Help Me! I'm an althoholic

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BhornRheady.5738


So…. here’s my problem, I’ve been playing (way too much) since launch and the highest toon I’ve got is a lvl 18 ranger. I just keep rerolling to try new race/professions and I just can’t decide which fits me best. eventually I will get 1 to cap, but honestly I have no idea how anything will pan out on later levels.

So, I like a good story, I like to be able to take a few hits, start at range and then close in for the kill, BUT, cos I’m old and lazy, i want something that’s not too demanding nor requires the reflexes of a 12 year old jacked up on red bull.

Players with more levels under their belts, any suggestions?

I was Bhorn to be wild………
Some must fight so that all may be free.
I’m so good it hurts.

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vidiotking.1928


Hate to say this, but this may be the wrong game for you. Unlike all the mmo’s I’ve played in the past, except TERA, this game does require some ‘twitch’ like play.

I too am getting older, and MUCH lazier. I did stop playing my Guardian due to me sucking at it. I switched to a Ranger and ‘seem’ to be having more luck there.

The Guardian definatly could take more hits than the Ranger, but the pet pretty much mitigates that….

That’s my 2 copper.

Led Zeppelin, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Grateful Dead, & Miles Davis.

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RolandDaemon.7268


Play what you love. If you’re enjoying yourself doing nothing but creating alts and seeing what you like, then enjoy it.

This is definitely a game of the journey, not the destination. I can barely stand to play on my 62 warrior anymore because I spent the first weekend doing nothing but playing and trying to rush to max level.. I realized the error of this around level 50 and slowed down significantly… but I think its too late for my warrior (I actually SERIOUSLY thought about remaking him as well.)

The world is huge. Explore at your own pace and do what you enjoy.

and most of all, Have fun

When in Tyria, do as the Tyrian’s do.

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: darkwombat.3695


You are not alone

Had a 12 Guardian, 16 Engineer, and 10 Warrior, 9 Necromancer; deleted all of them

Now I have a 14 Guardian, 15 Warrior, 12 Necromancer, 13 Thief and 7 Engineer

Add all those levels up? 108 levels, good enough for an 80 and a level 28. Remember leveling is linear.

But I don’t mind because it has helped me learn my classes well. Don’t worry about it. Take your time. It’s not a monthly fee. Eventually you will figure it out.

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daejin.5096


I’m in a similar boat. It’s really about finding what sticks.

Prior to actually playing the game, I was doing research and looking at all the different skills and abilities each profession has, I was CERTAIN I was going to play a Mesmer. And I was CERTAIN it’d be a Charr.


I filled up all five character slots in a matter of days, I now have one character of each race, and I’ve tried five different classes. My Norn Guardian I’ve gotten to level 40 simply because I keep playing him with my friends. Surprisingly my Asura Necromancer has turned out to be what I’ve enjoyed playing the most, though. My Charr Mesmer (which I did create and play!) is only level 15, and I haven’t touched him in days.

Ultimately it’ll be about finding the combo that keeps pulling you back, whether because you love the mechanics, or because you love the story, or because you simply love the character. In the meantime, as some of the others have said, enjoy the journey for what it is!

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: endless.1376


altoholism is a very good sign that the game’s replay-ability is very good. I’d say try a Thief or Warrior. Those seems to be centered around what you mentioned in my view.

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: illgot.1056


I was like you until I tried the Engineer.

They are the jack of all trades class.

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


From your description, I’d suggest a warrior. Mine runs around with a rifle to pick things off that range, and when they get close enough she switches to axe and mace and bashes their face in So far warrior seems like the kind of class you can play lazily and do fine with, or get more complicated with IF you feel like it.

I also found guardian to be good fun (greatsword ftw), and my boyfriend’s ranger is pretty low maintenance. If you’re looking to pick a character to stay with, I’d recommend playing through to level 20 or so with anything you’re considering and just continue if you enjoy it!

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Balkito.8160


Sounds like Warrior is up your alley. The Longbow and Rifle is pretty vicious on them, and they wreck in melee, of course. They’re also one of the tougher classes, in general, so you have to dodge less, though it is a useful skill.

As for race… Charr, possibly? Depends on what type of story you’re looking for.


Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kharlus.3612


Hi friend!
That’s a “problem” when a game has so many good options to play!
I felt this way if I think something like: “Am I missing something? Is this the BEST class to play?”

Good news is here there’s no rush to level… all the fun is right there waiting for you. There’s no “Wait till you see endgame.. that’s when the game starts”.. tsc tsc… Finally we do have fun till the very beggining.. no need to level cap a toon to see if you like it.

A good option is try structured PvP, since you can test all skills… play a bit to discover what suits you better.

As a manner to filter and make easily your option, try to ask yourself:

- Do I like physical/metal weapons?
- Do I like magic spells?
- Do I prefer attack from distance or see my enemy eye’s right in front of me?
- Do I prefer slow/strong or fast/medium attacks?
- Seeing epic movies, which type of characters are my favorite ones?

That way you’ll manage to at least feel confortable choosing a magic or warrior type of class.

My two personal options: Thief (dual dagger/ shortbow) and Warrior (Rifle / Longsword).

I hope this really helps you out there! Just make sure you be present on Tyria! Let’s make the change in there!

Best wishes!

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gandolfi.1507


I agree warrior would be worth a try – gives you good melee and ranged abilities, and is resilient enough to take some hits as well, especially if you put some points into the defence trait-line. Still having fun with mine at level 46 so far, and there are subtleties to the warrior builds that you can get into later if you wish to.

Godrik Gandolfi – human warrior; Lucius Foestabber – charr reaper
The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


I’m not young either and I’ve found warrior surprisingly enjoyable in this game. I don’t feel squishy and the rifle and bow are viable for getting the fight started with decent range before delivering a sound beating in melee. I didn’t enjoy guardian as much I’m not really sure why – possibly it’s that I liked their ranged options less.

Sometimes it’s a matter not of the class but of the weapon though – Ranger I find quite relaxing with axe/torch and longbow, but if I go for sword/dagger and shortbow it then starts to feel more twitchy. So when you’re trying out alts it’s worth at least giving it a while to open up a few weapon options.

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Guimace.1739


I’m not young either and I’ve found warrior surprisingly enjoyable in this game. I don’t feel squishy and the rifle and bow are viable for getting the fight started with decent range before delivering a sound beating in melee. I didn’t enjoy guardian as much I’m not really sure why – possibly it’s that I liked their ranged options less.

Sometimes it’s a matter not of the class but of the weapon though – Ranger I find quite relaxing with axe/torch and longbow, but if I go for sword/dagger and shortbow it then starts to feel more twitchy. So when you’re trying out alts it’s worth at least giving it a while to open up a few weapon options.

I agree!

I am loving to Warrior even though I was never much of a melee person in other games.

The good thing is that the Warrior can go both ranged and melee, so I can fight the way I feel like at the moment. If I want to sit back and relax (specially during events), taking less damage, use bow or rifle and help with some ranged damage.

Help Me! I'm an althoholic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TaxAndSpend.5846


I too am an altaholic… I’ve decided to make my ranger my main because he is a solid solo class that is one of the easiest to play. Between medium armor, the pet, and all the evade skills. And he is the mirror image of the warrior: instead of being a melee class with some ranged abilities, he is a ranged class with some melee.

Regular soloing is mindlessly easy which is what I like. Using AOE with this class is tough, though. Unlike the ele, you don’t have a gazillion AOE spells through your weapon. You really have to use traps/mines if you are herding for AOE.

I didn’t like engineer because it seemed too hard for too little rewards.

I like ele because it is hard but also has great rewards once you learn all 4 elements within each weapon combo (it’s a long tough road)

Like everyone else said, warrior is the other great beginner class along with ranger. No pet, but you have heavy armor and oodles of health. And you have great AOE through greatsword that doesn’t require setting up through utility skills.

Eventually, try a thief because their fighting style is so fun. And because, just like every other MMO, that class is an icon of PvP.