Half-Baked Komali + Diplomat Tarban

Half-Baked Komali + Diplomat Tarban

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ArkisTruefire.1746


I am in a guild that does guild mission with roughly 15 people a week. We have been successful in doing T1 bounties for about 18 attempts. The only failures we’ve had are with these two targets. Does anyone have any advice on how to tackle them?

We have no problem scouting, the problem is we just cannot DPS them enough to actually kill them. We also split up to do bounties into groups two groups of 7-8 so scaling isn’t too much of an issue.

Diplomat Tarban: Seems to kill us too fast even with auto attack off and a decent about of coordination. Any specific tips as to how to avoid getting stacks of confusion from him? I’ve watched a few videos but most of the guides are just mass zerging the guy which isn’t an option for our small group. We have a fair amount of condition removal but we just cannot kill him on time with the amount of stopping and starting combat we have to do when we get 25 stack of confusion.

Half-Baked Komali: How do you get rid of his fire shield? Most of the guides are for before he got nerfed. We stopped atuo attacking and just used CC to attempt to knock him out of his fire shield like every guide said but the shield just won’t disappear… We pretty much failed him twice now.

Any experts have any advice?

(edited by ArkisTruefire.1746)

Half-Baked Komali + Diplomat Tarban

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Diplomat Tarban:

I have done him with 6-7 people. The method is indeed zerging.
Try to get him near (not to close though) a waypoint if the time is available to do so.
Do not rez people, stay focussed on damaging him when the confussion is off. Dead people can go to the nearby waypoint to rejoin the fight.
Keep moving
Stay ranged

The most common mistake is that the party is too busy getting people up the feet.
It takes 30 seconds to get a death player on his feet again. but the player rezzing takes 30 seconds of not fighting as well. In total that means 1 minute of dealing damage lost. Besides that, the ressed person is up with half health. This means he has to use a healing skill and in most situations this means he can’t heal again when needed. so a rezzed person goes down again quicker as well. If he would go to a nearby waypoint and run back it takes no more time, and likely less, has all skills available and full health.

I haven’t done half-baked komali (we never seem to draw him) but hte update actually made him easier. Before that he had stability on him so he couldn’t be knocked out. You first had to remove the stabillity before being able to knock him out.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Half-Baked Komali + Diplomat Tarban

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: magusonline.5178


I too am curious about what to do with Komali? I ran into him with my guild once on a bounty, and he was permanently in a fire shield. No amount of crowd control effects seemed to do anything to him. Is there a specific sequence of things we needed to do otherwise? Or is this working as intended..

Half-Baked Komali + Diplomat Tarban

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esplen.3940


You need to knock him off his circle, not just CC Komali. He loses the Flame Shield when he’s not on the circle.

Half-Baked Komali + Diplomat Tarban

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

almost all professions have a knock back or pull mechanism (both should work) so when you draw him make sure everyone brings it.

To have a list:
knockbacks (push): http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Knockback
Pull: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pull

Make sure the pushers and pullers coordinate (pushers on one side and pullers on the other), if you all do it (or alteast most) you should get him out of his shield soon enough.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!