Getting Glory Structured PvP Guide

Getting Glory Structured PvP Guide

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dsmac.6325


Here is a guide on how to get glory points in structured PvP for new players.

What are glory points?
Glory points is a currency that can be used to buy cooler looking PvP equipment and unlock reward chests. The more glory points you have the higher rank you can get and the rewards are even better.

Getting glory points
Killing enemies, capturing points, landing hits with trebuchet, ending game bonuses (winning and being top player).

Okay now let’s cover the details

BE SELFISH, yes that is correct if you want a larger amount of points be selfish. Getting glory is about being a smart player.

Player Killing
When killing enemies do not go alone. It does not matter if you can down a player. If you do not finish them and there is no team follow up, you wasted your time. Follow your team so you can use them to soak up damage. You need around 4-5 hits on a target to get credit on a finish. If you see a downed player that you have not damaged yet, do NOT finish right away. If you do so you will not be rewarded. You must hit the downed player a few times before finishing to get points.

Capturing Points
At the start of the map go to the closest capture point, because that generally guarantees you 10 points. Whenever you capture a point LEAVE! Leave, because if you are just sitting there defending like a good player, you will not be rewarded. You will probably end up in a 1v1 soon to become a 1v2 to a 1v3 situation. Even if you win the 1v1 you probably did not end up finishing your enemy, you get nothing. People understand that defending is worthless due to the current game system’s way of awarding glory. For the most part people just leave after capture. This now allows you to recapture the point for even more points. Keep it mind its not about playing the game properly it’s about playing smart.

Stick with the team unless you find someone you can 1v1 and win. Killing a player and finishing them gives the most points at a relatively fast rate. Do the fighting when capturing is too far away, because that is where the points are. Do NOT bait the enemy team or stall the enemy team from doing objectives by sacrificing yourself. This is pointless, because you can be spending your time trying to get kills. Winning the game only rewards you with around 20 extra points. Losing the game gives you 10 extra points. Again if your enemy captures a location, this opens up an opportunity to recapture the point for more points.

You only get credit for dealing damage so no.

Important Notes
-You are not being rewarded for PvPing properly.
-Capture and recapture=success
-Time is money (glory), don’t waste your time doing nothing
-Points are not based on a team effort or effort for that matter.

If there is anything that will be useful for new players that I should add please let me know and if I have gotten any of my information wrong. Thanks

(edited by Dsmac.6325)

Getting Glory Structured PvP Guide

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamDancer.9614


Can only agree from my own experience, and also you summed up nicely what is all wrong with the current glory reward mechanic in PvP. If you play to win the game, you lose out on glory/rank experience.

It’s really frustrating to notice that if you sacrifice yourself to delay the enemy from capturing or advancing, you get punished. I had games where the losing team got at least double the points compared to the winning team, even though we won 500 to about 120.

So to all new players…follow Dsmac’s suggestions to earn a lot of points. Save playingproperly for when it counts, aka tournaments.

Getting Glory Structured PvP Guide

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Demosthene.2195


"So to all new players…follow Dsmac’s suggestions to earn a lot of points. Save playingproperly for when it counts, aka tournaments."

Which, interestingly enough, brings us to a catch-22 scenario, where over time entry barrier for tournament play will become so high, that learning curve will turn into a "learning cliff" unapproachable by 98% of players, leaving these players to the hell of hot-join "casual" PvP with no ladders to climb separating players based on skill, and no incentives for winning because it’s all about racking up glory points anyway.

Another problem is that there is nothing in-between tournament play (dominated by pre-made teams of really good players) and hot-join PvP. WvW is not PvP, so let’s leave it out of the discussion for the moment. Yet another issue I have is that "player skill" is tracked by glory, because there are no leagues and ladders to speak of, either in hot-join or tournament play.

What I’d like to see is a re-design of PvP at large:

a) hot-join casual PvP, 8v8, solo queue on server of your choice

- glory system, revamped and more context-sensitive, you get about 40-60% of available glory points by winning the match, can get the remaining 40-60% points through individual contribution, if you lose the match you only get points for individual contribution

b) solo queue semi-competitive 5v5 PvP, no pre-made teams allowed, automated match-making

- glory system, all glory points awarded for winning the match
- leagues and ladders to climb, separating players by skill in automated match-making

c) pre-made teams competitve 5v5 PvP, tournament play, automated match-making

- glory system, all glory points awarded for winning the match
- monthly and yearly tournaments

(edited by Demosthene.2195)

Getting Glory Structured PvP Guide

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mobott.5908


No wonder I wasn’t getting many glory points.

Getting Glory Structured PvP Guide

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dsmac.6325


I think you get bonus glory based on a certain percent. It appears that the more glory you have to more bonus you get in the end. Again the main emphasis is put on getting glory. If you are doing your job and not getting glory then you are not being rewarded. I’m sure there are many players who score low on the boards, but impact the game in a significant way. The concept of the game isn’t that hard to learn, but they aren’t promoting good PvP. Certain actions aren’t being rewarded and others are rewarded too heavily.

Getting Glory Structured PvP Guide

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: juno.1840


Dove into sPvP this weekend hard — achieved rank 10. I have to say this topic is still accurate (even though it’s 6-months old).

It’s a shame because there should be some incentive to guard a capture point, or occupy a zerg Many-vs-Me.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”