Hej everbody, returning players please help!

Hej everbody, returning players please help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: imbaNorthrend.7280


So I was launch player and made 80 mage ( I dont even remember exact class :P) so Im returning and I want to ask u guys which class is for me, I will describe u my self in few paragraphs.

-hardcore player
- you know one of those who learn really fast
- My style is mage FOREVA! I used to be mage in wow, sorcerer in swtor, and in many many other mmos
- Yep I like to kait, untill that guy out there freak out because of epic kaiting
- I said I used to be mage forever, but if mage sucks and archer is better I would play him
- I like CC very much, I love to have a loot of tools to control battleground

And yes, I came back cause I heard a lot of stuff is going on and there are legendary items, new gear grind in PvP and in PvE?

Im downaloading game atm so please tell me which class I should play and is this true about gear grind?:)

I also would like to some ,,pro,, hardcores respond to thread if possible and let me know their opinions everbodys opinions is welcome, thank you much! :*

Hej everbody, returning players please help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: imbaNorthrend.7280


Oh and btw im 60% PvP 40% PvE but I like progression everywhere aye so I need class for both PvP and PvE but if like is mage much stronger in PvP than archer, and arhcer is stronger in PvE I would take mage over archer then, have that in mind appreciated!

Hej everbody, returning players please help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Mesmer or ele..Not much else to add,take a pick between the two.

Hej everbody, returning players please help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: imbaNorthrend.7280


Well okej, can you tell me just a lil bit more please? So I know exactly what im facing, im very lazy quester, so when if I make one class to max level most likely im not gona level more chars…

Hej everbody, returning players please help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


the grind is optional.

It’s all based around laurels to buy your ’’ascended’’ gear, legendary’s have been in since launch i believe but now you can find precursors a bit more out and about (not majorly, though) and that will take a good ol’ time to ’’grind’’ your way to a legendary if you choose too.

Elementalist (mage more or less) is probably the class you mean and it is a fantastic class to play, other than that the mesmer might hold a lot of fun for you they arguably have the biggest build variety.

- again grind is optional.

fractals scale to infinity for difficulty and after around lvl 10 i think is when you start to need to get agony resistance (Ascended gear)

p.s. i would suggest sticking with the elementalist its a great class to be playing in both pvp and pve.

Hej everbody, returning players please help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


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Hej everbody, returning players please help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: imbaNorthrend.7280


Thank you everbody! so basically Pv kitten ame as at the launch, not a lot of PvP grind huh? Can u tell me anything about leveling? What is fast way to make it, I mean any ,,faster solutions,,? <3

Hej everbody, returning players please help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


events, the fire elemental in metrica province yeilds a ton of xp and i know of a few people levelling basically off of that.

kill streak boosters help too if you gather a few friends together (gemstore)

why would you want grind in PvP? wouldn’t you just want to ya’know….PvP?

Hej everbody, returning players please help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jornophelanthas.1475


While you are free to level to 80 over a single weekend, you should note that the game was made with the intent of enjoying the events and exploring the world as you level. Since everything (including gathering, crafting, reviving other players) gives XP, you will gradually level no matter what you do.

The only “super-secret super-fun for-hardcore-players-only” content that is not accessible before level 80 is the Ascended gear (as well as Legendary weapons), which need to be earned in various different ways.
However, every other aspect of the game is intended to be accessible to everyone relatively soon. If you make it to level 31, you will have access to everything the game has to offer in terms of game mechanics (dungeons and elite skills being the capstones). From there, you will gradually get more variety and more trait points, but the core of the game does not change.

So please, do not assume that “the game only starts at level 80”. In Guild Wars 2, it really is the journey that matters, not the destination.

Hej everbody, returning players please help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


yes, exactly what Jorno said, while i do want to hit 80 myself to try all builds and what not with all sigils / runes etc ( i dont particularly enjoy leveling) i am still taking the time to enjoy stuff, just yesterday a ‘’mysterious portal’’ held my interest for around an hour.

it has in all honesty been years since a game has held my interest for simple thing like exploring, the designers really went to town with the details and puzzles.

Hej everbody, returning players please help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Go to the PvP area and try out different professions there to see which one you would prefer to level. You will be level 80 there with all traits and skills. You will be able to make or delete professions and change gear till you find what you like. Try all the professions. At least that way you can get an idea of which one you will like the best. And it may surprise you. I preferred ranged in Guild Wars 1 but am finding that I really like the hammer guardian here.