Ferguson's Crossing Wants You!
I don’t want to sound rude, but if your server is getting deserted, why not transfer yourself??
I am personally very happy at my current server and it is very active and I never feel lonely. It was a bit expected that after the first few weeks where gone that the game would loose some of its momentum. It is good to see that most servers are still doing very good, but it looks like some are being the victum of this. I like the fact that your fighting for your server, but I hardly think that this will plee will attrack more people (why should I leave everything behind I have on my current server to a server wich is, according to your own words, on the brink of being extinged?)
I do hope that Arenanet will not keep servers open for the sake of keeping them open and have a good merge/recreate policy.
With that I am saying that there are mmo’s (lotro is one I know) that keep servers running for the sole reason that in their opinion, closing a server means that they are admitting they are loosing popularity. I know Anet as a company that always have done things ikn their own way without fear of the competition. So if a server is getting a too low population, merge them with another low server. If too many servers are getting full again, recreate servers.
I do understand however that they want to see how many people are going to come back specially for Halloween..
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
i understand where you are comming from…. in fact i did try switching servers but found out that my guild’s upgrades, that my guild worked very hard to get, didnt come with me….since i am the guildmaster I should Stay with my original Server, go down with the ship so to speak…
Ferguson’s crossing is plagued with bots…. i see armies of them. what i think happened is arenanet banned 1600 accounts due to botting and probably a large majority of those bots were on Ferguson’s Crossing server… Since the 10th of October, my birthday, all of the maps of FC seemed abandoned x-minus a few armies of bots… everybody on the server that isnt a bot has been complaining that there isn’t enough ppl to do events and dungeons with. it could just be a coincendance….. or maybe everybody is just playing borderlands 2 or something i just don’t know. I just figured i should post this thread for the good of my server. and i’m sure my server appreciates that
You could try to advertise FC as a new RP server on different forums. As I understand, the other one (TC) is full, so maybe you’ll attract a new crowd this way.
I too am on FC and no one talks. No one’s really friendly anymore…I’m thinking of transferring. I just don’t know where I’ll go.
@Autumn…i understand how you feel. I too am on FC. I have, for the most part, chalked up my finding no one to my odd work schedule and odd times during the week that i can play. Usually between 3pm and 9pm EST. I have seen the server become a little more lively at 830-9ish pm. My guess is school work, family time, work, and what-not are done for the day for most around then. I do know my schedule has a lot to do with why i dont see a lot of people on during the week and thats my problem ….. i just wish there was someone on to talk to or wander with. I love the game but playing solo has lost its thrill.
Sorry to hear that everyone. That really does take the kitten.
If you’re on an EU based server why not try Gunnar’s Hold or Aurora Glade?
Both have really cool people abduction is both very active. GH leads more to the laid back but more people are willing to socialise and help strangers. AG is slightly more serious (suited to more dungeons etc. That sort of play) but is still very friendly.
Why not have a look at Operations: Union? It has others looking to team up with people on your serverl. Why not take a look?
Good luck FC people.
Hello all! I’m new to the game atm i’m lvling Thf 41 atm. What would be a good server to join so i could learn and do endgame?