(edited by Sam.4728)
GW2 + Mumble Overlay: a proper fix
Thanks again, sam
The version is running bugfree for me so far – i didn’t even need to unsinstall my previous mumble version, just installed this one right over it. The overlay is working perfectly and the positional audio is a great feature, but it will take me some days to get used to it
remember to check the checkbox that you use headphones if you want to use positional audio with a headset – otherwise it sounds a bit off and gives you trouble with the volume
Just a heads up: it seems that the “SweetFX” plugin for GW2 is incompatible with mumble. It also seems to be the cause of other instability issues a guild member was having. So, if you use this patched mumble, please make sure you have no other files than “GW2.exe” “GW2.dat” and “GW2.tmp” in your GW2 folder.
I can confirm overlay support works fine indeed with this custom version.
Unfortunately mumble devs have announced this fix won’t make it into the 1.2.4 version (currently in feature freeze before release). We will have to wait for the snapshot versions post-1.2.4 to get this fix in an official build.
Thank you for this post! I’ve been wracking my brains trying all the fixes posted on the net to no avail. only this has fixed it.
Just one minor thing, not really an issue. Mumble now says there’s a newer Snapshot version. Will the one who recompiled it keep recompiling newer snapshot versions until Mumble Devs have fully implemented it in a future release?
You can ignore the “new snapshot” available. That’s an artifact of how I built the package. It has no version #, only a compile date, so it thinks every other version of mumble is newer than it is. Until 1.2.4 has been released, my build is newer than any snapshot you can find. Once 1.2.4 has been released, just upgrade to the next official snapshot from the mumble site which will include my fix.
I don’t intend to build another mumble installer any time soon. I only have a 30GB Windows partition and building it used nearly all my space. If I build another installer, it will be to include my guild’s custom mumble skin, something you probably don’t want.
I see. I can live with that little quirk. Thank you for your hard work, and for putting this up publicly for everyone!
What boggles me a little is Enjins overwolf. Enjin allows you to purchase mumble through the site and plan, but then didn’t add the overlay into the overwolf client but added raptor, TS etc. I pay 30 bucks a month for my site, and the basic chat I use isn’t on my favorite overlay lol… On top of that, this thread ^^
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu
This was very helpful! Thank you for this! I had been trying to find a work around for my guild for the longest time, but it’s nice to see someone took it upon themselves to fix it!
Does anyone know if there is a newer version of this. Or if there is a better alternative? There hasn’t been a post in this thread for some time.
Also I am using 1.2.4
(edited by Lucky.9421)
Does anyone still use this?
The community is working on 1.3.0 right now with support for us. Watch the Wiki for release updates.
To use overlay in Mumble 1.2.X and see who is talking, you can see your fps too
1. Download and install latest mumble snapshot (not the stable) http://mumble.sourceforge.net/
2. Replace mumble_ol.dll file in the installation directory with this one http://www.mediafire.com/download/b6omaepeaukfd45/mumble_ol.dll
3. Always start mumble first, then GW2
- Make sure overlay is enable: Configure > Settings > Overlay > check enable
- You can create a shortcut to toggle main mumble window, to change channels mute someone etc
Configure > settings > Shortcuts > Add > toggle overlay > assign key