Fixing typo in character name without remake

Fixing typo in character name without remake

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: morrigana sedai.2091

morrigana sedai.2091


A while ago some guildies of me actually pointed out a typo I did made in one of my character name. I did forget one letter. I was wondering if there is any way to fix this, of if it is possible to do a name change in the future so i can fix this typo myself. Since at the point I was aware of the typo, remaking the character was not an option anymore, since it was already level 80 with quite some exotics and now it’s even less of an option with full exotic (except 2 weapons that are rare) and an ascended back-piece. And a fractal level i don’t want to lose. So the typo is preferred about remaking it, but if the typo can be fixed without remaking it, it would be nice.

Fixing typo in character name without remake

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


So far, not seen anything on name changes. Sorry

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Fixing typo in character name without remake

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hebee.8460


Just roll with it for now. I believe name change is eventually going to be included with the make-over kit, or added sepereatly. Why didn’t you spell check at the character creation? (The typo though makes u unique though, people remember your name)

Fixing typo in character name without remake

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: morrigana sedai.2091

morrigana sedai.2091

Always check the name, I did not see it. And indeed a typo makes it unique, but point is I use a part that exist out of 2 parts and the typo is in the first part that should be the same on all of my characters xD

Anyhow I just think my question is more or less answered, just going to keep it open an bit longer, someone might know a way to actually git it fixed.