Executing combos

Executing combos

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Graego.5679



Hello everyone and thank you for taking a moment to read my post.

I am currently playing a warrior, my first real and only toon so far. I have noticed that some of my abilities read in the tooltip as a “Combo Finisher” that appear to have special effects outside of the abilities base use.

Problem is, I cannot seem to figure out how combos work and how to execute them?

If someone knowledgeable couple please take a few moments and maybe clear this up for me it would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time.

Executing combos

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic Beaver.4795

Mystic Beaver.4795


There are ‘Combo Field’ and ‘Combo finisher’.

Combo fields start it, and a combo finisher ends it.

An easy and good example is a flame wall, if say an elementalist uses a flame wall, engineers, rangers or anybody using guns/bows can shoot through (projectile finisher) the flame wall to cause their bullets to catch on fire, causing burning.

There’s lots of different combos out there, i don’t know them all, though.

Some examples:

Shooting through a ‘light’ field will cure conditions on allies.

Using a ‘blast finisher’ in a air combo field will give swiftness to allies.

There’s a whole lot of combos in the game, some people have yet to discover?

My beaver is mystic.

(edited by Mystic Beaver.4795)

Executing combos

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nemain.9802


Chec out this page
Is breaks down the combo starter and finisher per class or field.
As you’ll notice, warriors only have one initiator, Combustive shot (bow).
So unless you use a bow, you won’t be able to preform combos by yourself.

You might have noticed when other players are around, or when you use Combustive shot, a white circle appears on the ground. That’s a combo field, now you only need to figure out what ability initiated it and what finisher you need to preform.

Executing combos

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tony.1895


I see you’ve already got an answer, so I’ll take the liberty to ask, what’s a toon?

Executing combos

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nemain.9802


Toon = character/avatar

Executing combos

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scotia.9581


Combos are composed of two parts, the field and the finisher. Fields are AoE areas that effect things shot, moved, or spinned, etc. through it. These would include a “Flamewall” by elementalists or something like a “Gas Bomb” by thieves. When one of the combo finishers goes through the field (depending on the field type, like fire for Flamewall), it gains a predetermined effect (like cathing on fire and causing a burn). Other fields have different effects, same for the finishers, like spinning in it or next to it would shoot out related projectiles. Most combos are done by two or more people, but if a single person has the righ abilities, they can do combos by themselves.

I hope I gave you enough information.

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Borlis Pass
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Executing combos

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


Engineers, if you want a funny finisher try combining your supply drop with any combo field. Not only does your blast stun folks, but it also sprays the condition of the field it landed in to everything in a radius!

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play