Genesis hammer

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Perelfc.4320


So i have been farming Maw for the past 3 days, non stop, and still i have not gotten the hammer dulfy states that the frozen maw drops it, but still im kind of developing doubts that this is true…

can anyone confirm this is a fact?

getting tired of hearing Schoolar Brogun’s Speech about the totem now o.O

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Welcome to RNG farming. Something that is rampant in other games and only done in GW2 for skins.

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Perelfc.4320


That still does not answer my question :/

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Yes it drops from Frozen Maw.

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Perelfc.4320


Maaaan. so many hours farming

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esplen.3940


If you want efficiency, go to Orr.

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Perelfc.4320


well i want genesis so i got no choice but to stay on maw.

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Maw would be an extremely inefficient way to farm that given the respawn time. Looks like maw gives you a Gilded Strongbox. Look for regular champions that also drop it and farm those instead. There are many people farming the ones in frostgorge.

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Perelfc.4320


according to the sources, maw is the only mob that can drop it

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Your sources are terrible.

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Perelfc.4320


well dulfy is terrible:)?

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cyrill Faust.9340

Cyrill Faust.9340

Maw is the only “Reported” drop not the only drop. It drops from other things not just Maw.

“Destroyer, Icebrood, Ghost, Elemental – Gilded Strongbox” From the same Dulfy page so you can get it from any of those type of champs. Go to the northwest corner of frostgourg on a busy server you’ll find alot that can drop it or run HOTW. If you just keep doing maw odds are by the time you get it (if you ever do) it’ll be 5-10g on the tp.

Proud member of [BANK] my bank guild and [BANK](2) my other bank guild

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DevorianDevil.6037


Problem is that the gilded strongbox drops from rises aswellas the maw BUT they have a different icon, the risen strongbox have the standard yellow box icon. The one that frozen maw drops has a bag icon. And i have still nog heard from anyone that they had genesis drop from anything but frozen maw.

So if anyone had it drop elsewhere pls specify where pls.

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kahzee.6042


From the wiki it says it can drop from risen champs as well

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falunel.7645


A friend of mine got Genesis a few days ago. At the time, he was farming Frostgorge and Orr, but mainly Frostgorge.

I don’t know where he got it, or if he just bought it, but I’ll ask him later today. For now, there’s at least no harm in jumping in Frostgorge or Orr to kill some champs.

Falunel – Sylvari Elementalist | Falche Graysong – Human Mesmer | Tarnished Coast
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Genesis hammer

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Posted by: Khisanth.2948

Khisanth.2948 drops the same Gilded Strongbox as the maw. Takes about 10 minutes from start to killing him. Could go faster if you actually optimized the party for it.

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ruby Highfarm.6073

Ruby Highfarm.6073

My guild leader stated that Risen champions can both drop Genesis and Entropy… Don’t know about regular Frostgorge chmapions, but maybe they can drop it…
Crystal Guardian isn’t bad either…

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


My guild leader stated that Risen champions can both drop Genesis and Entropy… Don’t know about regular Frostgorge chmapions, but maybe they can drop it…
Crystal Guardian isn’t bad either…

That is also mentioned on the wiki.
The issue with the frostgorge champions is that they drop Gilded Strongbox and there are multiple versions of those.

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Agwavere.2714


Fractal run terminating with the Jade Maw (Difficulty lvl 10 Fractal) (Personal Reward lvl 8 at the time of opening loot) (Magic Find at 97%)

(edited by Agwavere.2714)

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gnat.9405


The hammers come from Gilded Coffers, which is NOT the same as Gilded Strongbox.

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

The hammer is one of the named drops from the maw. There are also other ways to get it. However the change that it will drop for you is extremely low.

In case of the Maw:
There is a change of 5% you get an exotic drop.
If you get an exotic drop there is a change of 10% it will be a named drop
The Maw has bout 6-7 different named exotics that can drop.
So bottom line is that the avergae change of getting Genesis from the maw or from a lootbox is very very slim.

On top of that, the majority of people who get it as a drop will sell it on the TP, cause they actually don’t want it and want the money for something they want. So best way to get this weapon is to farm the money and buy it. It is currently 33g.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Charak.9761


Champion Loot – Google Docs

cant read doc

Destroyer, Icebrood, Ghost, Elemental
-Gilded Strongbox
-Cores, Lodestones, T6, T5, Karma, Scroll of Knowledge
-Crystal Guardian, Scepter of the Highborn, Shiverstone, Cobalt, Monsoon, Combustion, Genesis

Genesis hammer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mpiftekis.1529


I doubt there’s really a point answering that since his/her dream is about dead after 2 months, but for the new bloods finding this thread, trying to farm genesis the reality is as simple as that.

If you want to make money out of it, don’t expect to. By the time you get it, you could be licking toads’ backs and still make more money.

If you want it for yourself, go buy it. It’s 60g, which you can make in merely 2 weeks by doing 4 quick dungeon runs a day. And if you are willing to farm the shaman for months there is no excuse of being bored with dungeons.