Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen
Probably the biggest changes in the last 9 months were from the April Feature Pack:
Also all content is permanent now, all you have to do to unlock each chapter of Living Story is login while that chapter is active then you can play it and replay it whenever you like.
TC is riding high in T1 atm, they came in 2nd place in Gold League last Tournament.
There was a feature update in April that presented major changes to item transmutation, traits and dyes (among other things).
Living Story Season 2 has started and is currently in mid-season break. Chapters you missed can be unlocked for a small gems fee. The content is repeatable and somewhat akin to Guild Wars 1 missions.
In one week, another feature update will be introduced. Various preview articles have recently been posted on www.guildwars2.com.
You can read up on it on everything on wiki.guildwars2.com (see “Updates” on the main page for a complete history of game updates over the past months). Especially the April feature update is worth checking the update notes on.
I am returning to the game after a few months away on a retreat in Europe. I had to get my life straight. <3
NOW, I am interested in getting back into GW2, but wonder how much has changed over the past 9 months. Is everything pretty much the same? How is the community? I played on the Tarnished Coast is that still a crowded server? You can tell me to log in and see for myself, but I and on a computer that would melt if I tried running GW2…. I ordered a new comp but it’ll be a few days before it arrives so here I am.
Anyway, how is the game looking, what classes are hot (I will always love me thief), what are the biggest changes over the past 9 months?
You’ll find your answer in this post: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Is-anyone-happy-anymore/page/2#post4357068
Those posts pretty much sum up the game. The game’s content is pretty much the same as it was 9 months ago. There haven’t been any new additions since Anet launched the China server.
Oh… Anet is still putting all of their resources in Living Story, so Super Adventure Box is on hiatus for who knows how long.
You are not being helpful. A returning player wants to know what changed in the game. He/she is not asking for your vitriol or your shameless self-promotion. If you don’t like recent developments, that’s fine. But your opinions are off-topic to this discussion.
Cool, thanks a lot guys.
Karizee, I just gave that link a read. Looks like some pretty nice changes. Making me wish I had not been cheap and gotten my comp parts sent out overnight xd
You are not being helpful. A returning player wants to know what changed in the game. He/she is not asking for your vitriol or your shameless self-promotion. If you don’t like recent developments, that’s fine. But your opinions are off-topic to this discussion.
No, what I said is not off-topic. The OP asked about changes to the game, and I’m saying the truth. I’ve played this game for 12 months straight because of my guild’s attendance requirements. Gw2 is still the same game in terms of content and gameplay with changes that decimated the community.
Well, I did forget to mention that we have a new map called Dry Top that makes use of the Zephyrite crystals, Scarlet died back in April, and all 4 LS episodes will cost $2.50 each to unlock since this player missed the free unlock period when the episodes were initially released.
I would love to say great things about the game, but I’ve got to be honest here.
Game is running strong, some cool changes in September pack coming, only thing that didn’t change is the forum warriors living in a dream that they speak for any meaningful portion of playerbase.
Don’t listen to the whiners, log in and have some fun!
for I shall not change.
hey there! welcome back! about changes, perhaps the biggest change of all is that now, we have precursor crafting and actual rewarding end game content!
lol nope kidding. those stuff will never arrive xD
You are not being helpful. A returning player wants to know what changed in the game. He/she is not asking for your vitriol or your shameless self-promotion. If you don’t like recent developments, that’s fine. But your opinions are off-topic to this discussion.No, what I said is not off-topic. The OP asked about changes to the game, and I’m saying the truth. I’ve played this game for 12 months straight because of my guild’s attendance requirements. Gw2 is still the same game in terms of content and gameplay with changes that decimated the community.
Well, I did forget to mention that we have a new map called Dry Top that makes use of the Zephyrite crystals, Scarlet died back in April, and all 4 LS episodes will cost $2.50 each to unlock since this player missed the free unlock period when the episodes were initially released.
I would love to say great things about the game, but I’ve got to be honest here.
The OP’s question is about changes to the game in the past nine months. It is not about everyone else’s opinions about these changes. Not even mine.
Please do not present your opinions to the OP as if he/she is unable to make up his/her own mind. Pressuring strangers with your opinions about the game is not a good way to find support for your cause.
If you can possibly log in before the next update on sept 9th, you might want to do so. Logging in gives you the current living story segment for free. If you miss it, it’s 200 gems to buy. If you don’t you can still see the content by partying with a friend and doing it but you won’t get the rewards or the achieves.