Gw2 Experience so far.

Gw2 Experience so far.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tzar.3514


Have been playing GW2 for about 2 and a half weeks now and my experience has not been so good. I have been soloing the game 90% of the time. I was looking for a multi-player kinda experience.

I’m not bashing the game here. I just think that there aren’t many players on my server. I was invited to a guild and they were nice enough to answer my questions and help me out. I have got 2 toons to 80 so far. A ranger and a thief and was hoping to do more dungeons and events. Thing is.. not many people do it.

The lvling process was the hardest for me.. as I went solo most of the time and ended up using the queensdale zerg to lvl up. Yes, I know. Exploration is nice. But really… doing it alone is kinda sucky. That’s why I chose the zerg over the exploration part. I was thinking that once I get to 80 I could then join more pple and guild mates for dungeon runs and so on.. but sadly not many people do dungeons. WvW is also fun, I think it’s the one aspect of the game I truly enjoy. Solo or in a zerg xD, but we do get crushed due to our low numbers.

I was wondering if it is the same across all servers. I should’ve done some research on the servers before picking one I guess. All in all I think Gw2 is a fantastic game.. It’s just sucky that I end up playing alone or cant find a group Maybe it’s also because the game is almost 2 years old. IDK. I just want more of a multiplayer feel. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks.

Gw2 Experience so far.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bloonis.9528


I think a server with very high population and a guild with many active people will solve your problem. Good luck.

Seek and you shall find

Gw2 Experience so far.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


For the dungeons there is the LFG tool. It reaches all the servers in your region. It may seem there are no people doing dungeons if you open the list, but try putting up your own add. The reason there are no groups is that they fill up very fast. (Maybe too fast, since people don’t always read what they are joining.)

For exploration I have never had much luck finding groups that would stick together doing the map together. Even if there is a group, often people just scatter around the map. That is still ok, at least there are people to talk to and call for help at the hard spots.

You are not the only one craving for more interaction. I try to satisfy mine by offering any help I can if anyone asks for advice. Most say ‘thanks’ at the end and are gone. Some add me to their contacts and some of those sometimes talk to me afterwards too. I wish there was a ‘contac list channel’. Would be nice to say: “Hello my friends! Are any of you interested in doing X today?” Because not all my friends are in my guilds and not all my guildies are on my contacts.

Hmm. I guess I kind of lost track there for a bit. Anyway, I have “FEA operatives” (my characters) available on both regions for all sorts of things. Feel free to contact me if I am on or leave me a PM here and I’ll get back to you.

Gw2 Experience so far.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Dungeons: I think many people do dungeons. But you might not know bout the lfg-tool in the game. This tool is very popular for dungeons and it is cross server. You can find it in your friendslist in the second tab. Use it to browse to the appropiate dungeon and join a group or start your own. For the commonly done explorable modes you often find a party within seconds. For the less profitable/harder paths as well as storymode it might take some bit longer, bit in my experience never longer then 15 minutes.

WvW: I think that, unless you are in a top 2 server or bottom 3 server, for all worlds goes:‘You win some and you loose some’. The matching system was very much balanced where you would face worlds in WvWvW that where equally matched to yours. The result was that there was little variation in matches. You ended up fighting the same world over and over. To fix this they changed the match-up system to a broader variety of worlds. This is resulting in matches where you have a hard time and in matches where you dominated all maps. So if you have bad experiences in WvW in one week, dont be scared to come back the next week when all might have changed.

As for open world PvE. It is pretty hard to judge from my perspective. You are posting this round noon my time (central Europe). This means it is late evening (prime time??) in Australia but workign day afternoon in europe and early morning in northern america. So if this is your average time to be online it is not a busy time.

There is a lot of difference between prime time on different servers. A good example would be Asutralia/new zealand. They have an odd primetime, but most are gathered on the server Sea’s of sorrow’s. So that server has a different primtetime then most other NA servers.

Felling lonely is a very subjective feeling. My advice would be to do more research in potentially good servers for your primetime/playstyle and start with guesting to other servers. This way you can see for yourself if it is just your server or if it is more just you.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Gw2 Experience so far.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tzar.3514


Thank you all for the help and advice. I’m from SoS. I was not aware that I could play with people from other servers with the LFG tool. Ty for enlightening me

Gw2 Experience so far.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tzar.3514


@Garambola sure I would like to have ya as a friend. onlu have 3 friends on mu list so far . haha not too sure how to add you though.

Gw2 Experience so far.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


There is a search bar on the contact list. Just type the user name there. (Though this time I have done it and you can find me in your followers.)

Gw2 Experience so far.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seras.5702


There’s also the option of guesting

For open world, try guesting to another server with a higher and more active population. You may find certain servers work for you better at specific times.

Dungeon finder is cross realm and WvW you’re locked into representing your server unless you do an actual transfer. But hopefully guesting can solve your open world loneliness issues.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Gw2 Experience so far.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


@Garambola sure I would like to have ya as a friend. onlu have 3 friends on mu list so far . haha not too sure how to add you though.

I have over 40 people on my friends list and I’m always playing the game with friends.

Feel free to add me and we can play together if you like.
I’m always happy playing and meeting with new people!

It’s super fun when you play with others! =D

Gw2 Experience so far.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: loclay.7482


I felt this way for a while. Some areas are ghost towns. Once I found that my server has a team speak server shared between all the guilds, things became a lot more fun. I also discovered that I can rep one guild that focuses on WvW and another guild that focuses on PVE depending on what I want to do and usually have people to run around with doing something.

Gw2 Experience so far.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shane Masters.5304

Shane Masters.5304

hahahhaahhahahah, I love this guy for posting this- this is the EXACT thing I said would happen, once people get to level 80, there is NO INCENTIVE WHAT SO EVER to go back to lower level areas. The areas will be desolate, boring, plain, ghostly, nothingness, withering away. There is no way to incorporate new players with older players in pvE and something has to be done about it to create the balance. This game is not fun on your own, players hardly talk in the areas using map chat, and when you do find someone they might not speak your language. Once you get to 80 you have no reason- apart from farming the odd t1/2 materials to go back to those type of areas, you’re lucky to see a mass amount of players in one area.. It’ll never be anything like the release week where there was hundreds of thousands people playing all at once leveling, talking how great it is, and working together, never again will that happen in a low level zone.