-Guild Issue's and how it should be fixed-

-Guild Issue's and how it should be fixed-

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zadok.9736


-Guild Issue’s and how it should be fixed-
The first issue I have is the Guild system. Having players being able to join in and out of multiple Guilds is to me a huge blow to the competitiveness and cooperation of the game. In the fallowing Statements I will be hitting on reasons I believe there needs to be a change in how Guilds are handled. I will also give my own opinion on how the Guild system should work.

-Why is Jumping from Guild to Guild an Issue?
Not only does it ruin the the games sense of competitiveness on a small level it ruins the Comradery a Guild should create. With the ability to be in multiple guilds at once, key traits such as guild Loyalty, Cooperation, and Competition between the members become not important and members simply become another player in a Guild.

-Competition between Guilds?
Competition in any game is Necessary if not, Why play it? Guilds grants the oppurtunity to create a very competitive enviroment but only if there is pride in the Guild and comrodery between the members. Guilds or clans in many games is liked or disliked due to the leadership of that Guild. This makes or breaks a guild, having only the strongest guilds survive. When members have no interest in a Guild and stay there just to reap the benefits, leadership and cooperation is not necessary. Doing this is ruining what a guild is supposed to be. I believe this issue should not be overlooked exspecially in a game with the title “Guild Wars”.

-How the problem can be fixed-
To get the full competitiveness out of this game, in accordance with guilds, which in return will increase players willingness to play more in order to surpass their peers. I suggest these 5 things.
1. The Ability to jump from guild to guild is taken away.
2. Influence earned for the guild is displayed so that the guild leader has the ability to monitor activity.
3. Price to create a guild becomes more exspensive.
4. No represent button. Players automatically represent that guild.
5. Guilds have a ranking of some sort.

-The Guild System Now-
1. Allows players to reap benifits from guilds without having to actually contribute to it.
2. Easier for guilds to recruit members.
3. You decide!(will update)

1. Ruins the games Competitiveness.
2. Leaders not needed.
3. No longer a seperation between good guilds and bad guilds. Since some guilds will have the same members regaurdless of status.
4. No tight gaming community
5. Cooperation withing a guild Unnecessary
6. Some players will find joining a guild useless and find no exstra social entertainment a guild could provide.

If i didnt have hope for this game i wouldnt of done this. This and Other issues have me seeing this game not reaching its full potential. I would love to help make this game better if given the chance. but for now ill share my opinions on the forums. If you would like to share your opinion Good or Bad, Offensive or Supporting Please Comment. =)

Also if someone knows how to get ahold of a GM please let me know.

(edited by Zadok.9736)

-Guild Issue's and how it should be fixed-

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nohaxx.5139


Me and a lot of my guild members agree with this forum completely it needs to be fixed. with the way it is now There is no guild loyalty and that’s a huge problem. and players should automatically represent there guild. Also…Umm Where are the guild houses? I know they didn’t just take that out. That would be a sin. For a game called Guild Wars you would think their guild system would at least be decent.

(edited by Nohaxx.5139)

-Guild Issue's and how it should be fixed-

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The Sy.5409

The Sy.5409

I agree i got my guild to 100 people
Then i looked, only about 17 people we

-Guild Issue's and how it should be fixed-

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Moderator


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