Hello, new guild wars player
Welcome to the community my friend. The first thing you should do is check for which server would be more to your liking. There are unnofficial roleplay servers. Also servers which are more focused on wvwvw or spvp. To fimnd this out though you will have to check through the forums and look aty the scores for different worlds and comments from players. Desolation EU is where i play at the moment and i likes it.
Message me ingame and ill do what i can to help you out at the start. Maybe some armor bits etc. Find a nice guild theres a section in forums for this.
Also once ingame the tutorial is very fun to do and the start of the story is good also. Lions arch is kind of the main hub of the game at the current time, most players spam for groups here. Also you will probably not need to go there until you are lvl 15 or so.. take your time and explore and remember that the mechanics of this game are very different to other games.. There is no holy trinity like heal/dps/tank. Each class can focus in an area they like to play.
Dont worry about your skillpoint erxpenditure you dont need to save them up. Also, check out the jumping puzzles, it also helps to fulkly explore a zone before you move on. this will help later on when you try for 100% world completion.
Hope this helps you!
PS: there are some good starting guides here on the forums usually stickied so have a read through those and check the game faq.
Tis only what you can do for all
(edited by Jezath.7395)
also a usefull tip: start out and use F to collect drops if a mob dropped them. there is a gearbox at top right of your inventory window ‘I’ option there lets you deposit all your collectables to your bank (this saves room in your invent)
when selling at a marchant click the sell junk first. this sends all useless items directly to the marchant and gets you the copper they are worth. (this option doesnt send collectibles or armor to the marchant).
try t get some copper at the start and try to find a marchant that sells: harvesting sickle, hatchet, pickaxe (first tier is copper) and use these to harvest/mine all the nodes you come across. this gives you a big advantage when you start crafting some day or gets you nice ammount of gold at the beginning:)
if you have questions you can always pm me ingame IGN: strong nightly
have fun and good luck!!
The previous posters have been pretty spot on. The only thing I can say is make at least 3 characters and get a feel for what you like. I’d also recommend reading the profession threads and seeing what people are saying/complaining about. You’ll mostly see complaining, but some things are legit such as thief being incredibly annoying in WvW, rangers lacking a group role, necros having 1 build, etc. These are things you might not find out till you’re 80, and then you’ve already invested that time.
I agree with most of this, but I question the tip of not saving your skill points. It’ll take up to 30 skill points to buy your first elite skill — after that no need to save them. Until then you probably want to take a look at some of the build sites, decide what you plan to focus on and spend the required points to open those utility skills and no others. Once you have an elite skill you’ll know more about what you want to do with your build.
Also, about servers: Choose one based on what you want out of WvW since that’s the only thing you can’t do while guesting. If you want no queues go to one of the middle or bottom tiered servers, if you’re willing to wait in line for the sake of competitive battles and organized battle plans then go to one of the top 2 tiers. Everything except WvW you can do cross-server: guilds, dungeons, fractals, and even open world PvE with friends can be done cross server. Guesting is a very remarkable addition to MMOs, it’s just very sad that A-Net stopped short of it working across regions.
I hope you enjoy every minute in Tyria You’re also welcome to add me to your friend’s list and PM questions.
Don’t rush, explore, have fun!
Sorrows Furnace
The first elite skill will cost 10 skillpoints. It is the 2nd tier elite skill that costs 30.
I have one tip for the OP.
This is not a linear game. There are many things you can do:
- Personal Story
- Gathering & Crafting (it gives experience)
- Exploring the world and completing all the marked challenges
- Doing Dynamic Events
- Dungeons
- World versus World
- Player versus Player
- Jumping puzzles (most are well-hidden)
You are not REQUIRED to do any of these, but you are encouraged to at least TRY OUT all of them, and spend your time doing the things you like most.
Oh, and the game does NOT start at maximum level. Take your time to get to level 80. It’s not a race.
Oh, and the game does NOT start at maximum level. Take your time to get to level 80. It’s not a race.
This ^