/Follow and /Roll
Umm…No. I’d rather not have /follow. Though /rolls are always nice.
If they say that I’m a God, THAT’S WHAT I AM!
There is no such thing as a /follow, most likely to prevent AFK farming by following others.
There is no /roll command either, but the later might be a possible feature in the future.
Auto follow was not overlooked. They chose to not allow it. In fact, auto follow (and click-to-move) is already implemented, but disabled. GW2 is built on GW1’s engine, which uses move-to-target for combat. It was an intentionally decision to disable it in GW2.
I saw a screenshot of the developer options menu, and there were extra options, including move-to-target.
because those who mind don’t matter
and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss
Yeh a lot of AFKers get’s annoying when you’re doing dungeons or something that takes time and people decide to /follow and end up not contributing. I agree that it is used for good purposes too but I’ts not a major thing to not have. /Roll is always fun :P Just play rock, paper, scissors until something comes up
Yeh a lot of AFKers get’s annoying when you’re doing dungeons or something that takes time and people decide to /follow and end up not contributing. I agree that it is used for good purposes too but I’ts not a major thing to not have. /Roll is always fun :P Just play rock, paper, scissors until something comes up
I’ve tried in game RPS, but nothing happened :S
It was fun in GW1.
Roll – Ability to random roll in chat. We do guild runs, and want to distribute unwanted gear to players that can use it, for instance we have 2 engi’s, and one coat, they would typically roll for it.
From what i have seen everyone gets there own loot rewards with nothing being shared by the group. Kinda takes the need out of the whole /roll option.
They’re saying he and his buddies give their loot to eachother if it’s useless to them. He’s having issues in the fact that if a leather jerkin drops, he has two people who could use it, and would like a fair way to decide who can get it.
If they say that I’m a God, THAT’S WHAT I AM!
They’re saying he and his buddies give their loot to eachother if it’s useless to them. He’s having issues in the fact that if a leather jerkin drops, he has two people who could use it, and would like a fair way to decide who can get it.
Ah thats simple. Flip a coin :P or make them guess a number.
I’m not a fan of /follow, but think it could work if there was a command to “break” it.
If you’re being /follow-ed by an AFK player or someone just trying to annoy or harass you, you need to be able to break their /follow.
However, I think this would become too complicated. Perhaps if you “ignored” a person they could never follow you – but even combining those two systems I feel is making things a big complex and mangled to implement.
You’d also have to have the /follow broken for combat – or it would allow someone to have a free ride and break the well-done system they worked so hard to put in place.
I would like the auto follow option implemented, since I am one of those… “wives”. Or even click-to-move. I think the follow option would work best if they were able to set it up so that it was only an option available to members of your party. This way, no random player on the field could follow another.
For the /roll In the meantime, we’ve been using the pick a random number between 1 and 10, I guess it works, I’m just surprised there isn’t a roll option.
As far as /follow, it has it’s ups and downs. It would be nice to have, but I also remember having 5-7 people on /follow while leading 40 mans. The follow-break suggested by Ceallach is a pretty good idea imo. The party only follow would also be welcome.
Thanks for all the input everyone.