Farming Lumps of Aurillium

Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Anyone got any tips or good shortcuts for farming Lumps at Aurillium at a decent rate?


Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Togo.7094


Meta events in auric basin. There is also an achievement that gives you a node in your home instance once completed.

Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


If you are doing the AB meta with Nuhoch Hunting mastery then you should be getting a decent amount already.

Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


Auric Basin and Tangled Depths give a huge chunk of currency through map bonus. So, try to get Gold in as many events as possible to get your Participation % up. There is a bit of timing you can work on so you know when the best time is to drop in. In other words you want to be in the map when events are going and building up the map tiers, or you want to be there when the map is shifting its meta and is resetting the map tier.

You can also do Hero Points and Adventures once a day per account for up to 10 Aurillium each.

Other than that the other source of your big chunks is up to RNGesus when it comes to the Hunting drops.

(edited by savacli.8172)

Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Cheers lads.


Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Airship parts seems to be the more difficult currency to earn compared to the others.

Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


It all depends on where you focus your map efforts. Since I’m using VB to get my profession boxes from completion, and since the event chains are easy to find and join, I generally have over 1K airship parts while I am down in double digits of aurillium and leystone crystals. But when I joined AB and did nothing until Challenges (I was getting Herta, not eventing, until Tarir closed and I needed to get below anyway), I ended up with a hundred more lumps than I’d had. I figure I can get a couple hundred currency per meta done if I do a full round with full participation. I need 400 of each per unique elite weapon type — got Bo, Dark Harvest, and Yggdrasil now, closing in on Ydalir — so I’m keenly tracking my currency gains to know when it’s worth another DS run.

None of the currencies seem that hard to gather up, you just have to stay in and participate in the relevant map.

Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


Verdant Brink is probably the worst as there’s alot of RNG that goes into getting the currency. I too am going for the 9 Spec weapons and ended up with a very large stack of Airship parts, but now it’s a matter of finger crossing hoping I get a good drop or loot from the cargos.

AB and TD can be more time consuming, but at least I’ve developed somewhat of a rhythm so I can go from one maps meta to another and still walk away with a generous amount of currency.

DS is easy but very boring and time consuming. There’s also the big gotcha of practically “all or nothing” when it comes to hunting for Noxious Pods for Ore depending on whether the meta is successful or not. Otherwise you got only a handful of freebee pods to spawn regardless of the meta’s completion or not.

Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I finally got the 1,000 airship parts so I can now buy the remaining plated weapons the next time I do DS. I got lucky and hopped onto a map that was about halfway through the day cycle going for T4. I probably made about 300 currency through the end of the night cycle. Having a map with a decent sized population helps but is kind of difficult until they fix the megaserver issue. Already dreading the 2,250 currency I need to farm on the maps to get my title.

Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EnergyAura.3019


Now that the Auric Basin Meta-Map exploit is gone, I’m finding that this now under used zone makes it hard to get Aurillium at any decent rate. Compared to VB and TD, AB has become a one time a day event (if you get a successful group) that gives little Aurillium for the 1 hour+ for the entire event (pre-event included).

So let’s re-address the question… How to farm Aurillium in a timely manner…

Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


You can get a ton by doing the extra events while waiting for the octovine event to start.

Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

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