Ground Effect AOEs and Visibility

Ground Effect AOEs and Visibility

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: brazthemad.1504


So for the most part, ground effect aoes aren’t bad. They’re a bit harder to see than other games with similar mechanics (secret world and tera for example) but it’s generally not a problem… except in dungeons and close quarters. There have been many times in close quarters combat where my camera gets caught on something and is crazy zoomed so that I can’t see the red circle from AOEs. Also, sometimes the red circle will get lost in terrain or walls. Is there a feature already available to make AOEs more visible? Or is this something that needs to be on my dev wish list?

Ground Effect AOEs and Visibility

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Skipjack.6730


I have the same issue too especially in AC, maybe i don’t recognize the graphics well enough yet but countless times have i looked at a condition on the ground and been like hmmm was that cast by a friendly or is it cough Weeze nope cough not friendly.

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Ground Effect AOEs and Visibility

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


Agreed. I haven’t had too many problems wondering who’s aoe it is (ele in back lol) but I can almost never find my ground aoe indicator in big fights.