Guild Wars 1 Names Still Reserved?
You had to of logged into Guild Wars at least once prior to July 31st to reserve your character names for Guild Wars 2. With that being said, the only thing I remember reading from ANet on the matter is that shortly after launch the names will be freed up. I don’t remember them giving an exact time frame.
They had stated that shortly after the official release the names would be freed. At this point, my names are still reserved (having account linking issues which are being worked on by the folks at ANet). Either way, I’ll get my names either they will unlock or I will get my linked accounts issue fixed.
You had to create your character with the reserved name either during the headstart or by the end of the public launch day on the 28th.
You had to create your character with the reserved name either during the headstart or by the end of the public launch day on the 28th.
Except for the fact that names are still reserved due to issues. It’s been over a week from the 28th.
As of now names are still reserved, and I have yet to see anything regarding when they’ll lose their reserved status.