Full inventory while getting rewards

Full inventory while getting rewards

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Forcia.7184


I am new to GW2 and currently using the level 80 boost token. I am in the Silverwastes, running around smashing things. I got some bags from the mean plant boss (and elsewhere) with stuff that quickly occupies the inventory (because you have only one 20 slot bag) and more goody bags that I cannot open for the obvious reason.

So I decided to use the token and now it’s asking me to choose from really nice amount of exotic items for my profession. Great, thanks. But my inventory is full and I cannot accept them.

I do not want to destroy what I have in my inventory. I sent useful mats in the bank and sold the junk. Any advice for this matter?

Full inventory while getting rewards

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Salvage equipment you aren’t going to use. Anything green and lower. Sell the green runes and sigils to the merchant (they usually are a pain to sell on the trading post and you really don’t get much more more than a vendor). If you have a guild you could donate items to the guild bank. Make an extra character to store items (you won’t be able to store items soul bound to another character on it) Buy 18/20 slot bags off the trader as you can. Save up gold to convert into gems to get extra bag slots on your character or extra slots on your account bank.

Full inventory while getting rewards

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Forcia.7184


Hey mate, thanks for the tips! The problem here is I don’t know if I’ll receive the rewards / items if my inventory is full at that moment. Will I get them by mail or they’ll be lost?

Full inventory while getting rewards

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hornswroggle.8023


In general anything you get from bags or rewards is NEVER lost. There are several systems to prevent that. If I recall correctly When you Accept the 80 upgrade you recieve one big box first. Only when you open it you will be flooded. However that box gives you a couple of Invenory bags each 15 Slots big so you can use them and then Accept the rest from the overflow.

Full inventory while getting rewards

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Forcia.7184


In general anything you get from bags or rewards is NEVER lost.

Awesome, I love it! Thanks guys.

Full inventory while getting rewards

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Your welcome