless we’re talking a boss, then if they’re downed, but not dead, res them but try to avoid dying yourself (chances are you can’t solo it quickly to rally them). If they’re dead dead.. well they best be running back and helping you with this boss.

Hell, even IRL, as a combat medic, your first objective in a combat situation where a friendly is down, is to analyze the immediate area for safety. If it’s not safe, you don’t go in, you make it safe first. Your marines neutralize hostiles and give you cover to reach the downed marine.

That dude was just being a poor sport.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

(edited by Devildoc.6721)

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rinzei.9304


I’ve not played in WvWvW yet, but I’d imagine the etiquette would be similar to PvE – I will generally rez if someone else is already defending the area. If there’s not someone else, I’ll fight the hostiles to take aggro – that way, the downed player has a chance to bandaged and rez himself. If there are others already on the job and it doesn’t look like they need me yet, then I’ll rez first.

Main: FFion Auryl | Sylvari Necromancer | Dusk Born | Charming
Alt: Sharl Thorne | Norn Guardian | Bearborn | Honorable
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Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: UKNightWatch.5742


To me, it makes more sense to take out the attacker first then res the team mate unless there are enough of your own team to take out or at least hold back the attacker(s) as you do the res.

Sometimes, the res then attack sequence is best as you then get another team mate to continue the attack. This is normally only best in imbalanced fights where the res could tip the balance in favor of your team so to say.

It is a very situational choice.

In the circumstance that you described, I would have taken on the attacker before res to try to ensure my team ‘held the ground’. I know this would probably upset some players – but in your case the other player got a res anyway!

Another point (mentioned above) is that if it is a matched battle and you join it rather than res you not only tip the balance in favor of your team, you also give the downed player time to bandage and res on own.

As for the other player calling you a name (censored to ‘kitten’ or not) then blocking you before you could respond, that player seems to show his / her self up as a petty and selfish player, wrapped up in a sense of ‘me, me, me’ rather than thinking of the team.

No rig in my sig? Only posted if needed!

(edited by UKNightWatch.5742)

Etiquette Question: rez the defeated or fight the ongoing fight?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bahamut.7029


i sometimes find it easier to kill the mob first help the player later thing or if the mob is a vetaren rank or above i’d go with heal them first kill later :<

Charr , Blood Legion Warrior \m/
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