Farming - gold/materials

Farming - gold/materials

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: glogy.1854


My goal is ascended gear or legendary wep To make asc i need min 10 g daily to make bolt of damask for next 30 days and thats probably it. For legendary, everything Mostly t6 mats and precursor, so that will never happen My quetion is:

What is the best way to farm gold or t6 mats? Dungeons, SW, FGS Champ train, ORR? Just want to hear experience from you ppl. should i focus on something for next month to achiwe my goal and what is the best to make money or anything to accomplish at least asc gear?

For example, when i open embroided chest, should i sell mats(gold), save them? Green gear in mystic forge or sell? What about blue – salvage or sell? I salvage rares for ectoplasm, but with others i dont know what to do

I hope i could manage better mats/gold/items, i probably lose money by wrong managment of them
Ty for help and sorry for bad eng

Farming - gold/materials

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sadatoni.6524


I’ve found the Silverwastes a good place to farm gold.

Farming - gold/materials

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pdavis.8031


My goal is ascended gear or legendary wep To make asc i need min 10 g daily to make bolt of damask for next 30 days and thats probably it. For legendary, everything Mostly t6 mats and precursor, so that will never happen My quetion is:

What is the best way to farm gold or t6 mats? Dungeons, SW, FGS Champ train, ORR? Just want to hear experience from you ppl. should i focus on something for next month to achiwe my goal and what is the best to make money or anything to accomplish at least asc gear?

For example, when i open embroided chest, should i sell mats(gold), save them? Green gear in mystic forge or sell? What about blue – salvage or sell? I salvage rares for ectoplasm, but with others i dont know what to do

I hope i could manage better mats/gold/items, i probably lose money by wrong managment of them
Ty for help and sorry for bad eng

It largely depends on what you enjoy doing, and how long you expect to take to meet your goals. If you are looking to do it in the fastest way possible. Farm gold. Do a daily dungeon rotation and buy what you need. If you don’t care about how long it takes, go do the things you enjoy doing and get the stuff along the way.

When making my legendary and ascended armor, I farmed for most of it. I focused on what I needed to get, did some research, and did whatever content I needed to do. I found it fun. Plus I was able to sell what I didn’t need and turn around and buy some of what I did.

In the end, it’s all about having fun. If you set your goals so that you are not having fun trying to get what you want, you might want to reevaluate either your methods, or what you are doing. Because if you are not having fun, whats the point?

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Farming - gold/materials

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: glogy.1854


Agree with that. Iam having fun in every aspect of game, going to finish second profession world completion, got gear for “new main”. Now i want to make ascended or legendary as i said. SW is pretty fun, chest farm + events around. Orr is as i know same. I dont have experience in FGS so need some help about what is the best to invest time in. I can find myself anywhere, but i would rather spend time in zone where i can profit little than other. Ill skip dungeons, done every of them, for farming i can do max 1h of them, with pugs its like 3 dung max? Anyway, ty for response

Farming - gold/materials

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gobble D Goop.4081

Gobble D Goop.4081

I have found that trading laurels for T6 material bags isnt too bad a way to go, but that takes time. promoting T5 mats hasnt been too bad for me. The 5 Crystal Dust is the only requirement that I seem to always need (the others being 50 of the T5 Mat you want to convert, 1 of the T6 mat that is the same type as the T5 (potent blood to powerful blood etc), and 5 philosopher stones which are 10 per skill point). I think most people will tell you to sell T5 mats and buy the T6 directly, which also works. Ive just found promoting to be better for me since i have ectos (which can salvage into dust) from world boss running.

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