Guild thieves?
The question is: Where should I go?
How did they empty the treasure trove? In my opinion only the highest ranked people in the guild should have the option to withdraw something from the guild bank. Allowing everyone to do it is a recipe for disaster.
Hmmm, The only thing you can do is kick the person as a member of your guild. He didn’t do anything wrong (wel not when looking at the game policy). You might want to re-consider your guild policy when it comes to access.
We do it as follow’s
All members can see watch inside the three parts of the bank. All players can deposit. The top part is open for all senior members (you get promoted to senior after two weeks without bad behaviour). so after two weeks you can take stuff out of there (mostly consumables and low level weapons). For the other tabs where the valuable items are you have to ask an officer and it will be mailed to you asap.
Never had any problem with it and all members understand there has to be some kind of security. The only problem we have is that it get cluttered and some people are afraid to ask. So once in a while we have a guild give-away.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
We had our treasure-trove originally on only ranked people withdrawing, I dont really know why it was changed. Most of our guild is handpicked meaning we get to know people before hand so we assume everyone is trustworthy. I’m not really in charge of the guild bank. Sadly its too late to go back and change the privelages, right now I want to know if we can report them or at least tell other people that there are some baddies frolicking around.
edit: the people took the stuff then ran! Hit and run!
well like I said. If your security is that it is open for everyone to take what they want. They didn’t break any rules. So even though I understand your anger and frustration it is not an offense against the eula or code of conduct of the game and therefore not something you can report. Besides that you are not allowed to publish the name of this person cause that is against the code of conduct. So in short there is nothing to get revenge on these people . See this as an opportunity to warn others to reguraly check their guild policy on access to banks.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Alrighty then. Thanks.
Odd question, since I haven’t fooled with permissions. But can’t you segregate access to the Guild Stash versus the Treasure Trove? Keep the valuable stuff in the Trove and only officers/leaders can access it, and use the Stash for every-day things?
Odd question, since I haven’t fooled with permissions. But can’t you segregate access to the Guild Stash versus the Treasure Trove? Keep the valuable stuff in the Trove and only officers/leaders can access it, and use the Stash for every-day things?
Yes you can, is both a Guild Stash Deposit, Guild Stash Withdraw, Treasure trove Deposit and Treasure withdraw permission
Then . . . I’d like to point out it’s a good idea to prevent new members from getting in the stash and Trove, and only people you TRUST getting access to the Trove.
. . . wait I’ve had this discussion before, and heard it even more recently. Something about spaceships and valuable blueprints . . . nah, must be misremembering.
We actually have the stash on for higher ranked members and the trove for lower.
Anyways…I’m going to let this post die off now, dont say anything!
Then . . . I’d like to point out it’s a good idea to prevent new members from getting in the stash and Trove, and only people you TRUST getting access to the Trove.
. . . wait I’ve had this discussion before, and heard it even more recently. Something about spaceships and valuable blueprints . . . nah, must be misremembering.
We just lost 4bill worth inside an stolen Orca, heh respect to them for pulling that heist off. :P