Fashion and Dyes

Fashion and Dyes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kamedin.4698


So I’ve been playing this game for a while and collecting dyes through that time. I have since decided to try and make my characters pretty, and I’ve got the armor skins that I want on my characters but I don’t have the slightest clue where to start with the dyes. My goal is get dye combinations that kind of relate to my characters professions. (i.e. guard – blues/whites or necro – black or green) So my question is: Which colors would go with each of the professions? I’ve notice some are easy to figure out but some is not. (ie ele, warrior, necro) Thank you any who decide to give helpful feedback to a clueless player.

Lyscir – Main Engi
[????] – HoD

(edited by kamedin.4698)

Fashion and Dyes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


You could look to the character creation screens for inspiration. I believe each class has specific colors when looked at during character creation. I guess the stereotypical ones would be:

Mesmer – pinks/purples
Necro – sickly greens/blacks
Ranger – browns and earthy colors
Warrior – oranges/golds
Guardian – Silvers/blues
Thief – Blacks/dark colors

Elementalist could change based on attunements. Browns for earth, reds/oranges for fire, blues for water, and light colors for air.

Engineer, again, could be based on which type of play.

Fashion and Dyes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oRx.9584


Not really sure about the hues themselves, but I figure this:

Guardian: Gold/yellow-white (royal knight kind of), blue-white (classic), black-white (actually looks really cool imo)

Thief: Darker hues (I used to run midnight teal or something like that, looked epic), white-red (white ninja style)

Elementalist: red-gold (royal), white-gold, or if you got the right hues, you could even make a tri-color elementalist, three colors resembling your versatility and attunements

Warrior: I like to use lots of brown, red, grey and that kind of colours here, but only because my characters name includes “savage” lol :P Simillar to Guardian otherwise

Mesmer: Purple obviously, to make your illusions look as much alike you as possible.

Necro: Dark as can be

Engi: Brown (resembles rust)

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

Fashion and Dyes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kamedin.4698


okay, thank you for your input. Dyes haven’t probably been the hardest thing for me in this game trying to get them to exist nicely together and fighting some of the armor pieces for not getting the color to appear right, so I thank you guys

Lyscir – Main Engi
[????] – HoD

Fashion and Dyes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Taku.6352


Pink for all the classes! \:D/