Few questions from a noob

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083



I would have some newbie questions,
1, How many activities are there aside of fighting? (crafting, gathering materials etc.) And how to improve them each?
2,If i buy storage for banks, is it for every character?
3,If i buy a skin and apply it to an equipment, is there any way to take it off, and use it on an other one?
4,Are items like the additional crafting license, and other items in the item store for accounts, or characters? Because 2×800gem to get the 2 license for each character is kinda too much…
5,On lv 80 how hard is it to get gold? Like is 200-300gold a lot? Because there are many things i would like for gems, and idk if it will be really hard to get gems, or 300gold can be farmed in a few days, and then i can get gems with ingame farming?


Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Oxidia.8103


1. World exploration, collecting skins, pvp and so much more
2. Yes
3. Once you unlock a skin, in warderobe you can use it unlimited amount of time in exchange for one transmutation charge
4. Things you buy off tp is account wide
5. Depends if you are a farmer or not. Doing dungeons and sw would get you 200-300 in a week if you farm your eyes out.

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


1) A lot. Crafting, gathering, mini-games like Keg Brawl and Belchers Bluff, map completion, jumping puzzles, etc. It’s not quite like a sandbox MMO where you can have characters who never fight and focus entirely on other activities, but there’s a lot to do besides fighting.

How to improve them varies greatly between activities so you’re best off looking up (or asking about) individual ones you’re interested in rather than trying to get a summary of them all.

2) Yes, bank tabs are all shared between characters.

3) You can’t actually remove the skin to apply it to another item, but the wardrobe will save every skin you unlock (whether you buy it or find it in-game) and then you can apply it using transmutation charges (which you’ll get from playing or can buy in the gem store). This means you can make infinite copies of any skin you unlock. (For example I currently have 3 legendary short bows, one is the real legendary and two are the skin applied to low level bows.)

4) Most upgrades are account wide, including the additional crafting licence. Bag slots however only apply to one character.

5) It depends on what you like doing. If you have the time and willingness to do every dungeon path every day or play the trading post or farm profitable areas like Silverwastes chests then you can make gold very quickly. If not it takes longer. But even for a casual player saving up 300 gold is not impossible, it just becomes more about not spending it on other things than making it faster than you can spend it.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BattleCat.2098


3) To elaborate a here bit: Every time you equip gear, you will unlock the skin (if you haven’t already done so.) But even if you can’t equip it, you can still right-click the item and select Unlock Skin to unlock it. Note that this will bind the item to your account, so you can’t sell it afterwards. I think this is to prevent everyone running around at level 1 with gear that looks really rare, or something.

To use a skin, you need to go to the Hero panel (press H), click Wardrobe and select the gear of choice. You will then see a list of all the different types of skin avaliable. Most of this will be from other types of regular gear, but there are special types of gear you can use, too. I bought a top hat skin in the store, and I’ve noticed that because my Necro start with a skull mask, other classes can use it too.

The cost of transmuting skins are transmutation shards. One skin, one shard. That means boots/legs/gloves/chest/shoulders/helmet all need their own shard, so you’ll need six transmutation shards for a full set. And since you can’t get the shards back, and because you often change gear early on, it’s recommended to wait until you are higher levels before transmuting gear. As for how to actually get those shards, the easiest way is to simply go for 100% map completion. You can put the shards in the bank for every character to use (bank is account wide), so if you get 100% map completion with several characters, you’ll quicky rack up quite a few shards. By doing this, I have already 31 transmutation shards waiting for my first character to reach level 80. Also keep in mind that if you’re desperate, you get quickly get 100% MC in, say, Metrica Province and Queensdale, then put those transmuation shards in the bank, delete the character, start a new one and go for 100% MC in those two areas again.

Hope this helps.

BTW also keep in mind you can buy Outfits in the store. These are full costumes anyone can use as often as they want, but other than removing the helmet and changing the dye, you can’t edit them. They are just a costume that doesn’t change your stats at all. Some of them look pretty good, though, so it might be worth getting one if you want to look good early on.

If you do get one, and if you do want to remove the helmet, keep in mind you can’t do it directly. You will need to first put the Outfit on (hero panel → outfits), then go back to your Equipment and remove the helmet there. Maybe it’s just me, but I think a lot of those costumes look a lot better without the helmet.

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083


Thanks for the answers, they all helped a lot
For question 1, i didnt really mean things like dungeons, completing maps etc, more like crafting, because i saw things like tailor, chef armorsmith etc. +gathering things, i was wodnering if there was more.
And can i get transmutation charges from dail quests/log in rewards aswell? Or only completing maps? Because 6/gear is a lot imo :/

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

There are eight crafting disciplines, with a ninth to come in the expansion. Three for armour (Tailor, Leatherworker, Armourer), three for weapons (Weaponsmith, Huntsman, Artificer), one for jewelry (Jeweler), and one for consumables (Cook).

While a character can only learn two at a time, I don’t recommend buying the Extra Crafting License, as you asked about in the first post. Just have a different character take on the other crafting skills. Four characters is enough to master all eight current skills.

Transmutation charges can be earned in several methods. You do get a guaranteed three each 28 days from the login rewards, along with a chance of getting more from the four “Black Lion Goods” rewards along the way, so a potential max of seven across each 28 day period. You get them from map completion, with city maps being the easiest to complete and guaranteeing a charge (open world maps might give you a Black Lion Key instead of a charge.. which is probably better).

The best way to get transmutation charges is to play sPvP, where charges are handed out like candy. Each PvP Reward Track includes transmutation charges in it, being given out one each ten rewards. If you play even a little bit of PvP, you should earn enough charges to supplement whatever fashion shenanigans you want to perform. And if you wind up short at some point? Either via mapping or PvP you have means at your disposal to get more without needing to buy them.

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


3) You can also unlock a skin by salvaging an item (armor or weapon) for materials, assuming of course you are allowed to salvage that item. Usually if you can’t salvage an item but most times those items are account bound which are automatically unlocked anyways. Skins from Karma bought items are like this.

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Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: SkullProX.7083


Just another question for crafting, if i get the maxumim profession level, for lets say weaponsmith, and i want to change a discipline, will the weaponsmist’s level stay, or go back to 1?

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MasterJediSoda.5926


You will keep that level – however, when you change crafting disciplines, you have to pay up to 50 silver, depending on the level. If you change to one you haven’t leveled up, it will be free, but every level increases the cost by 10 copper (up to 40 silver at 400, or 50 silver at 500).

That’s why it’s been suggested to have 4 characters that each have 2 disciplines. For now, that covers all 8 of them, and you don’t have to pay to keep switching. You’re not really missing anything that way, since just about everything you’d want to craft for other characters is account bound at worst.

Main: Mithren Lunalit, Mesmer
Member of Legion of Honour [XIII]

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468



So you can have a single character with all 8 crafting disciplines but you can only have 2 (max 4 with 2, 800 gems each crafting licences) active at a time.

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Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: Barrote.2619


Since i was going to do a topic with the same name, this is my question..: I wonder if I can make a script/macro, in which the mouse clicks for me?! All i want to do is… i put my character on the merchant that sells beer and with an AutoHotkey, i dont need to click it anymore at the mouse.
And, yes, i’m trying to do the “Thirst Slayer” achivement, and 100k to buy the drinks plus 100k+ to drink, that’s a lot of mouse clicking.

Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: Donari.5237


You can’t do an autoclicker, but I’ve read that people bind the click to the mouse wheel as each “tick” of the wheel counts as a new key press. Then they spin the wheel to click a lot of things.

I haven’t tested this because I’m firmly wedded to my scroll wheel being my zoom.

One thing I did test was the Win7 option to use the keyboard as the mouse. That made my num pad + become the clicker, so I only had to tap that a lot with my cursor over what I was clicking. It helped a ton with all the stuff from Wintersday, as I recall. Then something went screwy with it and I gave up on doing that. Sorry, details hazy.

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Barrote.2619


kk thx… well, i got a lot of other things to do, so, i’m going to leave that achiv for later xD

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083


Hello again
I found out about traits/specializations today, can i modify them anytime as i like, or once i made one its permament/costs something to change?

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Once you unlock a trait, it’s unlocked on that character for good.

As for changing specializations and which unlocked traits you can select, changing those are free.

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Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083


Another question again xD (as i explore more things i have more questions, sorry if im annoying :/ )
When i have some crappy items for 1-2 silver, i used to sell them on the black lion market, should i just sell them instantly, or put them on licit?> Which is almost the double of the price, but idk how fast will they buy these low lv items, is it worth to wait, or just insta sell them for the 100%money?

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


If you have the time to list on the TP, you should list there. Just note the two amounts on the right side that tell you the listing fee and tax, add those together, and if that amount subtracted from your asking price is still higher than vendor value, go ahead and list.

Remember the TP is global, used by millions of people. You may say “omg there are 3100 mithril ores at 58 copper each, why would I list at 60 copper which has 48500 ores ahead of me” but after a few days, you’ll get the sale. (numbers entirely fictitious for purpose of this example). A truly huge volume goes through the TP.

If you want to be sure you will sell, list at the lowest sell price if it matches the calculation mentioned above. When I have minor runes, and time to deal with them, I’ll list them so long as there aren’t a zillion at 19 c. Another trick is to scan down the sale listings a bit. The first few are 5, 15, 7, 26 … and then you see one at 900 units. List at the 900 units price. The smaller amounts will sell quickly enough and you’ll get a better price.

Ok, that about exhausts my vague TP wisdom. I am not a TP guru. I just play MMO mats/coin gathering on the “every little bit helps” principle so even tiny profits add up over time.

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083


Thank you, i will do that then
However i didnt mean the vendors by the instasell, but still the TP, there is an option to sell instantly for pre-oredered items.

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Well in truth it’s not really “sell instantly” as you are actually posting a sale at what was the currently high order price. Whether orders at that price still exist when your posting transaction is complete is not guaranteed, but highly likely to succeed.

If you are interested in whether it’s better to post at a price higher than the current high bid then you will need a bit more information. GW2TP.com is a good resource as it shows a history of prices and counts in graph form. GW2TP is samples around every 5 minutes for recent history. There are ways of reading those charts to guess at a good sale price, or you just undercut the current low sale price and hope other players are buying.

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Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083


Thanks Well there are orders for that item, so i guess thats why its insta sale.
Few more questions:D
1,How many different story path can i pick for each race?
2,I checked that there are more leatherworkers, each can make different items, does it make a difference which one i picked? Or if i picked leatherworker i can craft at all of them?

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


The PS has three arcs.

The first arc has 3 unique paths based on race. The flavor may vary based on your backstory choices during character creation.

The second arc, second chapter you are given a choice between 3 paths, those three paths are determined by your race but aren’t unique to your race. There are 5 paths in total but each path is shared between 2 to 4 races.

All of this can be found in the wiki. The wiki is your friend.


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Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083


So, here i am again
There are more traits, which are unlocked by level, the first one is unlocked at lv21, and then the second at 45, and the third at 71.
So my question is, if i unlock the passive skills, and use them in every trait, then will all of them be active? Or i have to choose 1 ?

EDIT: I mean the 3 specialization “bars”

(edited by SkullProX.7083)

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

For the trait lines (now called Specializations), they work as follows.

The first trait you unlock in the line is a passive trait, whose effect will always be in effect while you have that Specialization active. The next three traits you unlock are ‘exclusive’ ones, where you need to choose one of the three to be active, via the Build menu. After that comes another passive trait which will always be in effect like the previous one, and then a second set of three traits where you pick one to be active. It repeats like that once more. Thus, with a full Specialization unlocked (for 60 Hero Points), you’ll get three passive effects that are always on, and three trait choices each made from a pool of three options.

When you open up the second and third Specializations, they’ll be treated the same way. Once you reach level 80 (or before that, if you do a good amount of Hero Challenges), you’ll have earned enough Hero Points to fully unlock every Specialization, and will be able to freely swap your active three Specializations among the five available to you, changing your build as you see fit.

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


I believe you must have just one trait spec line active at a time until you get to 45, then you can have 2 at once. But if you have the Hero Points (which you can get by doing the challenges in the maps), you can unlock more than you can use at once, then freely switch between them.

My only non-80 is 43. He got defaulted into Water (as an Ele) but had enough extra points I was able to unlock all but the GM level trait of Fire, and I activated that instead as a bit more helpful in leveling. However I have not actually played him because I was busy with other things, so I don’t know for sure that I was wise in my re-allocation of traits. The point is that it is possible, though.

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083


So once i unclocked all 3 specializations, and i choose the traits in them, all 3 specializations will be active? Or only one of them?

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


So once i unclocked all 3 specializations, and i choose the traits in them, all 3 specializations will be active? Or only one of them?

All 3 will be active.

There are currently 5 specialisations you can choose from on each profession (with a 6th coming when the expansion is released). You can choose 1-3 of those to put into the bars once they’re unlocked.

To actually use the traits you also have to spend hero points on the training tab to unlock traits.

Once you’ve spent points to unlock the traits and slotted that specialisation into one of the bars all the minor traits will always be active (these are the ones that sit on their own between columns of major traits). You then get to pick 3 major traits (there are 3 options for each slot) which will also always be active.

(I know it sounds confusing, but once you’ve gone through the process it’s fairly straight-forward.)

Pay attention to the descriptions for the individual traits however because some only work with certain weapons or under special circumstances (like when you dodge, take falling damage or revive an ally) so you need to think about how you play and which choice is best for you.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083


Another question
When opening jumping puzzle chests/random chests on the map, then does the level of the character matter?

I saw a video when some lv80 opened a chest and got some really cool stuff, while i got some only garbage…

(edited by SkullProX.7083)

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

Jumping puzzle and other open world chests are tied to the level of the opening character, yes. The general types of items remain the same. As an example, the chest at the end of the Sharkmaw jumping puzzle in Lion’s Arch gives two pieces of equipment and two upgrade slot items. For a level 20 character, it’ll give level 20 equipment, but a level 80 character will get level 80 equipment.

There are some places where it’s advantageous to have lower level characters open the chests. Silver Doubloons are upgrade slot items that happen to be required for a Legendary weapon, and can only be looted from chests by level 20-35ish players. Similarly, level 50-60 gear can be salvaged into Linen, Platinum and Hard Wood, which are more expensive than level 80 Silk, Mithril and Elder Wood due to scarcity.

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083


I see, thanks.
Another question about the lv30 personal story. If i choose 3 different orders, from 3 different characters, than i can use all 3 sets of weapons, right? I buy them from one character, and then put it into bank, get it out with the other. Or they are only available once, and i need to finish the story to use them? Or how does it work?

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

The weapons and armour you can buy from the Orders will be Soulbound to the character buying them. That said, the purchase will unlock them as skins for your account, and you can then use Transmutation Charges to put those skins on other pieces of gear to ensure that whatever character you want can use the skin, regardless of their Order.

You’ll likely be using Transmutation Charges for those skins anyway even for the Order your character chooses, since the Order weapons and armour are only Rare quality at level 80, and you’re going to want at least Exotic quality equipment when you get to that point.

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083


Oh alright, thank you
Im at the part where i have to choose, but for some reason i cant choose the order of whispers… why is that?

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

You’re probably not actually at the part where you have to choose, that’s why.

Over the course of the 5-6 missions of your level 30 story, you’ll get to know all of the Orders and pick tasks to do for each of them. At the climax of the story arc, you’ll then get to pick which Order you want to permanently join, and the game will make clear that this is a Major Choice. When that time comes, you’ll know it’s there. In the missions before that, you’ll be picking between two of the Orders to do different story missions while the third takes care of other things.

So if you can’t follow the Order of Whispers right now, they’ll be an option after your next story mission, and it might be the Vigil that sits out.

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083



So i got another few questions
1, What are those (1), (2) (3) etc numbers at runes/sigils etc?
2, What should i do to be able to craft better items? I went to the master craftsman in lions ach (his station) and i could only craft bronze dagger/sword, and they components.. what else do i need to unlock better items?
3,Is the journymans salvage kit good enough for items i dropp round lv 40-50? And what items should i salvage? Everything which is not more than 2-3silver?


Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MasterJediSoda.5926


1. Those numbers tell you what bonuses you get for having multiple runes of the same type. So for this rune:


If you have 1 equipped you get the 25 condition damage. If you equip a second one, you also get 35 power. As you add more of them, you’ll add bonuses further down the list. You only get the (6) if you have 6 of those runes set. 5 runes will add everything up to the last one.

2. Most of the items you’ll want to craft need the discovery panel. So, for the dagger, you’ll want to make a dagger hilt and a dagger blade, and then make an inscription – the inscription determines what stats the weapon will give. Once you have all 3, if you haven’t made it before, switch to the discovery tab (first tab), and add the hilt, blade, and inscription. (May need to purchase inscription recipes from the master craftsman.)

Every crafting discipline works the same way – weapons and armor especially follow the same formula. Jeweler is very similar, but chef is a lot more interesting. Just take care with chef since the intermediary items don’t go into material storage.

3. Generally, I use a basic or copper-fed salvage kit for anything below yellow/rare (for which I use a better salvage kit if they’re level 68 or higher only). I’m sure some could tell you better – for example, light armor green/masterwork items, I’ve heard you should use a better salvage kit for more silk, but that probably matters more over a long period of time.

I use a master’s/mystic salvage kit on rare and exotic items level 68 or higher, and save black lion salvage kits for runes or sigils that I really want – sometimes, high level exotics sell well because of the rune or sigil, so you can, in those cases, get more out of it by salvaging and then selling the rune/sigil.

Main: Mithren Lunalit, Mesmer
Member of Legion of Honour [XIII]

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


I don’t think the added stats are cumulative, though. So at five equipped runes you’d have +65 Power and +100 Condition Damage. (I could be wrong).

Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: choovanski.5462


I don’t think the added stats are cumulative, though. So at five equipped runes you’d have +65 Power and +100 Condition Damage. (I could be wrong).

they are cumulative

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: Donari.5237


Thanks for the correction. I think at the start I assumed they were cumulative and someone told me they weren’t or there was a forum thread saying they weren’t and that stuck in my head. From, like, over two years ago.

/is not a min-maxer, ignores the numbers

Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: SkullProX.7083


Thanks for the answers , i got another 3 questions xD
1,Should i just destroy minor sigils/runes, or i can use them for sth useful?
2, Where can i see my titles, and change them?
3,I heared that i get some money after completing a map in the mail, but i never saw any, and i even checked those mails today, i didnt see any money in it :/ Or i can only get it right after completing it?

Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


1 – you can forge them in the hope of getting something better or just sell to a merchant and get a few copper out of it.

2 – In the hero panel, bottom tab (Achievements), top left hand corner underneath your AP.

3 – You get all rewards in splash screen once you’ve completed it. The mail is just a congratulations. Here are the zone rewards – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_completion#Explorable_zones

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: Blude.6812


Here’s a tip (and one you didn’t ask for). So many carelessly fall for it .
When (not if) you get an e-mail regarding your account from a GM and telling you to use a link to confirm your info. Read it the whole thing, it says it is not from Anet. Just report it and delete it.

Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: SkullProX.7083


Is there a limit for achievement points? Or the amount i can get is infinite?

Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


There’s a cap on achievement points earned through Dailies (10,000 I believe but I think with removal of monthlies they were moving this up to 15,000) and some of the achievements that are repeatable have a cap (example – Agent of Entropy has a limit of 250 AP).

Otherwise I don’t believe there is a cap.

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

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Posted by: MasterJediSoda.5926



As of this posting, the highest was 28436.

Keeping in mind the pinnacle weapons, whose skins aren’t open until 29000:


I don’t think you’ll have to worry about hitting a global cap anytime soon. Just that some, in the process, will have caps as AdaephonDelat said.

Main: Mithren Lunalit, Mesmer
Member of Legion of Honour [XIII]

Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: SkullProX.7083


One more question, i just checked the tp, i can buy the living world season2 for 1280 gems, with 20% sale, how long is that offer up?

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


I believe that offer is permanent. It was added so new players don’t feel as gouged. And it’s a discount in bulk from the per episode price, not a sale.

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Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: SkullProX.7083


Thank you

Few more questions;
1,How can i make my cooldowns (skills) show in second, instead of just the circle going around?
2,Is it worth it to invest money in eq/crafting/invisible bags? Or just later on, once i have too much money and nothing to spend it on?
3, Whats the best way of learn a profession other than experiencing? Youtube video?
4, Is there a best trait/skill build for each profession, or a best few (5-6 or more options?) or ANYTHING is good, untill i can use it well and got a good synergy with my other things? (like trais and skills)

Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: Donari.5237


1 — I dunno, I don’t stare at them much. But I think you can mouse over the skill to see the countdown, if you really want to take that much time out from fighting. Otoh if you have a boon on it will start flashing when it is about to expire.

2 — I always like to have at least a small invisible bag as my bottom bag so I can tuck permanently kept items in it for safety. Check the prices, you might find that an invisible bag is actually cheaper than other bags of the same size.

3 — imo experiencing is the best way, followed by videos or build suggestions or general theorycrafting posts. You want to have a good feeling for what the skills do, then you can seek advice on how to synergize them better and you’ll understand the advice.

4 — I can’t answer that, I don’t min max. I have seen others post vehement opinions on some builds being vital and others being trash. Me, I take what looks fun and seems to work well together. I’ve done well enough with that, though a couple of my alts are fairly low dps as a result (they survive well, however).

Few questions from a noob

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Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

1: There’s an option in the Gameplay Settings for that. Push F11 to access your Settings. If you’ve never been into there, you probably have a few other things that you should check out there, such as enabling AoE Looting and tinkering with your camera settings.

2: More/bigger bags let you hold more things. Holding more things lets you play for a longer time before needing to find an NPC to sell to or take time to use the Trading Post. The type of bags you get is up to you, of course. I have two Invisible Bags on my main character to hold alternate sets of equipment, food consumables, and other things I don’t want to sell by accident. To note, it’s much cheaper right now to get Candy Corn from the Trading Post, convert it to Cobs, and use those to get 20 slot Hallowe’en Pails than it is to actually craft normal 20 slot bags. But 18 slot bags are even cheaper still, so consider carefully what you want and need.

3: I’d just play it, but that’s just me.

4: “Best” is a bit subjective. The best option is usually whatever does the most damage, but that has to be balanced against your own personal survivability. You don’t deal any damage when you’re dead. So sometimes people might take a more defensive trait line instead of an offensive one to ensure they survive, or they might equip a few pieces (or more) of defensive gear to give them more staying power. And then there’s some traits that are taken as matters of convenience, such as passive speed boosts/Swiftness traits, falling damage reduction traits, and so on.

It’s also worth noting that the way you spec a character for PvE is quite different than for PvP/WvW. Defensive stats become much more important when you’re fighting players instead of AI.

Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


1) It’s in the Options panel, look for “Show Skill Recharge”. I think you have to scroll down to find it.


2) I use invisible bags so items I want to keep don’t show up on the sell panel. My other weapons for example. I haven’t tried any of the sorting bags. I flush mats to collections all the time and then salvage items below rare in the field and flush mats again. This leaves me with unsalvagable, rares and above and junk. I flush junk at the nearest NPC and keep going.

3) Either way is valid. Learning on your own could get you in a rut where you are actually playing poorly for the profession and simply not realize it because PvE is relatively easy.

4) That’s a question that launched a 1000 flame wars on the profession boards.

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Few questions from a noob

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkullProX.7083



I unlocked every core skill/specialization with hero points, and i read that there are elite specializations aswell, but where can i find them?