Fractals of the Mists and Agony

Fractals of the Mists and Agony

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkyFrog.9742


So, my friend and I finaly reached level 10 in Fractals last night. Fros level 1 to 9 the difficulty was extremely easy. Boy… that 10th level obliterated us.

Where are we supposed to get AR if not on levlel 10+? How are we supposed to survive from that agony on lvl 10+ without AR? I mean, we tried killing that legedary shaman for like 2 hours and 30 minutes (im seriuous)

Oh, and one more question, where can i learn more about bosses special abilities on level 10+ such as the one at Old Tom’s where u have to put some things into some other things so u disable the poison in the room.

Fractals of the Mists and Agony

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


you don’t really need the AR on level 10.
you just need to understand when you’ll get hit and be prepared (be more than half health and throw a heal on agony)

regarding the encounter mechanix, I really don’t know, the WIKI is very shallow and doesn’t give you too much information, learning the encounter its really trial and error process.

Fractals of the Mists and Agony

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ivienn.6354


At lvl 10 agony doesn’t hit so hard so just timing heals is enough. My advice is to do lvl 10 until you get at least one ring before you move to lvls 15+ or so unless you don’t mind timing heals very very precisely.

As for what each boss does for agony I’m gonna write down as much as I can remember atm.

1.Jumping fractal- Agony comes from end boss Asura when we sends like 3 balls at you. They can be dodged but easiest way to dodge them is to dodge to him instead of back. Also he won’t usually try to attack you if you stay on max range. As for Old Tom boss before you start him don’t run into the room but on it’s corners to place crystals from center to the each left and right panel so you can charge them more easily. You have to put crystals in them in order to charge fan so once they are out put them again to turn fan on.

2. Swamp fractal- Mossman boss gives agony when he hits you with axe. It is dodgable. If you are low at health and your heals are at cd run to the water and swim a bit to reset combat and get health back. I don’t remember when tree boss gives agony.

3. Water fractals- In both Jellyfish gives agony when she eats you. Get out as fast as you can and agony won’t most likely kill you.

4.Charr Fractal- Last boss gives agony here and you can avoid it by staying at max range, otherwise I don’t think it’s dodgable since it is like a big white aoe.

5.Grawl Fractal- Shaman boss gives agony when he shoots an arrow to you so you can dodge it if you notice him facing you and trying to shoot arrow.

6.Dredge Fractal- Last boss gives agony and it’s in their circles (I think) so avoid those and you should be fine. Usually standing a bit further from those bosses will keep you agony free.

7.Jade Fractal- This ones gives agony when tanticles are killed first time before boss starts and later on 2nd phase after you kill all mobs. This one is impossible to dodge so just spam heals when it hits you. Also if you die and get option to go back at check point there is like a wall of agony on the way back you can’t avoid.

8.Seal Fractal- Boss gives agony in the aoe circles he spawns so staying out of them will keep you safe.

I think that’s all.

Nothing is ever easy

Fractals of the Mists and Agony

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: applekwisp.2139


you dont need agony till roughly 16. everything before it can be avoided or healed through