Hello! Noob with questions here.
Bags are for sale on the Trading post. You can browse it from the icon top left in game, but will need to go it to collect anything you buy. Another option is to craft them but that may take a while to level a craft enough.
Any heart you struggle with is worth googling. Most have a guide available somewhere and google will find it.
As for you gear I’m sorry I can’t help cos I’m a new player too.
u might better mention what rarity (Fine or Masterwork) and level your equipment is.
Those stats dont mean much to me.
In general, personal story missions can happen to be (very) difficult to solo at intended character level. Either wait and do them when u r higher level or get other players to help.
Also, an Ele can be more trouble to level, more squishy (dies faster than other classes).
I don’t think that gear is the problem but playstyle.
A: Don’t use staff when playing solo.
The staff is an AoE weapon and in those story’s you fight e.g. 7 enemy’s at the same time. With a staff they all stay alive, and a foe with 2% health deals the same amount fo damage as a foe with 100% health so the damage recieved stays high during the entire battle. With a different weaponset you can take out the enemy’s on by one, reducing the damage recieved more quickly and making it easier.
A staff is nice in a team or in the open world when doing events, but not in the story instances when doing them solo. I discovered that on my ele at bout the same level (mine is sylvari).
As for alternate weapons lets go through the options.
Scepter-Focus: Very defensive. I would only recommend this for end game and with specialised builds.
Dagger-Dagger: Very offensive. not very forgiving if you make a mistake. But if you don’t make them then this is your best bet.
Scepter-Dagger: In the middle between offensive and defensive. For a beginning Ele I would recommend this. Keep in mind you might need to unlock skills first for your new weapons.
B: Understand your attunements and how and when to use them.
-Fire- High damage both direct and AoE, lots of burning condition, no self defense. Good for damage bursts.
- Earth – Good damage, knockdowns and armor increase. Good if you want to be more defensive.
- Air – Okayish damage combined with speedboost and blinds. good for running (away) and kiting.
- Water – Loosy damage, but good for slowing enemy’s and healing.
Switch attunements during fights and use them well is a big benefit.
C: Keep moving always!! The biggest mistake you can make as an ele is standing still. With dodging and moving around you can avoid up to 90% of the damage.
I have a level 80 ele. If your on an european server feel free to give me a pm in game and I’ll guest to your server to help you out and show you a few tricks.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
swap elements constantly, if you don’t already.
Until lvl 50, it can be argued that builds in PvE don’t really matter. Just focus on the big 3 and keep your gear within 5 of your level. The big 3 are Power, Vitality, and Toughness (PVT).
You wear cloth so prepare your mind accordingly.
1. Get vitality and toughness to weather a few hits
2. Learn to dodge and strafe to avoid being hit
3. Get power to damage foes (maybe kill them before they kill you)
4. Find some condition removal to counter lockdowns
After that choose your weapons, traits, runes, etc. that suit you.
Just my 2.5 cents
swap elements and stay mobile, if you can learn to dodge / attack while mobile you will be much happier.
If you are on Dragonbrand I can help you later this eve with the quest if you want.
I really would like to thank everybody here. I’m quite new to the game and those tips help me out alot. I had the luck to find two daggers for cheap ( one of which was one silvver, and the offer after it is like 2 ). I will try to do the mission solo using all of the tips, and if it doesn’t work, I would ask somebody to help me.
(edited by baimezan.6941)