Finding my feet [Desolation]
I would be willing to help you out, but I’m afraid I’m on a NA server. However, if you have any questions, you’re absolutely free to PM me whenever.
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread
I’m on Desolation but I wouldn’t want to use Skype or teamspeak but I would use chat
Kuduka- Elementalist | Kudukâ- Mesmer |
Kuduka Dark- Necromancer
Hey Synatics!
Feel free to whisper me in game. My guild has TS and we are a bunch of friendly, patient players that love to teach and show people the ropes. Better yet, we are active and on Desolation!
Welcome back to the game!
What is your guild’s name and a estimate of the number of members DayLight? I hadn’t got on for a few months and when I did get back on, almost no one got on and I’m looking for a new one but not one of those really big ones. More of where I can remember who everyone is in chat and things they said.
Kuduka- Elementalist | Kudukâ- Mesmer |
Kuduka Dark- Necromancer
Hey Kuduka!
We are about 90 active members. You are welcome to whisper me in-game for more information. Don’t want to hijack Synatics post here.