Fastest way to level?

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zakov.1692



I’m not trying to anger anyone with this question. I know GW2 isn’t a race to max level, but I’ve been so busy with general life stuff that I am falling behind when it comes to leveling. Almost my entire guild is level 80, and we always RP together whenever we’re on. I want to reach level 80 so that I can start having more fun with RP and concentrate on stuff other than what level I am.

I’ve been playing since the three day headstart (along with BWE), and I’m still only level 36. Leveling also progresses my RP character’s story, so hey, that’d be pretty nice too.

So, any tips? I get lost very easily while frantically searching for “hearts” and events, so while I don’t mind grinding, I mind it a lot when I’m spending twenty minutes just searching for something to do. I’m a scatterbrain like that.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Safari.3021



My own experience was getting to level 80 in 5 days, without rushing.

All I did was map complete each area the personal story took me to and made sure i did as many events as I could, I never ignored an orange circle on my map

I struggled a bit 25-35, so had to do an additional map (I think i did diessa plateau 15-25 as well as kessex 15-25 where my story took me) to make sure i was fit enough for gendarren fields.

At level 70, I looked at my crafting a bit more, using the materials I had gathered during my adventureand got an additional 8 levels from those (I wasn’t able to get either to 400 at the time)

So basically, my advice is:
Events → Personal story → Events → Map complete → Events → Craft → Events

Theres a lot of “events” there, because in my opinion, thats where the xp is

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falunel.7645


Heh, and I was just about to give the whole “don’t stress about levels” lecture.

I’m behind on levels, myself, but some of the things I’ve seen that give nice experience-
-Daily achievements. Always do these, not just for the exp, but also for the goodies (Mystic Coins, Bank Access Keys, Transmutation Stones). The nice thing about them is that you can usually finish them just by doing what you normally do in the game- I usually don’t have to go too far out of the way.
-Dungeons give a nice amount of experience for their range. AC may be more trouble than it’s worth, but I was able to clear CM story mode at level 36 with my guildmates’ help in about forty minutes. So that may be an option if you can find a group.
-Always do stuff in a zone that matches your level range. Experience rewards from events in zones below you do scale down somewhat, unfortunately.
-I heard that WvWvW gives a lot of experience. I haven’t had too much experience (no pun intended) in this field, though, so you might want to listen to someone else regarding this matter.
-Crafting. Again, not an expert here, but I’ve heard that cooking’s one of the better crafts when it comes to leveling quickly.

Try to balance leveling with resource gathering/selling and the like, though. Gear may not make as large of a difference here as it does with other games, but you’ll likely want to start on rares/exotics after hitting 80. Coupled with the fact that waypoint prices scale to level, leveling without building up funds can cripple you in the long-term.

Again, I’m no expert, but I hope that helped somewhat.

Falunel – Sylvari Elementalist | Falche Graysong – Human Mesmer | Tarnished Coast
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Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BCouto.5716


If you have the money, crafting is the fastest method. There’s a video on Youtube of someone getting from 1-80 within 4 hours just from crafting.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zakov.1692


If you have the money, crafting is the fastest method. There’s a video on Youtube of someone getting from 1-80 within 4 hours just from crafting.

Could you link me the video? I can’t seem to find it.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sladi.8135


Crafting is one way to go as long as you have the funds. What you can ask if your guildies can run dungeons with you the chance of failing or becoming stuck at one point is small if you run it with your guildies. There’s also a time consuming but i.m.o fun way and it’s just to explore but prioritize events. Some events are quick and give you nice xp plus you’ll explore that way. That’s usually how I level, it’s time consuming but it will give you a nice set of cash and karma this way, also you’ll stack up on materials and throphies which you can sell for some extra bit of funding.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The LZ.7891

The LZ.7891

Get people from higher levels to help you with your personal story.
Makes you able to get into levels you wouldn’t normally be able to do.
Not that I’ve done it myself, since I normally do go over the “limit”.
So like if it says #recommended level 40" and you’re level 36, you’d be able
to do it with some help ^^.

Also, just completing each zone/area fully is also a good way to go.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Since you asked about crafting i presume you don’t mind the cost. There are several guides on the web Google “GW2 crafting leveling” or similar which give you exact paths and amounts of mats you need to get from 1-400. Add to that Crafting XP booster fro Gem store.

I’m not sure how many levels you will gain this way but if going 1-400 in one craft doesn’t level you enough just level another craft.

Add personal quests in between and it should be pretty fast.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The LZ.7891

The LZ.7891

I’ve been playing very little too, but have been playing since headstart. I’m currently lvl 78. Just by completing zones, doing hearts, an occasional dragon, killing and gathering. The xp u get from the daily achievements can really be a boost on a player that has little time.

(unfortunately there’s still no rabbit slayer achievement, i must’ve killed a 1000 or more…)

Rabbit slayer?

There is. Just not for rabbits exclusively. It’s called Indiscrimate Slayer.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kootje.9271


Rabbits deserve an exclusive achievement… Why? Cuz they’re bunnies, which is reason enough.

Proud member of Dutch-Finest Guild on Far Shiverpeaks.

If it ain’t dutch,… :P

(edited by Kootje.9271)

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: theerrantventure.9185


Events and storyline give huge XP. If you want a quick boost with easy to find hearts, visit the other race’s starting areas. The hearts and events are closer together and easier to chain together. The loot won’t be the best for your level, but it will quickly steer you out to other areas for leveling.

Also, quick XP can be had from collecting material nodes and reviving other players! I do this every time I can!

Trolls are like stray cats.
Feed them and they multiply.
Please do not feed them.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zakov.1692


Thanks for the answers, guys. I’m going to focus on gathering, map completion and crafting whenever I have money again. I blew all my money yesterday leveling cooking, which bumped me up 3 levels. If I had more, I would’ve crafted my way to 80, but unfortunately I don’t lol.