Guilds by Server

Guilds by Server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Celestial Owl.8263

Celestial Owl.8263

Hello, this is my second post here today, and I hope that’s okay. I have been reading up about guilds and the megaserver system, and would like to confirm something. It seems guilds have a main server, but my understanding is you can join a guild with people from different servers. Is this correct? Say, my German friend’s home world was a German server, and mine was a different EU server. We would be able to play on the same map, but would we still be able to join the same guild, or have the rules changed? Thanks.

Guilds by Server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nash.2681


You can join the same guild, no problems. They all changed it with the big patch last september.
The only thing that will not work is doing WvWvW together, since everyone has to fight for his homeworld (= server).
Anything else like guild missions, guild chests, etc. will be shared across all worlds.
For example: my homeworld is an EU-World (Far Shiverpeaks), while my guild was founded on a german world (Drakkar Lake).

XMG U716 (i7 6700, 16GB DDR4@2133Mhz, GTX980m, Samsung 850Evo 250 GB, Seagate SSHD 500GB)

Leader of “Servants of Balance” [SoB], a small guild endemic to the FSP.

Guilds by Server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Celestial Owl.8263

Celestial Owl.8263

An informative answer, thank you.

Guilds by Server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Riku.4821


Nicely put Nash.

Guild Leader of Lunar Tree[LT].
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.