Gear boxes: What is really in them?
Most people won’t get their 5th laurel until tomorrow, so after that there will probably be lots of reports (read: complaints) about the contents. Some lucky may have the chance to buy today, so maybe there will be some more information on this soon.
This is something I am planning on spending my bay leaves on, so I am curious too.
I believe a lot of people in Europe should have 5 Laurels by now, or later tonight. Got mine in the middle of the night when the Daily reset, so I am just trying to keep myself from buying until I know for sure. XD Of course, I could just buy a box myself and find out, but I really do not want to waste the Laurels since they are not gained that quickly and if there is no new looking gear in the boxes, I have other things to save for.
Just to add some info without starting a new thread: I opened a Warrior’s box on my 80 warrior (not sure if class/level matters) and got some generic level 80 rare boots worth about 37s, and an exotic 80 shield called Kryta’s Embrace, worth about 4 gold.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
My level 80 guardian’s box contained rare leggings and a rare shield. I sold them on the trading post for about 55 silver total. I’m curious to know if other people’s gear had stats that seemed to skew them towards a certain playstyle (my two pieces had seemingly healer-friendly properties).