Fix Elementalists. Seriously.

Fix Elementalists. Seriously.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: fixit.7189


Hard to fast swap eles, even with 30 into arcane it will still be a short internal CD to swap and then tack on 9.5 secs to go to previous elements. Also like to mention that sigils for weapons are very tilted towards weapon swap classes since they get some nice sigils that activate on swaps. ie 100% crit when swapping to this weapon for next attack. I would love to have something like that. But alas, not possible. So I guess this is why the might sigil is so expensive since it is really the only decent one for classes that can’t swap.

Fix Elementalists. Seriously.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Baddestchica.2348


Yes seriously Ian not powerful enough, I can only burst down 6 enemies 2 levels higher than me in 5 seconds with my double dagger fire build. It needs to be atleast 3 seconds… unacceptable!

Thanx for the advice – I’m going to use it for Kassandra Kator my Sylvari Elementalist.
double dagger fire build – just sounds sexy to begin with anyway! Wink Wink.

The gaming Madre

Fix Elementalists. Seriously.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bombastinator.8965


Being able to equip a 2nd weapon set would help a ton

Elementalists already get 2 times as many abilities as any weapon swap class…one weapons set = 4 (some abilities might be useless with certain weapon combo’s…but

Elementalists are probably the most complicated class to play, which means to be good you have to have a higher level of skill, not to say they are perfectly balanced.

All the QQ needs to stop – if you don’t like getting one shot because you gear/trait glass cannon then you chose the wrong game… Panda-land is that way —>

and NONE of them are particularly powerful. Many are nearly useless, particularly the hold fields. There may be many powers, but most of them are pretty near identical,. They’re also not particularly easy to switch between.

As for this accusation of QQ, bite me. The game balance on this game is NOT as good as advertized. Elementalists and engineers are very weak, and Guardians are unbelievably OP. These are FACTS. if you play an elementalist, you will hunt lower levels, die alot more, and advance at 60-70% the rate of a guardian. Yes the first lv 80 was an elementalist, but he did it by having an entire party push just him. he just sat around being healed and taking last hits on mobs provided for him by his team.

I’m not QQ’ing. I’d just like to be able to switch weapons quicker then having to open my inventory.