Gaming laptop for GW2?
Before anything else, you need a budget.. what sort of £$ are we talking?
Clevo. The only laptops I consider “gaming laptops”, as some of them sport a desktop CPU and in some cases, even a desktop GPU inside.
Depending on your budget and where you’re located they can be pretty costly.
Here’s the world’s most powerful laptop for americans:
And this is the european version:
Clevo has some cheaper options as well if you can settle for a mobile CPU which overheats. I personally can’t. Not after experiencing the power of a desktop CPU inside a laptop.
I’m in the same situation, a desktop would be better but i travel a lot so i go for a laptop.
So for gaming don’t take a slim laptop. Cooling is important, preferable dedicated cooling for cpu and gpu. As said in previous post you need a rather big budged. As said cooling is important so clean you laptop regularly. And always use throttlestop certainly when win 10.
Juclesia Elcritian.8410 and RedZebra.2345 almost covered it all.
Out of personal experience I can recommend (or if you’re not in germany/austria/switzerland) as you can see in my signature
For more detailed help, we need to know your budget and your personal “must haves”.
Leader of “Servants of Balance” [SoB], a small guild endemic to the FSP.
cheaper one just get anything comes with I5 6200u to 6500u as cpu and amd or nvidia as video card and ssd hardrive.
(edited by Taxidriver.2043)
TBF if your willing to knock shadows down and run at 1366 rather than 1720 a basic i5 using built in isis will run GW2 pretty well.. Cant actually see the point spending a fortune on a laptop
ighten if you travel a lot a gaming laptop is nice to have.
Hey, So i wanted to address the budget: preferably under 1000 though I think MAX i’d be willing to spend is 1500, , and that’s pushing it, I do in the future plan to get a desktop, but not for a year or 2. Just started a new job in a new place so my life will be pretty transitory for a few years. I’d mainly play guild wars and would be fine on medium settings, it doesn’t need to be ultra high settings.
(edited by Ailiana.5860)
I use an Asus laptop that cost about $1,100. It runs GW2 on high settings. I do have to turn down the graphics for other characters and number shown of other player characters when I’m in WvW or in a really crowded event, but overall it runs very well.
(edited by Weindrasi.3805)
Cant actually see the point spending a fortune on a laptop
Just like some people don’t see a point in spending a fortune on a desktop.
I run a 3 year old $2000 ASUS ROG labtop with a 40 inch monitor as my main screen. Still can run GW2 and most MMOs and Games on Ultra, tho atm I’m waiting for a GTX 1080 upgrade and it’ll be able to run “every game” again on Max settings.
17.3 inch native monitor, I7 3.2 GH quad core hyper-threaded, 16 GB of RAM, 2 HDs and 2 SSDs, and the weakest link in the machine a GTX 770m 3GB video card, soon to have a GTX 1080 added.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
newegg have a gaming laptop in their shellshocker deals today = its a place to sign up and check daily as decent ones are often on sale :-
$950 – Lenovo I7, 256 ssd, 16 gb and a 960m gfx card
Good luck with your search!
cheaper one just get anything comes with I5 6200u to 6500u as cpu and amd or nvidia as video card and ssd hardrive.
I strongly suggest to NOT follow this advice. The U-Series CPUs are toned down versions aiming for a very low TDP (which isn’t a bad thing in general, but comes at the cost of performance and those are specifically design for being used in those ultra-slim multimedia notebooks).
There are still some recommendable laptops in that link, but skip those with the U CPU.
newegg have a gaming laptop in their shellshocker deals today = its a place to sign up and check daily as decent ones are often on sale :-
$950 – Lenovo I7, 256 ssd, 16 gb and a 960m gfx card luck with your search!
No personal experience with Lenovo, but the components look solid and the price is pretty good.
Leader of “Servants of Balance” [SoB], a small guild endemic to the FSP.
You either want to wait, as next gen graphics cards are becoming current gen, so there will be opportunities for previous season models real soon, or just wait out the novelty tax on new staff, or you want to go Dell (inspiron 7559).
Clevo is a risk, they aren’t known for their build quality. While from dell you can get “house call” technician guarantee for little extra. Given how gaming rigs aren’t your cheapest buy, and aren’t always build for endurance (because most bang for your buck goes into power of internals) I would highly advice the manufacturer who will be there for you if things go south.
I’ve recently bought a gaming laptop, custom-configured from Pc Specialists UK.
EXTREMELY satisfied!
Playing HoT content at over 100FPS(when plugged in and on high performance. The Nvidia GPU has Optimus which tries to balance FPS/performance with battery. It’s able to be configured so works pretty nicely). LA and WvW around 40-60 depending on what I’m doing with some drops to 30 fps on REALLY heavy WvW clashes. This is on Ultra settings with shadows set to High.
During build time, PC Specialists were great with keeping me up to date on progress. The SSD I asked for did cause a slight delay due to being out of stock, but overall build time was around 2 weeks and next day delivery.
I found some negative feedback with PCSpecs, but I went with it and had NO ISSUE at all(granted, that feedback was from years ago).
Cost was 932£.
Here are the main specs:
i7 6700HQ
Nvidia 970M 6GB(I plan to get an external monitor or two that’s why I went for the 6gb model)
8GB RAM (Easily upgradeable! Either by yourself or with support.)
240GB SSD.
15inch(there was a 17 model but just like you, I also was looking for a laptop that would be a near-desktop replacement in terms of power but with mobility).
I was able to save near 100£ by not including an OS, so I installed my own.
It’s not the most high end, but it exceeded my expectations in various aspects.
REALLY happy with it. Totally recommend it!
I’d be glad to provide more details on specs etc if needed.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
You either want to wait, as next gen graphics cards are becoming current gen, so there will be opportunities for previous season models real soon, or just wait out the novelty tax on new staff, or you want to go Dell (inspiron 7559).
Clevo is a risk, they aren’t known for their build quality. While from dell you can get “house call” technician guarantee for little extra. Given how gaming rigs aren’t your cheapest buy, and aren’t always build for endurance (because most bang for your buck goes into power of internals) I would highly advice the manufacturer who will be there for you if things go south.
Well, since Clevo is a pure barebone manufacturer, the support totally depends on the reseller, e. g. Sager in the U.S. or Schenker in the EU (just two examples). Ofc, support is an important issue to consider, but breaking it down to “Clevo bad” is just plain wrong.
Another plus of the Clevo barebones is, that they offer easy acces for maintenance, so you can clean the fans thoroughly and change stuff like RAM, harddrives, etc. yourself.
Leader of “Servants of Balance” [SoB], a small guild endemic to the FSP.