Gold Farmer Spam
There should be an exclamation mark icon near the bottom of the mail window. That allows you to report the mail.
Yeah. Everytime I get a Gold spam mail, or see a message in chat, I promptly report it. If anything, I am hoping I can cause the Gold selling companies to be losing $50 everytime I click that button. If the game is costing them money instead of making them millions maybe they will go find a new game to farm on.
For mail messages, there is an exclamation button in the middle of the mail message near the bottom to report. For shouts you see in text, right click their name and then look for the report user. My only wish is that they made a selection in the report area specifically for “Gold seller”. Instead I have to weigh my options. I usually pick “Spammer”, since that seems to be the closest one as far as I can tell.
For mail messages, there is an exclamation button in the middle of the mail message near the bottom to report.
I feel silly now – I was taking screenshots and reporting them via the website because I hadn’t seen that little exclamation mark before. D’oh!
Alt: Sharl Thorne | Norn Guardian | Bearborn | Honorable
Alt: Afanen Braith | Human Ranger | Commoner | Honorable
Now gold sellers are putting currency in their spam mail, I reported the mail and I realised I couldn’t delete it without taking the 1copper, but I could return to sender, so I opted to return the mail (I don’t want to accept anything from these people), well the next thing I know is that the mail came back to me and it had my toon name listed as the sender, as far as I’m ware you can’t send mail to yourself, I sent this in a bug report and I’m also posting here to let others know about this problem. How am I supposed to delete this spam mail, now that it has rebounded back to me I only have two options take the 1 copper or reply to the mail, which I’m assuming will send it back to me cause it says I’m the sender (I am not the sender), and neither of these options is appealing, maybe they should be automatically deleted when the report is filed. I have attached a screenshot of my toon and mailbox.
I got this mail about a week ago with the currency in it, i’m not sure if I should return it or take it then report the guy :|
There was a post by someone from ANet saying that it was fine to let the gold seller pay you for reporting them. So you will not get in trouble for accepting their money.
I don’t have the link, but it shouldn’t be hard to find if you search the forum for similar threads.
I took their money and reported them with joy. You won’t get in trouble if you accept their puny 1 copper. Unless they send you a massive amount, then you’ve got a whole different story.
I’m sorry Vivisector, that’s just not the case.
You’re not costing the gold sellers anything by reporting them. However, you do flag their accounts and they would get shut down quicker allowing less damage to be done to the accounts rightful owner.
The best way to counter gold sellers? Make sure YOUR account is secure.
1 – Do not use the same password for GWs as any other MMO.
2- Use a different email for GW’s than any other game
3- Never ever sign up to fan base sites with your email. Fan base sites are almost always far less secure than official sites, and often get hacked. If they can match your email with your user name, that’s one step closer to compromising your account.
4- Do not abuse Gold sellers. While it may be tempting, a lot of them are actually forced (It’s not a myth that most of them are chinese, the reason for this IS some prisons force the inmates to do the selling. Sending abuse could anger one into making you a target.
5- Never ever visit gold selling sites. Some will have keyloggers that automatically download
6- Try to use browsers with noscript running like firefox
7- An often missed one, keep FLASH up to date. I once had a wow account stolen not through keyloggers, or any of the above methods, but due to flash being out of date. Confirmed by a GM to me, and strong apologised.
8- Obviously keep your firewall/Virus scanner up to date. Do regular scans, get malware bytes and scan with that (Sometimes conflicts with programs like norton, so don’t keep it running in the taskbar if you have issues. Windows defender isn’t enough. Old versions of I.E. were pretty bad also, I don’t know about the new ones, not used it for a long time.
9- A more drastic but safe thing is to run a program like CCleaner. Just to keep your system running smoothly. Make sure you back up your registry though when you delete the files. I’m yet to have an issue with it however.
So, in reality, every time you get a mail, that’s just one innocent persons account compromised. (In most case’s). You can state how it’s the users fault, but not every gamer is so computer savvy and these things happen.