Help I made a mistake!

Help I made a mistake!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


I am in the Stronghold of ebonhawke at the tier1 weapon vendor. I saved and saved to get the sword. Well when I had the money/karma I on accident selected the scepter. Now I see there is no way to return the weapon to get the sword. There needs to be a way. can you help me out? I really want that sword.


In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Help I made a mistake!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Oh bummer. Maybe try to put in a support ticket and see what they say.

Help I made a mistake!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Calavera.1086


Oh bummer. Maybe try to put in a support ticket and see what they say.


Explain the situation and hope they have mercy on your soul.

Help I made a mistake!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


I think you’re out of luck. I don’t think ArenaNet is going to reverse that for you, regardless of how honest an error you made. And there’s no way in-game of returning something, once you’ve bought it.

But on the bright side, the further you level, the easier the money will be to come by, so the lost gold won’t be as big a deal pretty soon. Unfortunately, if you were counting on the weapon for its stats, you’re stuck.

Help I made a mistake!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Oh bummer. Maybe try to put in a support ticket and see what they say.


Explain the situation and hope they have mercy on your soul.

They’ve already said to many other individuals in the same situation that they cannot refund items in this manner. OP is SOL.

Help I made a mistake!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vorch.2985


Check gw2db to see if that skin is available on anything else. Maybe there is a cheaper version and u can use it as a skin for transmutation.

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”