Hello..Help me decide class pls!!!

Hello..Help me decide class pls!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cookie.3562


Hi .. I need some advice to pick between guard and mesmer .. I’m a pve/pvp player .. so wich one would fit better at doing dmg+have some survability?

Hello..Help me decide class pls!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


Both have pretty good survivability, with the guardian better able to spread this survivability to allies near him and soak up a few hits, whereas the mesmer can avoid damage simply by hiding behind clones and spawning them as soon as they go down. If you intend to go solo, I suggest you take mesmer because they tend to have a easier time bursting down a target with their shatter combo.

Both classes are able to escape quite easily too, with guardian being able to directly block the path of chasing enemies, while a mesmer can blink out of harm’s way. Keep in mind that I speak of PvE, I’m bad at PvP. :3

A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

Hello..Help me decide class pls!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Happyfool.8951


Mesmers have better escape because of blinks and stealth. A guardian’s area denial skills are only effective in a choke point

We all do as we must to make our way in this world and unfortunately,
we have to do things others may qualify as “evil”.
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Hello..Help me decide class pls!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PsyOnic.3108


Mesmers are good in dealing damage and bursting down targets, especially the shatter builds. They’re pretty squishy though. Guardians have a lot of survivability and damage mitigation. They are also walking boon factories. Mesmers are not as survivable, but they have access to stealth, like the others mentioned already :P.