Goals at level 80?

Goals at level 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xeren.7612


I leveled from 60-80 with crafting and now im pretty clueless as to what to do..

what are some goals / end game things i can do? is there “raiding” in this game like wow/rift? high end pvp gear?

a simple list of things to do would suffice

Goals at level 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


Finish your personal story, it will take you through quite a few zones. Then possibly head to some dungeons or help people secure the Arah Gates in the Cursed Shore. There is so much stuff to do.

I like waffles.

Goals at level 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gwaiyn.4395


alot of the end game content is still in the works, the game’s only been released for like a week and a half so it’s kind of expected that all that raiding and what not still isn’t finished

there’s zhaitan and alot of the lower leveled content to do though, but apart from that, they don’t even have all the mini games implemented yet

Gwaiyn – 80 Thief
Ryfaul – 80 Warrior
Fluene – 80 Mesmer

Goals at level 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZionNow.2138


Well there isn’t going to be “raiding” in the game. Explorable dungeons are the best alternative.

I haven’t hit 80 mysalf, but when I do I imagine I’ll start running explorable dungeons to collect the dungeon armor I want. I haven’t decded yet which one, maybe the Ascalonian one since it glows in the dark.

Also I’ll be going after these babies

I’ll probably also do some WvW and sPvP. But those are my PvE goals.