Harvesting Implements from Gem Store

Harvesting Implements from Gem Store

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264



A while ago I purchased a couple of harvesting tools from the gem store – the kind that have no charges and can harvest all levels.

What was not indicated, and I can find no answer for (as I do not know the keywords to search for), is: Are they per-character, or per account?
So if I spend something like 3k gems or more for the three implements – which is by no means cheap – am I limited to just one character using them (which seems pretty a**hole money grubbing if so) or can they be generated for the rest of the characters on the same account?

Harvesting Implements from Gem Store

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxares.5419



If you bought them for 1000 gems each, you would have bought them after they were all upgraded to be account bound. While you still only get one tool, that tool can be freely transferred between all characters on your account.

Harvesting Implements from Gem Store

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Good answer – but doggone it would be easier if they would just let you spawn each tool for each character rather than juggling them around. :/
Oh well. Thanks.