Help - I left my own guild

Help - I left my own guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Electroflux.5320


How do I get back in it?

Help - I left my own guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Harmadda.5971


Ask for an invite?

Help - I left my own guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Electroflux.5320


How can they invite me? I’m also the guild leader

Help - I left my own guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kymbre.6384


2 Dumb questions here. Did you create the guild? If so Do you still have the option to represent? I would think that if you create the guild you can still represent or stand down anytime. That is my presumption not something that I actually know.

Help - I left my own guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Electroflux.5320


No, I actually LEFT the guild…

It got transferred to someone else and who knows if they’ll ever come back online. Only a few people had inviting powers and…they kinda disappeared too

Help - I left my own guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DirtyDeeds.6075


1. Find out who now has the leadership.

2. Get anyone who you set up with invite abilities to invite you back.

3. Tell the person who now has control to increase your rank in guild to max and cross your fingers he will do it.

4. Voila you are back as top rank.

Help - I left my own guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drevin.6534


The OP’s problem seems to be that the current GL is offline a lot. I wonder if sending a petition to Anet might be of any help. Worth a try anyway. BTW you don’t get any warning such as ‘are you really sure…’ when leaving a guild? I’m just wondering, I’m not in a guild yet.