Gold In Gw2
I don’t have lots of money in the game, but I’m not “always broke” either. And I don’t grind for money at all. The way I make the small amount of money I have is:
-Salvage greens and vendor the upgrades (small amount of $)
-Sell rares on TP if over a certain amount, or vendor if worth less $ and sell upgrades (where most of my $ comes from)
-Sell the few nice things I get that I don’t want like the occasional mini (don’t collect them) or skin I don’t like (sold the one Chaos skin I’ve received)
I also don’t buy a lot on the TP. I have purchased a few dyes (only a couple rare), and only buy a complete set of gear for my characters when they reach 80. Leveling I might fill in a couple of items if necessary.
I think most “get rich quick” requires grinding in one form or another.
I don’t have lots of money in the game, but I’m not “always broke” either. And I don’t grind for money at all. The way I make the small amount of money I have is:
-Salvage greens and vendor the upgrades (small amount of $)
-Sell rares on TP if over a certain amount or vendor if worth less $ and sell upgrades (where most of my $ comes from)
-Sell the few nice things I get that I don’t want like the occasional mini (don’t collect them) or skin I don’t like (sold the one Chaos skin I’ve received)I also don’t buy a lot on the TP. I have purchased a few dyes (only a couple rare), and only buy a complete set of gear for my characters when they reach 80. Leveling I might fill in a couple of items if necessary.
I think most “get rich quick” requires grinding in one form or another.
Im ok with farming/grinding as long as i don’t make like 1-2g a hour im looking for like a 5-6g
I am always broke on gw2 and never make money, IDK what im doing wrong or anyways of making money, besides harvesting for hours to make like 2g a hour. Any1 know like some get rich tricks?
There are all sorts of methods in guides in these very forums, on reddit, youtube, and so on. Use your favorite search engine with the search of “gw2 gold farm” or “gw2 earning gold”
Personally, I choose not to farm. I do stuff I like, I sell stuff that I don’t need, and I end up with more coin than I need — the trick is spending less, not earning more. Fortunately, this game allows one to be frugal (ugly is cheaper than having cool skins).
Off the top of my head, these types of farms are worth a lot more than 2g/hour, so you could search for these rather than generic options above:
- Tarir multi loot.
- Silverwastes chest farm and silverwastes event farm.
- Orr event farm
- Frostgorge event/champ farm
- Various highly-efficient node farms (e.g. iron, platinum etc). There are maps, as well as overlays.
- Chasing World Bosses
- Fractals
- 8 dungeons/day
Note that many of these farms require you to salvage gear and sell the resulting materials, ideally opening loot/champ bags on a mid-tier toon (L53 being ideal or darn close 99.999% of the time).
I don’t have lots of money in the game, but I’m not “always broke” either. And I don’t grind for money at all. The way I make the small amount of money I have is:
-Salvage greens and vendor the upgrades (small amount of $)
-Sell rares on TP if over a certain amount or vendor if worth less $ and sell upgrades (where most of my $ comes from)
-Sell the few nice things I get that I don’t want like the occasional mini (don’t collect them) or skin I don’t like (sold the one Chaos skin I’ve received)I also don’t buy a lot on the TP. I have purchased a few dyes (only a couple rare), and only buy a complete set of gear for my characters when they reach 80. Leveling I might fill in a couple of items if necessary.
I think most “get rich quick” requires grinding in one form or another.
Im ok with farming/grinding as long as i don’t make like 1-2g a hour im looking for like a 5-6g
Well, from what I’ve read the most popular grind currently involves the new Heart of Thorns map Auric Basin. The meta event gives access to many chests which you can farm across multiple instances. I’m sure you can find guides for it on the internet. I believe most call it “AB Multimap”.
Aside from Illconceived’s suggestions, there’s also:
Daily reward – 2g for 20-30mins of work
Weekly BL key farming – variable reward – usually gives 1-2 BL ticket scraps and a full 10 scraps will get you a BL skin worth roughly 40-50g. Opening a chest can also rarely give items worth 100-1000s of g.
On the other side of the ledger, what are you using the gold for? If you are new, the main unavoidable sink is to level crafting professions.
You shouldn’t be spending any gold on equipment; you can get geared up with rares by doing the world bosses with the rest of the zerg, and once you have enough karma, you can buy the exotic temple armors from Orr. If you are buying equipment from the TP; generally exotics that come from drops are cheaper than exotics that are crafted despite the stats being identical and having a sigil/rune attached to them.
It’s only when you get to this stage will you be considering spending large amounts of gold for ascended/legendary.
(edited by onevstheworld.2419)
To the OP:
You can significantly increase your revenues per hour by selecting what you harvest based on the prices you observe in the trading post (curently Platine and Iron is a go).
Otherwise a simple and easy solution is to go for Elder Wood Logs (Cypress Saplings in Orr), it gives you the amount of money you said you were aiming for when you craft planks to sell afterward. There are two easy farming nodes where Cypress Sapling are bunched up, one in the Straits Of Devastation, another in Malchor Leap. It works.
Only sell to NPCs when you can’t make more on the TP. Don’t be afraid to place sell orders rather than sell immediate. Don’t be afraid to place buy orders rather than buy immediate. Don’t waypoint short distances. It adds up over time.
People ask why do I have so much X currency (mystic coins, laurels, spirit shards, gold, gems) and it’s because I don’t spend them all willy-nilly.
The other side of the equation, the one the OP is looking at is earning and there are numerous ways, already mentioned to do so. One would be T2-T4 raw materials used in making ascended mats. Hard and Seasoned logs, Elder logs not as much as everyone is farming the Elder log farm in Orr. Iron and Platinum ore. Cloth and Leather can really only be farmed on the TP since the prime source is salvaged mid level armors.
RIP City of Heroes
How do people make money in HoT maps, i try and its awful and i always die, and also i do tend to blow alot of money near i say, 30g a day
How do people make money in HoT maps, i try and its awful and i always die, and also i do tend to blow alot of money near i say, 30g a day
What are you spending money on?
And I’d say if you’re dying in HoT maps right now, don’t worry about them. Do one of the many other things that earn gold or just do stuff you like. Practice the game and you’ll get better (and thus able to feel that you run the HOT maps, rather than they run you).
I just play the game really.
Tier 4 fractal dailies can net you a good amount.
Bloodstone Fen, I buy the Magic Warped Packets (the masterwork one) from Natto, this one is random, but I got 16g from these yesterday, minus the 3g I spent buying the 6 packets. Plus the materials you get for completing events.
Tarir Multiloot, although Ive not done this for a while.
I dont tend to blow my gold though unless Ive got a legendary Im working on.
How do people make money in HoT maps, i try and its awful and i always die, and also i do tend to blow alot of money near i say, 30g a day
If you’re spending that kind of money a day, you should consider buying gems as you’re clearly enjoying the game a lot.
AB would be where I’d say go farm. If you are constantly dying.. get a better build? If you’re glass cannon / zerker add some tankier stats via trinkets. If you’re not exotic.. consider getting exotic gear, if you’re exotic upgrade to ascended. You should be joining a zerg in AB so will not be dying if you’re doing that.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
What are you spending 30g a day on? That seems like a lot to spend on a regular basis and is probably the major factor preventing you accumulating gold.
There are lots of ways to make gold in this game. Some – like buying and reselling items on the trading post – require you to have quite a bit of gold already to start off. Others – like gathering crafting materials and selling them – can be done by anyone.
There are lots of guides and even whole websites dedicated to the topic. But I’d say there’s 2 general things to be aware of:
1) There are no sure-fire get rich quick schemes. Most of the valuable items in the game are valuable precisely because they’re hard to get – usually it’s dependant on RNG.
2) A lot of the time it’s more about what you get than a specific method. Gathering crafting materials for example can be extremely profitable, or you could end up with less money than you’d have playing normally. The trick is to gather materials that are currently in demand and therefore have a high purchase price. Iron ore is a pretty safe bet since so many things use it, others vary depending on what people are doing.
There’s also a few general tips you can use when you’re not farming. A good rule of thumb is to never sell equipment to NPC merchants – sell it on the trading post or salvage it and sell the materials if you don’t need them. It’s always worth more that way. Also salvage all nodes you pass, I know I said some aren’t worth farming but if you’re going past anyway it’s worth the few seconds it takes to stop and harvest.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I am always broke on gw2 and never make money, IDK what im doing wrong or anyways of making money, besides harvesting for hours to make like 2g a hour. Any1 know like some get rich tricks?
2g a hour?
if i am lucky i get 2 gold per day, you’re complaining within luxury buddy.
cof p1 5min zerkers only bring dps
EZ money
It sounds like you have a new account or don’t have much experience with the game since you’re dying in HoT all the time. I’d suggest a very simple farm for you.
Learn the locations of all of the rich iron and rich platinum nodes in the game. Then take each of your characters to every node and mine it (without getting sidetracked by other nearby nodes unless they are directly on the way to the rich node).
At the end of your run you’ll have enough materials to make a deldrimor steel ingot (assuming you already have a lump of mithrillium). Make one and sell it. I’ll get you about 8 g for 20-30 min or work. You can only make one lump of mithrillium a day per account, but iron and plat sell well on the TP, so take as many characters as you have to all of those nodes and just sell the ore you mine. That’s decent income as well. You can only mine rich nodes once per day per character, though.
How do people make money in HoT maps, i try and its awful and i always die, and also i do tend to blow alot of money near i say, 30g a day
Wow, I can’t imagine what you are spending that kind of gold on. I can see why you’re broke. Most of the time playing PvE stuff I don’t use food or anything so the only thing I’m spending $ on is WP. I only use food for difficult content.
My advice is: just because something is available in the game doesn’t mean you MUST use it. You don’t have to upgrade equipment on any regular basis, you don’t have to use food, you don’t have to use other convenience items, etc. If you choose to spend $ on stuff, you should make sure you’re earning more than you’re spending first.
It sounds like you have a new account or don’t have much experience with the game since you’re dying in HoT all the time. I’d suggest a very simple farm for you.
Learn the locations of all of the rich iron and rich platinum nodes in the game. Then take each of your characters to every node and mine it (without getting sidetracked by other nearby nodes unless they are directly on the way to the rich node).
At the end of your run you’ll have enough materials to make a deldrimor steel ingot (assuming you already have a lump of mithrillium). Make one and sell it. I’ll get you about 8 g for 20-30 min or work. You can only make one lump of mithrillium a day per account, but iron and plat sell well on the TP, so take as many characters as you have to all of those nodes and just sell the ore you mine. That’s decent income as well. You can only mine rich nodes once per day per character, though.
+1 to all of this. Lately this is my main source of income. I refine my time-gated ascendeds every day (lump of mithrillium, glob of elder spirit residue, etc) and run multiple alts through a route I have that hits an assortment of rich iron and rich platinum veins, as well as soft, seasoned, and hard wood nodes. After 2-3 hours I typically have enough of each material to make 4-5 deldrimor ingots and 2-3 spiritwood planks, and selling all of these ingots/planks nets me around 60-80g.
Bear in mind that as Ceesa said above, you’ll need to have the lumps of mithrillium and elder spirit residue ready to go before you can craft down the saleable ascended materials. Make these your first priority when you log in each day. The mithril ore and elder wood may seem like a relatively expensive “investment” at first but they will pay off, and when you’ve got 10-15 of each and you craft all of those down to sell on the trading post, you’ll be glad you did.
I go through cycles: on days where I don’t have much time to play, I log in and get my time-gated crafts done but don’t typically worry about doing the gathering runs. By the end of the week I’ll have 6 or 7 of the time-gated refinements ready to be made into saleable ingots and planks, so I do a 3 hour gathering run (with full gathering buffs, they do help when you’re gathering for a long period of time), then craft down everything I can at the end of the run and sell it on TP. This gets me probably an extra 100-150g a week if I’m really proactive about it. Any excess mats you get can either be sold on the TP directly or saved until you have the required mithrillium/residue.
Gathering runs might not be the most exciting thing in the world, but they can be plenty entertaining if you have good conversation in guild or map chat, or are listening to a podcast you enjoy..or Netflix on a second monitor, if you have one.
Final thought: Flax is free gold just waiting for you, every single day. Park every one of your alts at the flax farm below Jaka Itzel waypoint in Verdant Brink, and log into every one of them each day to harvest the flax there. You can either sell it immediately on the trading post, or refine it down into Linseed Oil to sell in larger quantities. Either way, you get around 12-18 flax per character per day from that farm, which equates to around 50 silver per character per day. That’s free gold just waiting for you to take it, and it costs about 5 minutes of your time.
Good luck!
Keep in mind that the time estimate on that flax farm will depend on how many alts you have. I’ve been cycling 19 alts a day through it because I’m almost single-handedly making the kegs for our guild hall tavern and even when they’re all already parked there it takes quite a while. 4-6 kegs a day worth of flax, over 70 kegs left to go … ow.
If you don’t have anything to make with the flax yourself, though, it really is good money. You’ll want to compare raw mats to processed mats; best I can tell, a finished keg or even just vial of linseed oil costs pretty much what the components add up to, so the least stress on the seller will be to gather the flax and list it right away.