Getting very low fps, playing on a good cpu

Getting very low fps, playing on a good cpu

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bartan.4398


Since guild wars 2 came out i have been playing it on a older laptop because my current newer laptop was being repaired for some water damage. Anyway on this older laptop i was getting 20-35 fps which was absolutely fine. I now have my newer better laptop back and for the past 2 days when i play guild wars 2 i only getting 10-20 fps and it’s very choppy and unplayable. I have been able to play games like WoW, BF3, Skyrim, D3, and LoL perfectly with high fps on this laptop, but GW2 seems to run horribly on it. Here’s the specs of my laptop:
Model: ASUS Notebook N53SV Series
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-2410M CPU @2.30 GHz 2.30 GHz
Installed Memory(RAM): 6.00 GB
System type: 64- bit operating system
Windows edition: Windows 7 home premium
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M
I really need some help or suggestions as to how i can improve my fps because right now the game is unplayable at this point and i know this laptop should have no issues at all with fps.
less than a minute ago

Getting very low fps, playing on a good cpu

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: K Cross.3458

K Cross.3458

Apparently, this game needs high end processor to run decently, IF you are lucky.

Try updating drivers, lowering CPU related settings like reflection (set to None), unparking cores (

Another advice is try playing in your old laptop to see results, because many people (like me) started having huge lag issues after they released a “patch” a couple of days ago.

Getting very low fps, playing on a good cpu

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kharlus.3612


Hi Bartan,

Here I managed to get great FPS improve by reducing Shaders, Post Processing, reflections and shadows (Animation, environment and textures set to high and “Best texture filtering” on – much better performance… and the game still looks great!).

If you go to W3 especially, disable shadows at all

Getting very low fps, playing on a good cpu

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ceallach.8740


What settings are you using in-game ?

Unfortunately, your GPU is not very powerful. I had a laptop with a similar card – and I tried to play GW2 on it… and you’re not going to be playing on high settings. You’re going to get maybe ~25-30 on low in quiet areas.

It might be a driver issue if you’re playing on low settings – or it could be in part that the new laptop is running at a higher resolution.

Quad-core seems to get the best performance, and yours is a hyper-threaded dual-core (the laptop “i” line is largely dual core – only the i7 with “QM” are actually 4 physical cores). It should have the potential to do pretty decently, but the GPU is so weak it’s going to be held back even there.