Female Medium armor
About the closest I think you’ll get is T3 cultural medium (Assassin’s Armor) or one of the “Named” sets. Check out http://www.gw2armor.com/human/female/medium_list.php for some images of some of the options. Keep in mind that that site does not include most of the items that are findable as loot. You can also check out http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_armor_sets as some of the linked pages have screenshots, but I don’t recall seeing anything close to what you’re looking for.
Thank you for the links buddy. It’s really hard to find a good looking medium armor. Imho the light and heavy have the best looking armor. As a norn ranger the possibilites are limited. I love the norn T3 but dislike the rumpled bustle on the back. Therefore looking for a vest / chest that shows tattoos.