Few questions from new guy
Hello everyone, gotta few questions about few things hope ill get my answers since im gonna start playing the game soon
- when i logged in i got an item that allows me to level a character to 80, of course i will not be using this item yet, need to learn how to play 1st and see t he game content.
Question is on what class would it be usefull to use later on i guess something thats hard to level up but a usefull class and does the item stay with me till i dont use it, it probably will but just to be sure.
The lvl 80 boost can be used as a trial on multiple characters simultaneously. When you decide to make it permanent on one character, all your other characters that are trying it out will revert to their original level. So, you can try all the classes to get an idea of what they’re like at lvl 80. ANet published a video about how the lvl 80 boost works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IbMbGG1lOU
edit: and yes, the boost item will stay with you until you make it permanent on one character. No worries.
Im starting as a necromancer since i wanted to try something new in mmo, usually i played warriors and tanks, is it a good idea for a first character.
Necromancers are a good profession to learn the game. They have a larger than usual health pool and a wide variety of viable builds in all the game modes. Also their profession mechanic ( f1 ability ) is very accessible to learn.
Last i wanna are there things that im limited with that i wanna keep my eye out for like a certain specialization or something, i didnt read everything about the game.
By level 80 you’ll have every skill and non-elite trait line unlocked. You can switch them around at your convenience out of combat. The only thing that you’d want to consider while you level is the stats you want on your armor, weapons, and trinkets that support your build and strategy. Most gear is relatively cheap throughout the game, even the good lvl 80 Exotic gear.
I recommend as early as you can to buy gathering tools from a merchant (mining pick, axe, and harvesting sickle), and gather resources as you adventure and level. It can be a really good source of initial income selling it on the Trading Post if you don’t want to start crafting.
I also recommend staying out of the profession sub-forums here until you’re comfortable and familiar with the given class.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
what playstyle do you like?
if you always play warriors and tanks, trial 80 the warrior, it is alot of fun, i personally get bored with the ease of it.. its too straight forward and can get boring.. but they easy mode PVE roaming.
necro is a great start, its a PVE monster when u get some levels and some minions rolling.. and the reaper trait is awesome but you will need max lvl and then do hero points in the heart of thorns maps..) so u may find yourself using the boost to get ahead and it may be worth it..
mesmer i think is the hardest as far as leveling. they do not really shine until they hit higher levels and unlock alot of traits. the playstyle is more complex, and the portal skill is godlike for roaming PVE, ppl will love you for it..
i used the 80 boost becuz i have 1 of every class maxed anyway, but i dislike how it locks you in the 80 zones…
dont spend alot of cash on gear until you hit 80… use what you get from drops and buy cheap what you need from trade post.. once you hit 80, you can gear to your hearts content. the lvl 80 boost gives you a full set of max gear and trinkets when u commit to it…
so id suggest…
use the 80 boost trial on all the classes, and see what you enjoy most..
then you can choose to regular lvl your main , and save ur boost for your next toon.. or say screw it and use the boost, get a set of gear then play the game as ur necro…. you will still learn the class.. even though you will be stronger in the lower zones..
thank you very much for the answers puts my mind at ease, guess im gonna start with the necro and leave the lvl item for later.
Your last post about leaving the level up is good. I have been playing for years and could be considered a veteran. The following is not a brag just a bit of information for OP to know something about me. You can skip this part to get to my thoughts: I have maxed and play all classes except Thief and Mesmer, multiple-legendary weapons/ multiple ascended armor sets and many other shiny things
There is a lot to learn, I learn stuff all the time…just play the necro and explore the world and learn the class as you level up. Become familiar with the mechanics of the game and the use of the UI, chat, LFG tool, game types like pve-pvp-wvw-eotm etc, etc.
Leveling happens relatively fast, soak up the new information as you go and unlock new abilities. No need to buy any weapons or armor at all for a long time, just use the stuff you get as loot since if you buy a level 40 wpn/armor it will soon become obsolete as you gain levels. Just save up your gold for later. If you are like me you may like to start another character for a change of pace. I know many people “main” one character and don’t “play” other toons but just use them for specific purposes. I like to switch around a lot between, in no particular order: Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior, Elementalist, Engineer, & Revenant, and now with new specializations I can further flavor each of those for even more variety.
The way you play may change over time. I started out playing one profession for about 6 months, then i switched to another for about the same time frame then another etc etc….however, now I am very familiar with many different professions and switch far more frequently.
Hahaha, okay enough blah blah blah to your actual questions. Is the necromancer a good profession for a first character, yes…and moreover pretty much any profession is good for a first character, perhaps any profession really but you are not marrying it so the answer is yes. You have several more slots and even if necro is not the love of your life you will probably want one anyway later.
Later on when you want to also have more level 80 characters I would recommend leveling two at the same time then they can share the loot between them, for example at the same time level a light armor class and a heavy armor class so each can benefit from the drops of gear as you level up.
You probably already picked a server but sounds like you want to be on a US server, there are many EU folks on my US server. I would recommend going with any of the big ones in case you want to wvw a lot—-in no particular order: JQ, BG, YB, TC, FA, etc Servers don’t matter as much as they used to but EU or US does make a difference (although I never played EU so what do I know).
Join a guild, again you are not marrying it so it is not a critical decision and you’ll probably move on, but they can be a big part of the learning process. You can be in multiple guilds. Make your own guild with only you in it for the extra storage space….believe me that will be your biggest challenge in this world STORAGE TABS hahahaha. I could go on and on but just want to say welcome and enjoy, it’s a great game.