Got to 80.Now what?

Got to 80.Now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xaderfos.2754


I’ve been told many times that the game starts when you hit 80.
So finaly i got my first character to 80 but now i feel more lost than when i first logged in.
What should i do now so i get some gear fast?I still have some parts from lvl 60…
How can i get some more gold so i can buy things?
Should i start farming for a legendary or its pointless at that point?If yes where do i start?

Keep in mind that i am not familiar with most of the game has to offer so a bit more detailed explanation would be much appreciated
Thanks in advance

Got to 80.Now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eros.6801


This is no offense but please before you ask something AT LEAST take a little look at previous post in players helping players.

I’m seeing 2 post that already answered your question , this is why most veteran players want to help but they have to answer the same question all over again while the answer is right there amd really a waste of time, you can just spend sometime on google there are a bunch of guide of thing need to do at 80.

But this is helping box so i will take a bit of my time and answer your question

1/ you can buy gears through trading post or if you have Karma/Badges of honor you can go to WvW vendor or Temple Armor ( please search GW2 Temple Armor on google ) they are pretty cheap.

2/ Dungeons ( best find a guild to guide you ), EoTM champ farming, World Boss Tour, Open World Champ Farming ( Champ = Champion mob )

3/ You are new Legendary is like a daydream please keep the word “legendary” out of your mind at least for now, first learn how thing work in this game, how to make gold understand game mechanics

4/ Find yourself a build that suit your character and start explore everything and then find a friendly guild they will help you alot on your journey – please keep in mind that everything you do no matter what it is you are doing it right no fear as long as you willing to learn the game yourself everyone of this box will help you with your question.

Got to 80.Now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xaderfos.2754


Tyvm for your reply.It helped a lot

Btw i did read the other topics and except those about gold farming i didn’t find anything about my situation.

All new player help topics are about players who just started the game.

I tried to search google but i didn’t know what to search since i have literaly no idea what curency i need to purchase gear or weapons or if there are vendors who sell or if i need to craft or farm bosses for drops

Got to 80.Now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drede.4701


The gear you are looking for as a fresh 80 would be exotics. These can be crafted at lvl 400, bought with karma at temples in Orr, or bought in WvW at vendors using badges of honor the currency aquired there. Or you could simply purchase them off the trading post but that usually costs a few gold each piece.

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