Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blackmon.1903


I currently have a 80 Guardian I’m trying to equip with Exotics. I only have my eyes on 3 exotics. The Craftable Draconic set, The Karma Set, and the Vigil Heavy armor set.

For the Karma Set and Vigil Heavy armor set, I know I have to farm lots for them since I need gold and karma for them.

I’m currently wearing a rare Explorer’s set that I crafted with pirate runes on them. But I was never a fan of the look of the barbaric set. And since the Draconic set is the only exotic set I could get/craft with MF on it, I plan on making that my MF farming gear.

I’m close to getting the Draconic set. I just need 7 more ectos. I figured that since I’ll be farming a lot to get the other 2 exotic set, it might not be bad to make the Draconic set my MF set. Is this a waste do you think? Also, I can’t think of any use for one of the other exotic set since I only plan on having 2 gear sets. 1 for farming and another for Dungeons.

Unless I can get away with wearing MF Draconic sets in dungeons?

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: juggulator.2907


A lot (or maybe some) would say that crafting or buying an exotic mf set is a waste.
But for me yeah my warrior’s running around with an exotic 80 mf set,trinkets included, and I don’t care even if someone tells me I wasted my gold. I know I’m enjoying myself. Bottom line is, as much as there isn’t a really huge difference in total mf between the rare and exotic set (I think it’s only 6% from the trinkets,not sure), I like the idea of having the most stats including mf I can get from gear.

I haven’t really tried going into a dungeon wearing mf set, but the the general consensus is that it’s a bad idea.

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

I guess the thing to consider is how much of an improvement MF is. Sure big numbers like 150% sound impressive. But if the original chance to get something uber is 1% and you have 150% MF the chance is now 2.5%. Still a rather slim chance. In fact such little difference that one won’t notice the increased chance through long term amount of drops. However if the chance to get something uber were 10% and you had 150% MF then the chance would be 25% a much more significant change that would be noticeable even after short term amount of drops.

Another way to put it is this: If you have a D100 you are rolling and you have to get a 1 to win how long before you would stop rolling it because you are getting sick of trying to roll a 1. Now if you had to roll a 1 or 2 to win would you stick it out longer rolling or would you quite trying after the same amount of time as if you just needed a 1. If we really knew what the base chance is we would be able to determine i there is really any significance at all to MF. However I think the general consensus is that if your goal is that uber thing then not good at all.

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


MF is extremely powerful for getting yellows, which are really the best way to make money in this game. All of my 80’s have an exotic MF set and I think the MF draconic set is a fantastic idea.

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Vigil armor isn’t exotic. All orders sets are Rare. So, unless you want the skin, you can drop that one off the to do list.

You can wear MF in dungeons. People will tell you that you shouldn’t, but they’re wrong. Dungeons have been easy, the new fractals are on farm already, and as long as you and the other four people you are with know what your’e doing, you can get away with being naked.

MF is not that bad.
1% = 1 out of 100
2.5% = 1 out of 40
0.01% = 1 out of 10,000
0.025% = 1 out of 4000
0.0001% = 1 out of a million.
0.00025% = 1 out of 400,000.

Now, when your odds are one out of a million, or one out of four-hundred-thousand, they’re still small, but which would you rather have?

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Depends on how you want to play honestly. MF gear is good for just basic overworld stuff, but it’s a bit iffier on dungeons since it doesn’t affect chest drops. You lose out on a complete tertiary stat for it as well.

If you just want MF for doing overworld stuff, I’d suggest getting a cheap green set and running around in that and having a yellow or orange set of non-MF for stuff where it doesn’t matter so much (like boss battles, etc).

However, if you’re super keen on yellow or orange MF gear, I’ll tell you this: It is completely viable. My current character ran most of his existence on a MF set and I never underperformed compared to other group members.

So just depends on how you want to play. Keep in mind you might get some animosity from other players, but as long as you have thick enough skin to ignore them, I can honestly say you shouldn’t have a problem running around in MF gear, even in dungeons. Your builds are a bit more limited, but it’s doable. You just have to be a bit more cautious cause you’re a lot squishier.

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

You won’t be squishier.

Magic Find gear = Power, Precision, Magic find.
Berserker’s gear = Power, Precision, Critical damage.

You’ll be the exact same amount of squishy, with slightly less damage. There’s four main reasons why nobody will ever know though:

1: Five people in full exotics in any dungeon do enough overkill that the missing critical damage should never even be noticed.

2: Combat is mostly reactive and situational. Reflexes, timing, and skill make a significantly bigger difference in your ability to complete content than your gear. If you’re having trouble clearing dungeons in MF gear, it’s likely because of poor skill timing, bad communication, or any other player error, not your gear.

3: There’s not an actual way for anyone to see what gear you’ve got. There’s no way to see who’s doing the most damage/healing/tanking. If anyone accuses you specifically of having bad gear and being the reason the dungeon is going poorly, they’re just dumb.

4: Dungeons are easy. If you’re with a group of four people who know what they’re doing, you can easily get away with being a naked 5 signet warrior auto-attacking with a longbow.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


There are actually 3 MF combinations.

Explorer’s : Magic Find, Power, Precision
Traveler’s: Magic Find, Power, Condition Damage
Wayfarer’s: Magic Find, Toughness, Vitality

And good point on the squishy comment. You’re about the same survivability hit wise as any other without a defensive stat. :P

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blackmon.1903


Thanks a lot for the responses. Before I try anything with a MF exotic. I’m planning on doing dungeons with it atm. Just normal exp dungeons, not the Fractal Mist. Do people even ask everyone what they’re wearing? I usually just do Pugs as I don’t have any real schedule when I play this game. I just play it whenever I can and when that is, is always random.

Also, I read somewhere that some of the boss loots are based on each person’s MF stat. Are they even worth it? Are they unique?

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


It depends on the dungeon. I’ve done AC in greens, so the loss of the “best” stat on a piece in favor of magic find might not mean much. However, not all paths and not all dungeons are created equal. If you want one set for all dungeon play, and plan to also have/keep a MF set, nothing keeps you from equipping partial (some MF pieces with some pieces from the other set) to full MF if the dungeon you are running right then doesn’t require the full stat set.

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Chest drops are not affected by magic find, just to inform you now. As for boss drops… eh. They are decent, but the chests are better and they’re not affected by MF.

And ya. Some paths are really -really- tough if you aren’t specced out just right, others you can run around in whites and pretty much have a jolly good day. Indigo’s plan is definitely a good one, that way you can mix and match until the cow’s come home to get the best MF you can while still not getting your butt handed to ya.

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

That’s a good point about the chests. I wonder what their logic was for having it not apply to chests. One would sort of expect it to. Is that official word or player speculation on it not applicable to chests? Because if it doesn’t apply to chests I’d be inclined to think it a bug unless they have officially stated that it is not supposed to work on chests.

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


i run full exotic MF when i’m out in the open. and i feel it does make a difference for me at least. though then here’s my wife, who isn’t in full MF and gets as many if not more rares than i do on any given run. lol. but i don’t mind ; )))

for the dungeons, i accidentally ran a few once without switching out of my MF gear and i did alrighty actually. i was definitely squishier and was wondering why although we still finished okay. my usual set is pow/pre/tough.. so i was missing all the toughness.. but i guess it’d be the same if i wore berserker’s.

if you have the resources and you’re not strapped. i don’t see why not. and you can salvage your rare MF gear and get the runes back out and hopefully get some ectos out of it as well ; ))) you can eithe rkeep to use and/or sell – prices are up there now! last i saw, close to 30s each.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

I’ve done almost every path of every dungeon in this game in MF gear. I’ve done every path of every dungeon up to SE naked. I can assure you that it really, really does not matter, as long as you have two things:

1: A good group. If you’re doing a naked challenge run, and your party isn’t prepared or up for the challenge, then you’re kind of out of luck.

2: Knowledge. If you’re doing something that makes you have less room for error, then you’d better be prepared to not have any errors, right?

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


That’s a good point about the chests. I wonder what their logic was for having it not apply to chests. One would sort of expect it to. Is that official word or player speculation on it not applicable to chests? Because if it doesn’t apply to chests I’d be inclined to think it a bug unless they have officially stated that it is not supposed to work on chests.

They have an official post saying MF only works on mob drops.

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


@Nels – that’s awesome. naked challenge run.

@Lithepanter / Jia Shen – Lithe is right. they did release official statement saying it doesn’t work on chests. i think one of the reasons was they didn’t want people switching to MF gear just for the chests.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Exotic MF Gear a waste? What if?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crona.2509


i always run in my exotic draconic clerric/valkyrie mix . never equiped MF on anything actualy ,and i make my money eazy doing AC , CM low level dungeons’’
it may take a litle longer ’’true’’ that can be …. but i just love doing dungeons over and over helping peope exploring the dungeons and just having fun guyz ^^
so after a let’s say week of running dungeons non stop i got all it takes to buy myself brand new armour set (exotic) , all the weapons , armour of the dungeon i did , and heeeeploads of karma :p so what’s more to it when your having fun doing what i do ^^
love the game and the way the dungeons are made , i got some guildy’s that are running full MF gear though :p lolz it’s best not for dungeons then , but more for farming in those famous 80’s spots
greetz ^^

Guild Leader of : Final Nightmare (FIN).
aurora glade server ^^