Healthbar allies/other players

Healthbar allies/other players

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Recipe.4769


Hello all,

Is it possible to see the healthbar of allies/other players constantly? Currently I can only see the health bar of a (friendly) player when I select him/her. This is pretty annoying when you try to use your healing skills during chaotic fights. This is in pve, dont know how it is in WvW or PVP.

Thanks for the reply and lots of GW2 cheers, :-)


Healthbar allies/other players

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Recipe.4769


Anyone plz? Is it not possible?

Healthbar allies/other players

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Teva.2807


This game isnt meant for healing/tanking so I dont really understand why you would need that, i know there are heal-like builds but none are direct heals. If you feel like your allies are dying then use your AOE’s

Thieftix- Crystal Desert [CLAV] Commander (Aka sexiest thief on CD >:])

Healthbar allies/other players

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Recipe.4769


Well, it is no problem spamming the AOE’s heal skills but it is rather useless if people have full health. And this is what I cannot see. Rather then spamming the heal skill it would be more efficient at that moment to cast full damage skills……

Healthbar allies/other players

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lazrial.1083


This game isnt meant for healing/tanking so I dont really understand why you would need that, i know there are heal-like builds but none are direct heals. If you feel like your allies are dying then use your AOE’s

Abilities that look like they shouldnt have hit sometimes do, if you are trying to do a support role with some heals, cc’s etc its useful to see health to know where your support is needed and when, what is there to not understand?

And the whole if you “feel your allies are dying” how on earth are you meant to feel it? In this game you are given the freedom to choose your playstyle, healthbars are a feature in most games and this person has a playstyle where they would be useful.

(edited by Lazrial.1083)

Healthbar allies/other players

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I’m not sure but it would be nice. I mean you can party with people and then you will know. I would definitely be interested in this option because I have an ele that I want to focus on water/healing (I miss being a priest/healer sometimes)

RIP in peace Robert