Help! My interest is falling :S

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


Be glad that you’ve probably played this game for about 200 hours now. That’s 200 hours, less than a buck an hour for entertainment!

I have to go along with this viewpoint. It’s true MMOs are traditionally expected to last longer than single player games but those are sub-based games.

I look at GW2 more like a single player game purchase and there’s a bunch more content than a typical single player game IMO. And that’s not counting the future updates and ongoing PvP/WvW.

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)

(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sparkie.3465


What’s your played time? Did you get at least as much entertainment in hours per dollars as a movie? As an average single-player game?

It’s not a subscription game, guys. It’s a free-to-play. If you’re done with it, then put it down. Come back when there’s a major content patch or an expansion. Come back if a friend picks it up and you’d like to play together for a bit. Come back if you feel like rerolling a character with a different race/personal story/profession.

You don’t have to log in every day. You aren’t supposed to have to log in every day. You’re welcome to do so if you’re enjoying it. But if you’re done, it’s okay to put it down. Just keep your login details someplace where you can access them if you change your mind later.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Roargathor.2743


I sincerely hope that Arena net doesn’t cave into the gear grinding PvE types and makes a bunch of endgame content with tiers of gear. The fact that it only took a few weeks for a few people to become decked out in the best items in the game is great news from a PvP perspective. WvW is my focus, as well as a huge majority of the player base this game was aimed at. If Anet decides to give the grinders what they want, it will force everyone else to grind to be competitive instead of enjoying the game playing how they want… exactly the opposite philosophy we were sold.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: daemonlama.5413


I sincerely hope that Arena net doesn’t cave into the gear grinding PvE types and makes a bunch of endgame content with tiers of gear. The fact that it only took a few weeks for a few people to become decked out in the best items in the game is great news from a PvP perspective. WvW is my focus, as well as a huge majority of the player base this game was aimed at. If Anet decides to give the grinders what they want, it will force everyone else to grind to be competitive instead of enjoying the game playing how they want… exactly the opposite philosophy we were sold.

I agree with you completely. I hope they don’t cave on a few things people are going on about. They were always upfront on what they were doing with the game, and I hope they stand firm on it.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: StarlightGamer.9560


1) People aren’t going to pay much money for non-max level stuff. Leveling is VERY fast and easy in this game, so people just aren’t inclined to spend much money on crafted stuff when they will out level it in a couple hours. I bet that some of the max level crafted items will sell for quite a bit.

Yeah, people don’t really need crafted gear because of that and the way equipment drops are all over the place. Even if they did need it, there would probably be a glut of equipment around simply because people need to make so many pieces to level their skill, and every single person can craft everything.

Regarding level 80 exotics, I’ve seen some complaining that those aren’t worth crafting either; that the price that the finished product sells for is less than the combined cost of the materials.

2) There is plenty to work towards to improve your character. Traits make a huge difference. Unlocking new utility skills lets you try out a variety of builds. Unless you’ve got max level exotics there is better gear out there to get.

Outside of just pure character improvement you’ve got the personal story to complete, achievements to earn, map completion, and more. There really is no lack of things to do.

Traits are nice for the stats, but a good amount of the time the perks aren’t useful. Kind of like utility skills. I kinda wish the perks were a bit more general, because while I want the power from Shadow Arts, practically none of those perks are useful for my ranged thief. That kills a lot of the enthusiasm for me.

I try to avoid the personal story. There difficulty of these quests is far too inconsistent. It has the tendency to throw tons of mobs at you at once, and most of my characters can’t handle it. Too often, I find myself running for dear life because suddenly a bunch of mobs spawn (especially right after cutscenes). I usually have to run until they de-agro, then return and pick them off one at a time, which isn’t very fun. I’m also trying to get the Experience Survivor achievement, which means I need to avoid high risk activities.

Achievements are nice, and they’ll be even nicer once I find out what to do with these points I seem to be getting from them.

I have one character focusing on map completion. She’s currently at 41%, but most of my other characters don’t bother completing maps. There’s only so many times I can run around towns and complete tedious chore hearts before just the thought of doing them again has me reaching for the “exit” button.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Deadpoint.4751


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Sup, so I love this game, I really really do. The problem is as many people have already stated, I just don’t know what to do now, I’m pretty much full exotic geared, I care not for cosmetic apparel, I’ve almost got 100 world completion and only have some of the explorable mode dungeons left.

After I’ve done these dungeons and finished up on the few bits for 100% completion, what else is there for me to do other that WvW and sPvP?

Thanks for reading.

You are screwed, log off and log in when new pve stuff is added like most ppl do in WoW

Thank god i enjoy all sides of the game and when am bother in one

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Sneakier.9460


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

Thats why Rare Skins, WvWvW and sPvP exists.

If you dont like any of this, your playing a single player game like skyrim (great game tough)

I just hope they add more content to sPvP, i can’t see myself play this game for over 1 year with kitteny conquest mode…

Eventualy am done with pve and WvWvW gets boring after sometime

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Soothsayer.9476


In the space of 16 days the game has been out (including head start) you have raced to the end of PvE and you almost have 100% of the map explored. Serious question: why the hell did you feel the need to invest so much time in to it and try to complete everything so quickly? What exactly were you hoping to achieve by rushing through all the content? I honestly don’t get players like you.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


1) People aren’t going to pay much money for non-max level stuff. Leveling is VERY fast and easy in this game, so people just aren’t inclined to spend much money on crafted stuff when they will out level it in a couple hours. I bet that some of the max level crafted items will sell for quite a bit.

Yeah, people don’t really need crafted gear because of that and the way equipment drops are all over the place. Even if they did need it, there would probably be a glut of equipment around simply because people need to make so many pieces to level their skill, and every single person can craft everything.

Regarding level 80 exotics, I’ve seen some complaining that those aren’t worth crafting either; that the price that the finished product sells for is less than the combined cost of the materials.

2) There is plenty to work towards to improve your character. Traits make a huge difference. Unlocking new utility skills lets you try out a variety of builds. Unless you’ve got max level exotics there is better gear out there to get.

Outside of just pure character improvement you’ve got the personal story to complete, achievements to earn, map completion, and more. There really is no lack of things to do.

Traits are nice for the stats, but a good amount of the time the perks aren’t useful. Kind of like utility skills. I kinda wish the perks were a bit more general, because while I want the power from Shadow Arts, practically none of those perks are useful for my ranged thief. That kills a lot of the enthusiasm for me.

I try to avoid the personal story. There difficulty of these quests is far too inconsistent. It has the tendency to throw tons of mobs at you at once, and most of my characters can’t handle it. Too often, I find myself running for dear life because suddenly a bunch of mobs spawn (especially right after cutscenes). I usually have to run until they de-agro, then return and pick them off one at a time, which isn’t very fun. I’m also trying to get the Experience Survivor achievement, which means I need to avoid high risk activities.

Achievements are nice, and they’ll be even nicer once I find out what to do with these points I seem to be getting from them.

I have one character focusing on map completion. She’s currently at 41%, but most of my other characters don’t bother completing maps. There’s only so many times I can run around towns and complete tedious chore hearts before just the thought of doing them again has me reaching for the “exit” button.

You are way to young in the game in my opinion.

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deadpoint.4751


Thats why Rare Skins, WvWvW and sPvP exists.

Exactly! I bought this game for the pvp.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Trent.3256


I am only level 47 and even participated in the headstart. Granted I was one of the people who was stuck out of the game for over 3 days after having my account hacked. I can already tell you what I will do at 80 though. It is the same thing I am mostly doing now… WvW. For me that is the endgame of GW2. Let me just say that if you are the type of player that normally doesn’t like PVP, you should check out WvW. It is a far different experience than typical MMO PVP and I have known a lot of PVE’ers to fall in love with it.

I really am perplexed at you folks who have already hit 80. I have a few in my guild as well and I watched them rush to the cap. I never really understood the rush to cap in other MMOs but in GW2 I didn’t even think it would happen. I simply must ask, why did you feel the need to rush to 80? I digress though…

I have always wondered why people in other MMOs wanted to continue grinding gear just to grind more gear. To me the gear grind was always a way to improve myself in what I really wanted to do. That is usually some form of PVP since to me, that was the only true dynamic aspect of a game.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: rgrwng.4072


i go out of my way to listen to NPC banter – some of it is very funny! i started playing a class i didn’t really like (my elementalist) and almost to level 72 as of this morning!

i still want to find out how to get all that special gear, though.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Snaylor.2760


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.

People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sky.9347


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.

People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.

It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NyghtProwler.9386


I just hit 80 today and my mindset hasn’t changed. I still have to complete my story, clear each zone 100%, find and complete all the puzzles, get in some Keg Brawls, explore all the WvW zones, rank up in sPvP, get stuff for a Legendary or so, run the last 6 dungeons and all explorable modes, get exotic gear, and start saving up tokens for some of the cool dungeon armor.

After that, I’ll probably make my first alt.

My thoughts exactly. I will be here a long… long time.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eladox.3457


I wonder if you can’t see content=! gear grind or just so incredibly stupid.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Snaylor.2760


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.

People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.

It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.

Lemme guess you’re going to lecture me about dodging weapon swapping and lack of needing to stand still during casting?

Sorry but that’s not a huge thing to me.

Anet went on about how innovative and different their combat was but gave us WoW with a dodge button instead.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sky.9347


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.

People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.

It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.

Lemme guess you’re going to lecture me about dodging weapon swapping and lack of needing to stand still during casting?

Sorry but that’s not a huge thing to me.

Anet went on about how innovative and different their combat was but gave us WoW with a dodge button instead.

Nope, I’m not going to lecture you at all. I PvP’d in WoW for many years, and I have PvP’d in GW2 since BWE1. They are vastly different animals.

You don’t like the game. Nothing I or anyone else says is going to change your mind. That’s cool, I probably don’t like most of the games you would enjoy either.

If you’re going to post on the forums and seek understanding, then try to listen. If you want to post to complain and try to be a downer… then just quit playing and go back to the games that you enjoy so much more.

It’s your time buddy… and your money.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Snaylor.2760


I wonder if you can’t see content=! gear grind or just so incredibly stupid.

My problem with this game is that once you get to 80 thats pretty much it, their really nothing to do that you haven’t been doing for the last 79 levels. In previous games I had just as much and in the case of TOR and WoW, more fun leveling up only to have that be the tip of the ice berg in terms of playable content. A whole new game opened up to me on top of the game I was playing.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


You’ve fully paid for the game. You bought it. Done. No monthly fees.

If you’re bored at the moment, there’s nothing stopping you from going to play a different game for a month or 2 until new content is released.

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eladox.3457


Or we can ask for some non-grind wvw progression (like daoc) and play this game for years. I really love this game except there is not much to do.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Snaylor.2760


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.

People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.

It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.

Lemme guess you’re going to lecture me about dodging weapon swapping and lack of needing to stand still during casting?

Sorry but that’s not a huge thing to me.

Anet went on about how innovative and different their combat was but gave us WoW with a dodge button instead.

Nope, I’m not going to lecture you at all. I PvP’d in WoW for many years, and I have PvP’d in GW2 since BWE1. They are vastly different animals.

You don’t like the game. Nothing I or anyone else says is going to change your mind. That’s cool, I probably don’t like most of the games you would enjoy either.

If you’re going to post on the forums and seek understanding, then try to listen. If you want to post to complain and try to be a downer… then just quit playing and go back to the games that you enjoy so much more.

It’s your time buddy… and your money.

First off if I didn’t enjoy the game I would have gotten a refund (And not the DDE), simple as that.

I’m on these forums because I am bored already sitting at level 70 and knowing that next to nothing awaits me at 80. what I don’t get is how this is such a huge deal for the PVPers, PvP and PvE are separate games. Why does it matter if there is a carrot on a stick for one side?

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Columba.9730


Go lead others in WvWvW.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.

People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.

It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.

Lemme guess you’re going to lecture me about dodging weapon swapping and lack of needing to stand still during casting?

Sorry but that’s not a huge thing to me.

Anet went on about how innovative and different their combat was but gave us WoW with a dodge button instead.

Nope, I’m not going to lecture you at all. I PvP’d in WoW for many years, and I have PvP’d in GW2 since BWE1. They are vastly different animals.

You don’t like the game. Nothing I or anyone else says is going to change your mind. That’s cool, I probably don’t like most of the games you would enjoy either.

If you’re going to post on the forums and seek understanding, then try to listen. If you want to post to complain and try to be a downer… then just quit playing and go back to the games that you enjoy so much more.

It’s your time buddy… and your money.

First off if I didn’t enjoy the game I would have gotten a refund (And not the DDE), simple as that.

I’m on these forums because I am bored already sitting at level 70 and knowing that next to nothing awaits me at 80. what I don’t get is how this is such a huge deal for the PVPers, PvP and PvE are separate games. Why does it matter if there is a carrot on a stick for one side?

It’s obvious you’re not here to actually hear what people are saying, you’re here in hopes to get a lot of people agreeing with you.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sky.9347


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.

People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.

It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.

Lemme guess you’re going to lecture me about dodging weapon swapping and lack of needing to stand still during casting?

Sorry but that’s not a huge thing to me.

Anet went on about how innovative and different their combat was but gave us WoW with a dodge button instead.

Nope, I’m not going to lecture you at all. I PvP’d in WoW for many years, and I have PvP’d in GW2 since BWE1. They are vastly different animals.

You don’t like the game. Nothing I or anyone else says is going to change your mind. That’s cool, I probably don’t like most of the games you would enjoy either.

If you’re going to post on the forums and seek understanding, then try to listen. If you want to post to complain and try to be a downer… then just quit playing and go back to the games that you enjoy so much more.

It’s your time buddy… and your money.

First off if I didn’t enjoy the game I would have gotten a refund (And not the DDE), simple as that.

I’m on these forums because I am bored already sitting at level 70 and knowing that next to nothing awaits me at 80. what I don’t get is how this is such a huge deal for the PVPers, PvP and PvE are separate games. Why does it matter if there is a carrot on a stick for one side?

Ok cool, now here is something I think we can discuss.

For me… it is a big deal for basically two reasons. First… that gear is used in WvW matches. I do not want artificial stat inflation in WvW requiring me to go grind some more or something. Second… it creates an environment contrary to what GW was, and what ANet advertised (and promised) us GW2 would be.

One smaller reason is… sometimes I like to go PvEing just for relaxation sake, and I don’t want to be required to do that regularly just to enable me to do it sporatically.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Trent.3256


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.

People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.

It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.

Lemme guess you’re going to lecture me about dodging weapon swapping and lack of needing to stand still during casting?

Sorry but that’s not a huge thing to me.

Anet went on about how innovative and different their combat was but gave us WoW with a dodge button instead.

The game is innovative. Not everyone is capable of seeing innovation though. I am sorry that you are not one of us. I played WoW from the day it launched until a few months after Cata released. WoW was a great game and it provided me with years of fun. However, that doesn’t change the fact that GW2 is a vastly different game with very different play mechanics than WoW.

This is why I enjoy GW2 when all the other recent MMOs released bored me to tears. I had already played years of WoW and didn’t want to pick up another MMO that felts just like it. I have been waiting for the release of GW2 for literally years because I could see the innovation even during early development.

As for endgame, I consider WvW to be the ultimate raiding environment and that is probably why I don’t see any issues with endgame. I purchased the game with the intent of making WvW my endgame. I will be playing WvW in GW2 years from now and still enjoying it. I am sorry if you don’t see it as enjoyable like I do, and it looks like you were hoping for a PVE game. GW2 definitely has PVE, but I honestly believe that the game was built around PVP.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZenDad.4671


I hit 80 last night, and it was actually a bit faster than I had hoped, but I’m not complaining. I’m at about 66% world completion so I still have a lot more to do for just that. Plus I have rolled an alt to play with friends going at a slower pace than me. I can’t imagine the time you have been putting in to get almost 100% World Completion at this point, plus a full set of Exotic. Is all your crafting capped as well? There are lots of achievements you can be working on.

Lets do some basic math here to put things into perspective. I hit 80 last night about midnight, that’s 16 days since head start. According to my /age that took 115 hours. If you got there sooner than that then your numbers could be even higher. That means on average I spent 7.25 hours in-game per day since I created this character. That’s skewed by the fact that I was at PAX Prime for 4 days, so really we are looking at 9.66 hours a day. Keep in mind I still only have 66% world completion and ZERO exotic gear since I just hit 80.

It’s safe to say if you have a full set of armor AND almost 100% world completion then you have been playing nearly 12 hours a day for 2 weeks. It’s no wonder you are left with little interest. It’s called burnout. It also means you were ultimately grinding, the only way to get that amount of Karma (252k?) is to spend hours and hours in a Zerg group grinding events in Orr.

The tone of your post seems to indicate that you are of the mindset that this game should be about proving your worth through gear, it’s simply not. Everyone has the right to set out playing the way they want, but your progression has been unrealistic to the vast majority of players. According to one study, the average MMO players only plays for 22 hours a week ( and yes I know that study is very outdated at this point), but SWTOR backed up this data early after release when players had the same complaints you do (that there wasn’t enough content). The fact is you are playing for that much time in a couple days.

If you played like an average player (and that is who devs tend to design for) it should take you about 2 months to get to cap not 2 weeks. Based on other MMOs the cycle for new content tends to be about 3 months. Which seems quite fair, 2 months to level – a month to gear – new content – 3 months of exploring new content – repeat. Now that kind of cycle is also based on a vertical gear progression. GW2 is not based on that.

In the end it’s not the devs or us you need to ask “what should I do”, it’s yourself. Why did you feel compelled to put in such unrealistic time in-game, then wonder why you are getting bored. What is it you expect? If, and I am guessing here based on on other MMO data, you are 80, fully geared and fully world explorer at a time when the vast majority of players are maybe closing in on 40, did you want the game or devs to somehow reward you for being the anomaly? The goal was never to get to 80, in fact I got to 80 fully by accident. Before I had even reached 20 all I had done was get 100% exploration for the capital cities. Then I did all the racial starting areas. By then I was in my high 30s and I felt kinda bad that I was skipping level appropriate content because I was having too much fun just exploring.

At a certain point I made a decision. I would have to come back to content. If I continued on getting 100% explored for every area, level by level, I was going to end up 80 and still not even reached Orr. I certainly could have, but I decided I’d rather get to experience my story more.

So at 80, and 116 hours, I still have 34% of the world left, all of the story mode dungeons except AC and SE, and all of the EM versions and I haven’t stepped foot in SPvP and only enough WvWvW to get a few areas explored.

I consider myself an anomaly too. As a stay-at-home Dad I can play far more than the average player. I have learned over the years that it needs to be tempered. I learned about burning out early on when I had 22 level 50s in City of Heroes and even now I have 13 raid geared level 85 in WoW and 2 level capped in SWTOR, plus a few characters in many other MMOs.

The suggestion others made about playing other games is wise. If you are bored, play something else, but if you really want to keep playing there are many other classes and other races with unique stories to experience. If you feel you are done because you have the best stat gear you can get, then I’m sorry to say, you have missed the whole point of a game like this.

One last thought, there is always the real world too. Think about what you could be doing if you applied your time and focus out there.

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Posted by: Airien.4798


I wonder if you can’t see content=! gear grind or just so incredibly stupid.

My problem with this game is that once you get to 80 thats pretty much it, their really nothing to do that you haven’t been doing for the last 79 levels. In previous games I had just as much and in the case of TOR and WoW, more fun leveling up only to have that be the tip of the ice berg in terms of playable content. A whole new game opened up to me on top of the game I was playing.

A little research about this game over the past few years would have made you aware that this game is about the journey to the level cap. It’s different from the last decades genre of MMO’s and that’s a good thing. You have to think outside the box you are used to for this game really to shine.

When you can see the game for what it is rather than what you want it to be then you will know whether or not it is the game for you.

I’d recommend reading this link, it helps explain the games concepts:

I hope you find a way to enjoy this game or I wish you the best in search of what it is you are seeking.

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Posted by: Snaylor.2760


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.

People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.

It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.

Lemme guess you’re going to lecture me about dodging weapon swapping and lack of needing to stand still during casting?

Sorry but that’s not a huge thing to me.

Anet went on about how innovative and different their combat was but gave us WoW with a dodge button instead.

The game is innovative. Not everyone is capable of seeing innovation though. I am sorry that you are not one of us. I played WoW from the day it launched until a few months after Cata released. WoW was a great game and it provided me with years of fun. However, that doesn’t change the fact that GW2 is a vastly different game with very different play mechanics than WoW.

This is why I enjoy GW2 when all the other recent MMOs released bored me to tears. I had already played years of WoW and didn’t want to pick up another MMO that felts just like it. I have been waiting for the release of GW2 for literally years because I could see the innovation even during early development.

As for endgame, I consider WvW to be the ultimate raiding environment and that is probably why I don’t see any issues with endgame. I purchased the game with the intent of making WvW my endgame. I will be playing WvW in GW2 years from now and still enjoying it. I am sorry if you don’t see it as enjoyable like I do, and it looks like you were hoping for a PVE game. GW2 definitely has PVE, but I honestly believe that the game was built around PVP.

Its not innovative, if by innovation you mean has never been done in some form before which is my definition of the word. Story? SWTOR crushes it, Dodge based gameplay? Vindictus, Dynamic Events? Rift and WAR had Rifts and public quest for years, WvW? DAOC was much better than this.

I guess my problem is that I expected too much and played too many MMOs that did what Anet tried to do.

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Posted by: Snaylor.2760


I wonder if you can’t see content=! gear grind or just so incredibly stupid.

My problem with this game is that once you get to 80 thats pretty much it, their really nothing to do that you haven’t been doing for the last 79 levels. In previous games I had just as much and in the case of TOR and WoW, more fun leveling up only to have that be the tip of the ice berg in terms of playable content. A whole new game opened up to me on top of the game I was playing.

A little research about this game over the past few years would have made you aware that this game is about the journey to the level cap. It’s different from the last decades genre of MMO’s and that’s a good thing. You have to think outside the box you are used to for this game really to shine.

When you can see the game for what it is rather than what you want it to be then you will know whether or not it is the game for you.

I’d recommend reading this link, it helps explain the games concepts:

I hope you find a way to enjoy this game or I wish you the best in search of what it is you are seeking.

Have been following the game since around 09’ maybe 08’ I had no illusions that this game was a PvP based game. My problem stems from that fact that the “journey”, as you put it , in this game isn’t as enjoyable as I had hoped and because the game (From what I have read) doesn’t get much better like literally every other MMO has, I feel little enjoyment as I am playing the game.

I want a mixture of both PvE and PvP. I want this game to be my next swtor or WoW (An MMO that I play for longer than 5 months), If Anet doesn’t throw me a bone then I’ll be pretty sad.

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Posted by: Columba.9730


Please god, no forced pve for those of us who love WvWvW. Let the pvers do dungeons to their hearts’ content but don’t ever force me to enter one.

Dark age of Camelot wrecked their game by listening to players like this guy. Ignore him, please.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

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Posted by: Hieronumous.3541


Please god, no forced pve for those of us who love WvWvW. Let the pvers do dungeons to their hearts’ content but don’t ever force me to enter one.

Dark age of Camelot wrecked their game by listening to players like this guy. Ignore him, please.

QFT. DoAC used to be awesome. And then players got a little too much say. Kind of like when a toddler whines incessantly, so the parent just gives them what they want.

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Posted by: Snaylor.2760


Please god, no forced pve for those of us who love WvWvW. Let the pvers do dungeons to their hearts’ content but don’t ever force me to enter one.

Dark age of Camelot wrecked their game by listening to players like this guy. Ignore him, please.

If only there was some IDK, Booster system in place that could separate PvE and PvP…

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Sky.9347


Please god, no forced pve for those of us who love WvWvW. Let the pvers do dungeons to their hearts’ content but don’t ever force me to enter one.

Dark age of Camelot wrecked their game by listening to players like this guy. Ignore him, please.

If only there was some IDK, Booster system in place that could separate PvE and PvP…

You ignored my previous post, but I will mention it again here for you.

WvWvW uses PvE gear.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Avatar.1923



how many hours to get to 80? im lvl 16 and more than 25hrs in.
and havent touched pvp…

WoW did kitten up kids a LOT…. its very sad.

GW 2 is EPIC. but since it gives you a lot, you can also consume it too fast.
stop getting fat in chinese buffets guys!
eat a bit, read the stuff, dont check on the net for your build, scrutinize the graphics/art, spend some time to rp..
i dont know, bit really…
this game rocks.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Airien.4798


My problem stems from that fact that the “journey”, as you put it , in this game isn’t as enjoyable as I had hoped and because the game (From what I have read) doesn’t get much better like literally every other MMO has, I feel little enjoyment as I am playing the game.

Many folks, myself included, are finding the journey to be tremendous and quite different from other games ideologies. Sorry this game isn’t as enjoyable as you hoped, that’s your own fault for obviously over-hyping something. It happens to us all with movies, books, etc. I honestly hated this game during the beta events and had no desire to play it. That’s because I didn’t understand it. Once I took the time to understand the concepts and motivations behind them I came back into the game with a different outlook and been having a blast ever since.

I want a mixture of both PvE and PvP. I want this game to be my next swtor or WoW (An MMO that I play for longer than 5 months), If Anet doesn’t throw me a bone then I’ll be pretty sad.

There again is your problem, you want this game to be something else entirely and expect the game to cater to your likings. There are MANY games out there to choose from nowadays and not all are going to be ones cup of tea.

In the end I hope you find what suits you best. It’s time for me to log in and enjoy some game time.

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Posted by: Dale.5914


The problem is game companies can’t win. If they make the game take time – players complain about “grinding”. So they make it fast, then players get to the end too quick and then complain about being bored. It’s kinda funny – and demonstrates what happens when you try to please everyone.

Overall this is a pretty shallow game though. A very simplistic combat system with a somewhat appealing map system where players run around looking at new things. And that’s basically it unless you enjoy the game’s PvP.

That’s pretty much it.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Trent.3256


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.

People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.

It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.

Lemme guess you’re going to lecture me about dodging weapon swapping and lack of needing to stand still during casting?

Sorry but that’s not a huge thing to me.

Anet went on about how innovative and different their combat was but gave us WoW with a dodge button instead.

The game is innovative. Not everyone is capable of seeing innovation though. I am sorry that you are not one of us. I played WoW from the day it launched until a few months after Cata released. WoW was a great game and it provided me with years of fun. However, that doesn’t change the fact that GW2 is a vastly different game with very different play mechanics than WoW.

This is why I enjoy GW2 when all the other recent MMOs released bored me to tears. I had already played years of WoW and didn’t want to pick up another MMO that felts just like it. I have been waiting for the release of GW2 for literally years because I could see the innovation even during early development.

As for endgame, I consider WvW to be the ultimate raiding environment and that is probably why I don’t see any issues with endgame. I purchased the game with the intent of making WvW my endgame. I will be playing WvW in GW2 years from now and still enjoying it. I am sorry if you don’t see it as enjoyable like I do, and it looks like you were hoping for a PVE game. GW2 definitely has PVE, but I honestly believe that the game was built around PVP.

Its not innovative, if by innovation you mean has never been done in some form before which is my definition of the word. Story? SWTOR crushes it, Dodge based gameplay? Vindictus, Dynamic Events? Rift and WAR had Rifts and public quest for years, WvW? DAOC was much better than this.

I guess my problem is that I expected too much and played too many MMOs that did what Anet tried to do.

A form of innovation is taking old ideas and improving on them. The combustible engine was invented many decades ago, however there has been much innovation on that idea over those decades that has turned the combustible engine into a far better thing. You don’t have to come up with a completely new idea to be innovative.

GW2 took ideas from other MMOs and brought them all together in a very fun and functional way. That was innovation. The fact is, Rift “DEs” were nowhere close to as good as the “DEs” of GW2. The same goes for WAR public quests. I didn’t play RvR in DOAC, but as I understand it there are some significant differences in WvW.

I am not going to argue the point with you though. It isn’t my concern what your opinion is on the matter. I have been looking for the game that would hold my attention for years much like WoW did, and I found it years ago when I came accross GW2 in development. I have been anxiously waiting for release and now that it is here I am loving it. I am incredibly happy with how the game turned out and I know it will hold my attention for at least a few years.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Snaylor.2760


Please god, no forced pve for those of us who love WvWvW. Let the pvers do dungeons to their hearts’ content but don’t ever force me to enter one.

Dark age of Camelot wrecked their game by listening to players like this guy. Ignore him, please.

If only there was some IDK, Booster system in place that could separate PvE and PvP…

You ignored my previous post, but I will mention it again here for you.

WvWvW uses PvE gear.

WvWvW uses a bolstering system for lower levels, doesn’t use PvE gear until it out stats the WvW system.

All they would need to do is have a system that ignores that gear you have while in wPvP.

This would 100% separate the PvE and PvP world (As much as that would suck) thus allowing Anet to cater to both ends, thus making most people happy.

I mean hurr durr this game is perfect GO BACK TO WOW!.

Okay Snaylor – all of your wants are important, nobody else should have any input. Screw what the developers think, screw what many (maybe most) players think… let’s make a game for Snaylor.

So yea, anyway, good luck to you in finding that perfect game. I won’t lie… I’m pretty stoked GW2 isn’t your game.

How dare I want plentiful and meaningful PvE right? Its players like you who make giving feedback on this game difficult.

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Posted by: lonewolf.2601


>Rushes through the game in 3 weeks
>Doesn’t realise end game content hasn’t fully been devoloped because at this time, levelling and exploring the world IS the game
>Complains anyway

Yeah exactly my thought. People just don’t get enough of anything these days. We always want more and more. This game took them 5 years to make. And you lost your interest after so little time?

You can either go play something else if you really have finished doing everything there is, and come back when new content is released, but I suppose you will then complain about finishing that too.

I really cant remember people complaing about WoW the early days. And this game has so much more potential but still people are easily bored.

I recommend giving their team a little time, I think we will see great things coming on the game, since it was such a success. If not, it would be their fault.

[SPGR] Lonewolfgr – Norn Thief – Underworld
Spartians guild - Greeks join us!

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Eddard.2930


Hey, everyone! Look it is this thread again.

Every MMO has one. People zoom to the top level by playing incessantly and bolting down coffee and Red Bull.

Just sayin’

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming like the people in his car.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Trent.3256


Overall this is a pretty shallow game though. A very simplistic combat system with a somewhat appealing map system where players run around looking at new things. And that’s basically it unless you enjoy the game’s PvP.

That’s pretty much it.

If you were to step into PVP you would realize just how complex the combat system is. It goes a lot deeper than one sees at first glance. That is the beauty of the combat system. It is easy to pick up, but difficult to master. When I first looked at the traits available on my elementalist, I was quite disappointed and felt that there was only a few worth getting. Now that I am learning more about the elementalist, I realize that there are builds that can implement each and every trait and utility and they are all very viable builds. It is mind blowing just how deep the combat can be and how much different one class can feel simply due to the build.

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Posted by: Hypathia.1049


The truth is GW2 has no motivative end game appeal, atm. And it doesn’t matter how nice the leveling and such is, this is about end game stuff.

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Posted by: Dale.5914


Hey, everyone! Look it is this thread again.

Every MMO has one. People zoom to the top level by playing incessantly and bolting down coffee and Red Bull.

Just sayin’

You really don’t have to play “incessantly” to reach the end on this game quickly. I barely play the game and i’m already nearly halfway through it – and friends of mine are already capped level or nearly capped level.

It’s a myth you have to play this game a lot to reach cap level already. You don’t. The game is very short.

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Posted by: Amra.6028


If GW2 relies on anything except the quality and enjoyment of gameplay to keep people entertained, it has failed. Gear treadmills and all associated mechanics that use a skinner box aren’t inherently bad, but they are consistently used to cover up shoddy gameplay. If playing the game for the sake of enjoyment isn’t enough to keep people coming back, Anet screwed up.

This would be nice if the gameplay/quality in GW2 was so much more enjoyable than WoW or to a much much lesser degree TOR.

People act like this gameplay is vastly different than that of WoW’s when you’re still pressing the same 10 buttons you were 10 years ago.

It IS vastly different. I won’t even bother going through a list. If you can’t see how much different it is, then I think you aren’t doing it right.

Lemme guess you’re going to lecture me about dodging weapon swapping and lack of needing to stand still during casting?

Sorry but that’s not a huge thing to me.

Anet went on about how innovative and different their combat was but gave us WoW with a dodge button instead.

If that’s it for you, there’s no lecture here. You seem to have a problem no one can ever solve, grief on, your problem.

The truth is GW2 has no motivative end game appeal, atm. And it doesn’t matter how nice the leveling and such is, this is about end game stuff.

Really? Is it?
Is Skyrim about end game? Is Dragon Age? Those are games that last 40-120hrs of play time, I haven’t seen 10% of all this game has to offer but have spent ~90hrs already. As I don’t pay any additional fees, I can’t see any reason this game needs to make me grind the same poorly copypasted dungeons over and over again to pretend there is some kind of content for max level players. GW2 offers at least as much as other games do, it just doesn’t keep you weeks from reaching that.
Your choice, want to have fun, or not?

(edited by Amra.6028)

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Posted by: Aurelius.7601


Ugh this topic ad nauseum. If you are level 80 and have all the gear then you’ve spent hundreds of hours in the game. Even if you aren’t interested in the tons of other content you could be doing, consider your money well spent and move on.

At level 80 you can: finish the map, do all the dungeons/modes (32 I think), spvp, WvWvW, level all the crafts, level alts, do jumping puzzles, do achievements, collect skins, etc, etc, etc. So by “end game content” what you really mean is “raids”. luckily for you, a game that has a lot of that happens to have an expansion just around the corner. = P

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Posted by: Avatar.1923


this game is very fun.
very deep customization system for your toon, with lot of different builds.
combat is difficult to master in the heat of battle.
the world is huge, graphics are artsy and fantastic.
character models are cool.
storyline is ok, it brings you along.

really.. its a very
very solid game.
if im bored after 300h, then so be it
for now i am totally hooked and i take it slow, like a movie.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Dale.5914


Overall this is a pretty shallow game though. A very simplistic combat system with a somewhat appealing map system where players run around looking at new things. And that’s basically it unless you enjoy the game’s PvP.

That’s pretty much it.

If you were to step into PVP you would realize just how complex the combat system is. It goes a lot deeper than one sees at first glance. That is the beauty of the combat system. It is easy to pick up, but difficult to master. When I first looked at the traits available on my elementalist, I was quite disappointed and felt that there was only a few worth getting. Now that I am learning more about the elementalist, I realize that there are builds that can implement each and every trait and utility and they are all very viable builds. It is mind blowing just how deep the combat can be and how much different one class can feel simply due to the build.

There is nothing “mind blowing” or deep about this game’s combat IMHO. And just the fact you suggest you have to step into PvP to see it proves it.

The game is basically auto attacking with a few “panic buttons” on the side you push when you get into trouble. And that’s it.

The abilities lack variety. The durations are too short. The cool downs are too long. And there is very very little strategy to any of it. It’s a combat system meant for players who just like to leap onto the pc for a couple of hours and enjoy mindless fun from time to time – which is fine if that’s your thing. But don’t pretend this game has mindblowing depth – because it so obviously does not ^^

(edited by Dale.5914)

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Posted by: Sky.9347


Overall this is a pretty shallow game though. A very simplistic combat system with a somewhat appealing map system where players run around looking at new things. And that’s basically it unless you enjoy the game’s PvP.

That’s pretty much it.

If you were to step into PVP you would realize just how complex the combat system is. It goes a lot deeper than one sees at first glance. That is the beauty of the combat system. It is easy to pick up, but difficult to master. When I first looked at the traits available on my elementalist, I was quite disappointed and felt that there was only a few worth getting. Now that I am learning more about the elementalist, I realize that there are builds that can implement each and every trait and utility and they are all very viable builds. It is mind blowing just how deep the combat can be and how much different one class can feel simply due to the build.

There is nothing “mind blowing” or deep about this game’s combat. And just the fact you suggest you have to step into PvP to see it proves it.

The game is basically auto attacking with a few “panic buttons” on the side you push when you get into trouble. And that’s it.

The abilities lack variety. The durations are too short. The cool downs are too long. And there is very very little strategy to any of it. It’s a combat system meant to players who just like to leap onto the pc for a couple of hours and enjoy mindless fun from time to time – which is fine if that’s your thing. But don’t pretend this game has mindblowing depth – because it so obviously does not ^^

You sir, are dead wrong.

I understand how you could come to this conclusion, because I did at first as well. Especially the short durations and long cooldowns bothered me.

But I kept playing, and reading, and getting better. I promise you there is quite a bit of depth there. At the risk of oversimplifying it:

“autoattack with a few panic buttons” – hmm, well… uh, no. auto-cast can be put on any skill, and yes most weapons have at least 1 with no cooldown or even a chain ability. I usually have to wait just to make sure the chain finishes (and applies whatever cool buff/debuff it does on the third swing) since there are SO MANY OTHER THINGS to do.

“short durations” – generally true. this means that timing matters, a lot
“long cooldowns” – generally true (compared to some other MMOs), this means that you need to make decisions during combat that really do matter… dont waste your cooldowns

“and that’s it” – obviously you don’t know much about dodge timing… or combos (especially self-combos) and how they add an entirely new dynamic and synergy to things. obviously you don’t understand how some people could create entire builds without the ability to kill anyone, just designed to protect siege machines or support groups in combat. I won’t even get into the huge intricacies with traits and runes and sigils and such, or how weapons change entire playstyles even within a single profession

No, obviously… it’s just WoW with a dodge button.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.