Going for my first legendary!

Going for my first legendary!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mostly Harmless.7046

Mostly Harmless.7046

I want Bolt.
Should i work on everything but the precursor first? In case i get the luckiest drop ever along the way? Orshould I work on zap asap?

I need almost everything… I got the WvW gift, and the blood shard, and like.. 30 of each t6 mats? T.T

It seems such a huge enterprise. What should I do first? X.X any advice from people savy with this legendary business?

Ps: donations gratefully acepted haha

Going for my first legendary!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Get the precursor and clovers out of the way early. They will give you a psychological advantage in feeling like you are making progress. Making the clovers will also generate a large amount of t6 mats for you as well.

In between going for the above, you can break it up with map completion and farming and making sure you have the required crafting level for the Gift

I also advise finding out which map each week generates charged cores/lodestones. They aren’t cheap and you will need 100 lodestones. Currently Fireheat I think gives them which is pretty decent for events.

Going for my first legendary!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


First clovers and dungeon, next whatever you want. It actually takes very little time once you focus on it but getting up the interest to actually get everything was my greatest task.

Going for my first legendary!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silberfederling.9302


Take your time. If you try to silverwaste the money you might loose the fun in playing normaly. Trust me a certain warhorn and 60 hrs of silverwaste did kill it for me for 2 months.

Going for my first legendary!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mostly Harmless.7046

Mostly Harmless.7046

I forgot to mention i dont have enough tyrian MPs for the pres mastery. >.< Its the only line i have yet to complete, I left it for last because I didnt think I would go for a legendary… working hard in ls2 atm to get more tyrian MPs!

Thanks for the advice. I got about 120 ascalonian thingies, and 18 clovers (all from pvp, which I’m terrible at)

Figure ill pvp for the rest of the clovers because I sold my mystic coins not too long ago

As for lodestones, i have like.. 4? Need to work on that a lot…

Going for my first legendary!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Randulf.7614


For a year I forged every rare weapon I got from metas and silverwastes. In that time I got 2 precursors. Bear in mind I play a reasonably large amount of hours though to have obtained so many, but it is an option. The armours I salvaged for ectos.

Going for my first legendary!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mostly Harmless.7046

Mostly Harmless.7046

Another question: is it cheaper to craft zap OR to buy it outright?

Going for my first legendary!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Depends on your perspective. I say its vastly cheaper since you aren’t forced into buying anything.

Others say the mats you farm still have value and after all the mats you use, it works out roughly the same as buying it if you had just sold everything you used.

Going for my first legendary!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573



Zap currently costs 579g to craft via collection and 817g to buy order. You will probably spend 20 hours on the collections, so the question is do you think 11g an hour is your best use of time or not. If you can make more than 11g an hour then it will be better for you to just make a buy order for zap, otherwise it is better to craft it yourself. If you have trouble saving money then I recommend crafting it since you can make incremental progress that won’t be undone by poor spending habits.

Mystic clovers are a great way to start since you will get A LOT of the materials you need for the other parts in your attempts at the mystic clovers.

Dungeon tokens are a good thing to get out of the way too since you can only get so many tokens a day (though it is better since the patch)

Don’t get stuck grinding for money in only 1 spot, you will wear yourself out. Rotate between 4-5 spots if possible to keep it fun. SW, Orr, HoT maps, dungeons, fractals, there are lots of places to make money these days, try to do them all in your journey.

Going for my first legendary!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Also, clear out anything not required from your bank/material storage. You’d be surprised what accumulates in there and what value can exist.

Going for my first legendary!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Batelle.1680


Don’t do what I did (twice!) and not have a toon who could craft the various Gifts. Nothing like getting near the end of your journey only to realize you’re going to have to stop and power-level a crafting skill (even better if you’re already low on funds).

I find that making a spreadsheet of what I needed is a tremendous help with all my legendaries. Not only does it make the entire process seem more manageable, updating it as you progress can be really satisfying! I am also able to bounce around between various game modes without losing sight of what I need.

Going for my first legendary!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I like getting map completion out of the way first and doing clovers as I accumulate stuff, then finishing clovers if necessary and moving on. I did map completion last the first time and it was awful.