GS/Staff Profession - Insights for a Beginner

GS/Staff Profession - Insights for a Beginner

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xiede.8543


Afternoon folks! Hoping someone might be able to help me out on which one of these would be more viable (not optimal for either of the class, just which out of the two/three would be better than the other):

Greatersword/Staff Reaper (Necro) or Greatsword/Staff Druid (Ranger). I guess, doing some quick look, Guardian would also be able to use both of them.

The reason that I ask is that I originally started playing GW2 for a short while three years ago (based on when I logged back in, my four made characters had their third birthday present in the mail). One of the things back then that I wanted to craft so bad was Twilight. I thought it was beautiful then, I think it is beautiful still. I want to be able to use it. I also have seen Nevermore. Found it beautiful and want to craft it.

I know that the weapon combos probably aren’t compatible, but I never expect to do hardcore PvP and most likely will spend my time just running around the world goofing off. But in that avenue, just being casual, I would like to at least be as strong as I can.

Any suggestions on which would be the best to focus on?

Thank you folks!

GS/Staff Profession - Insights for a Beginner

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Do consider that Mesmer can also wield both GS and Staff, and its base mesmer weapons (meaning you don’t have to train an elite spec if you don’t want to, even though I don’t know why you wouldn’t).

But just between Necro and Ranger, I happen to enjoy my ranger a bit more than my Necro, but I don’t have much playtime on either character.

GS/Staff Profession - Insights for a Beginner

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Reaper, Druid, Mesmer, Guardian can all do staff / greatsword.

Of those 4 I’d probably say Reaper or Druid, but that does require you to unlock elite specs. Granted, if you’re crafting Nevermore, you’re going to be out in HoT anyway, so probably not a big deal.

For Druid, I play staff / gs similarly to how I played lb / gs. Staff is just a bit more support based as opposed to lb’s offensive style.

I don’t typically use gs on necro, primarily because I don’t play a power build and I don’t like how slow it feels. However, I do see a lot of pve necros that run around with it (and minions).

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

GS/Staff Profession - Insights for a Beginner

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: altermaven.7385


Staff has quite a bit of utility for necros as it gives us access to marks, which are the equivalent of traps. However it’s only use is for holding down a point and there’s a two-mark combo that results in an instant Area Weakness (Poison + Blast) when triggered – important if you’re feeling the pressure about to happen. However, in terms of utility overall, GS/staff is better on terms of mesmer/guardian, as there’s a ready-switch between power offense and support on both cases.

However, for terms of superior support, the Druid excels with the staff IMO. Necro doesn’t really cut it for me — I have a dagger/focus (with an inventory-stashed axe if I need distance) on the off with my sword for my Reaper spec.

You might want to try these setups yourself — all it boils down to IMO is personal preference. For me, I prefer GS/staff on my guardian if I can.

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Part of the [PORT] mystical tour – “Marilee Mangletooth.” What main?
Something something Autechre fanatic.