Gold Making
Well bro. I hate to put it this way, but some people can get money , others can’t. It’s just, luck I guess. Alot of the blabber of people getting “5 onyx lodestones” an hour or “making an easy 5 gold an hour” is complete trash. Unless you become a TP baron, there isn’t a really fluent way to get alot of money. I mean, there is grinding more drops, but anet added diminishing return which greatly “diminishes” your hopes at that. Literally , just try to get good at merching. It is and always will be the fastest way to gain profits. I feel you about the legendary, I thought I’d never get 200 gold for the lodestones but I finally did! Now I just have to farm a year for 700g for dusk! GL man!
First of all… dont count on luck
Ye I know people brag bout how lucky they are.But i never have been.not in life and not in game. I need to work hard. Envy is the worse sin here.
So dont count on luck when farming for what you want. just farm, and be efficient.´
I think you know perfectly well how to be efficient. keep your goals your goals and never abbandon them and you will get what you want.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Alot of the blabber of people getting “5 onyx lodestones” an hour or “making an easy 5 gold an hour” is complete trash.
Its really not right of you to spread misinformation such as this. I farm various lodestones and easily average 5 gold an hour between the various lodestones and other stacks.
Basically OP, folk such as Rainbow here like to make false claims, because they assume because they do not have the capability or patients for it, that no one else does.
There are somevery good sites out there that you can do a search for and they have walk throughs and videos that not only prove posters like Rainbow are full of it, but they teach you how to do it to.
There is no missinformation. Some of us don’t have temples all the time to farm Charged Lodestones 3h /day (or the intention to do such a boring crap). And some of us who did anyway (to be read “me” – for onyx lodestones) from 7 × 3h sessions got: 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 lodestones =>6g over 21h over 2 weeks (so it wasn’t DR) + 2-4 more gold from the trash.
AFL – Away From Life. // I admit to being a bad person.
Character specific key binds…yesterday if possible. Thank you.
sadly, crafting doesn’t get you any money – it just costs money, thanks to insane exp rates, everyone leveled at least 1 profession to 400 and another one to 300+, plus the game just throws materials at you én masse. oddly enough, the materials themselves are more expensive than the crafted weapon/armor/consumable
sometimes it’s just luck.
my little brother opened a Black Lion Chest —->; unlimited bank portal
now he’s trippin’ gold lol
but most “money makers” use the monopoly way: gems<—->gold
still risky tho, except if you are going to save alot of gold, then wait for a event like halloween is announced, then spend it on gems a few days before the event starts and in the middle of the event you should be rich…maybe
what was i saying? it’s luck most of the time? no, it’s all about luck :P
well there’s still hardcore dungeon farming…if you’re into that kind of thing
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
I wouldn’t be surprised if some people dodged a bullet when it comes to exploits. I’m sure ArenaNet doesn’t catch everyone one who does, so some people turn a nice earning before ArenaNet closes the loop. Having said that you can buy gold with real life money to.
What I’m saying is that people will show off their wares in an attempt to show how great they are. To put things in perspective do these people come off as good players or good talkers? If you believe the latter they probably just did one of the above.
You probably earn a lot more money relative to most.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Jesus.. It’s all about luck? Comeon guys… Use, flip items on the trading post for a profit, exotics are hard to flip (put buy orders when you start the game, sell the items you’ve bought when you’re about to stop to play). Most players are focusing on doing one dungeon that they feel are the easiest one, AC for example. I only have 1 character at lvl 80 and i almost have my second legendary. Try to do more than 1 dungeon a day, all paths, the ones you can buy lvl 68+ rares from with the tokens, salvage them. Save the other tokens for the lower lvl dungeons and buy exotic greatswords for example, when you have 4 of them, put them in the mystic forge, you might be lucky. Do ‘’Ori Runs’‘, takes you about an hour, gets you ~3.5g, it’s a good way if you have more than 1 lvl 80. Another way is to do CoF ’’speedruns’’. CoF P1 is a great way of making money, it will take you 10 minutes maximum each run. Sure, the DR will start after a few runs, but the money from bosses/chests will still be the same. So when the DR hit the max, you will still get ~40s per run (with omnomberry bars). 40s/5-10minutes + loot (chance of molten cores/lodestones) is great. It’s not all about luck, ignore those who says that it is. And yes, you can make money by crafting specific items aswell, search for those items at!Good luck getting your legendary!
Melee ranger since launch.