First Time Playing guild wars 2

First Time Playing guild wars 2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: redblade.8795


So i’m trying gw2 for the first time,i never played any gw games but i tho i give it a try as wow is so boring for me at this time.Somethings i want to ask,hope ya can help me with are.
What server has the most players?
Is this game like wow that they have faction? like alliance or horde
is the pvp like wow where u have the pvp gear and then u have pve gear? in wow using pvp gear in pvp u take less damage from player,is it the same in gw2?
last what class is “best” for soloing and pvp. thx for the help

First Time Playing guild wars 2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ascimator.6735


There are no factions that directly oppose each other.
There is no division between pvp and pve gear. You wear your usual gear in WvW and you have a separate “virtual” set of gear for structured PvP.
Thief might be the best for soloing because of stealth.

First Time Playing guild wars 2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


What server has the most players?

When you go to pick a server it will give you a rough idea of how many players are on each, but it doesn’t matter too much because for PvE and 5 vs 5 PvP all servers share maps (it’s called the ‘mega server’ system). It only matters for World vs World (WvW) which is the large scale (up to 150 people per side) PvP.

You can see each server’s WvW ranking here:
Generally speaking higher ranked servers have more WvW players and are better organised, but some people find them boring and prefer lower tiers where it’s more varied.

By the way if you change your mind about your server later you can transfer for free by deleting all your characters. Anything you put into your bank and anything shared by your whole account (like gold and achievements) will be saved so you’re not starting completely from scratch if you do.

Is this game like wow that they have faction? like alliance or horde

No, there are no factions. In PvE all players are on the same side, in PvP it depends on your team and in WvW it depends on your server.

is the pvp like wow where u have the pvp gear and then u have pve gear? in wow using pvp gear in pvp u take less damage from player,is it the same in gw2?

PvP gear is totally separate to PvE gear.

In PvE it works as normal in RPGs – you get different pieces of armor and weapons with different stats and upgrades and combine them as you want. In PvP everyone automatically has the same (top tier) equipment and the only thing you need to pick is your amulet, which determines what stat combination you use.

last what class is “best” for soloing and pvp.

In PvE it doesn’t matter. This game doesn’t have fixed roles for classes, like healers, tanks etc. so any profession can be used for solo (and group) play. In PvP and WvW it varies depending on what builds and strategies are currently popular, but I don’t follow that so someone else will have to tell you.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

First Time Playing guild wars 2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oRx.9584


As Ascimator suggested, there are no real factions here; the war goes on between servers, so the one you choose is the one you’ll represent. Me, I belong to a US server named Ehmry Bay, and you’re welcome to join us here. We kick kitten , I promise. Even though there is no difference in PvP gear or PvE gear, most people keep more than one set of gear with them for each character. The reason is adapting to different situations; you usually gear up a little bit tankier for PvP than you do for PvE, to make sure you dont get wrecked in a second. Also, PvE has little tolerance towards condition damage, since most mobs die before your conditions could tick properly. Last but not least, I’d recommend a Guardian as the best all-round class, but you could pick any class here really. Classes are very balanced in GW2, unlike WoW. Every class can do anything here.

If you care to join the ranks of Ehmry Bay, I’ll be happy to help you out in-game aswell.

Hope I helped.

Regards, oRx

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

First Time Playing guild wars 2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

There’s a big difference in the philosophies behind the 2 MMOs.

WoW is a much more competitive game and each expansion there is an increase in levels and the old gear is trashed. Guild Wars 2 is based more on cooperative play. Tagging, harvesting, events, etc, are all shared between the players here. The Devs said, they want you to be always glad to see another player in PvE. In addition, once you get to level 80 and gear up, that’s where you stay. No higher levels or higher gear stats is expected. If you expect Guild Wars 2 be like WoW you’re going to be disappointed and be missing what this game has to offer.